Qin Lang said a good word too loud, then hung up the phone. Su Mian took the mobile phone from his ear to his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and saved Qin Lang's phone. Note, two fools!

Su Mian took a taxi to the store, bought a suit of clothes to change, and then went to the place Qin Lang said. Qin Lang had been waiting at the door. He was wearing a red sports shirt, which was hard to control, but it was very suitable for him. He was handsome and lively. When he saw Su Mian, he came running, and his hoods were bouncing.

"Sumian, you're here. I thought you weren't coming."

Su Mian was not used to Qin Lang's enthusiasm and explained stiffly, "I have something to do when I came here. I'm sorry for the delay."

"Never mind. I've just arrived." Qin Lang smiles brightly and stares at Su Mian.

Su Mian was embarrassed. Looking at the sweat on Qin Lang's forehead, she couldn't help but laugh. She looked over him to the store behind her and said, "is this beef noodle really so delicious?"

Qin Lang just remembered the purpose here, quickly turned around and walked in front, and said, "yes, yes, let's go in. I've made Aunt Xue her best."

Su Mian followed him into the shop.

The shop is not very big. There are only three tables in it. They are very clean, but the layout is very exquisite. Everywhere you can see is scenery.

Qin Lang leads Su Mian to the window and opens the bench for Su Mian. After su Mian sits down, he shouts to the kitchen, "Aunt Xue, we're here. We can go down."

Behind the curtain, a woman answered.

Qin Lang just sat down and poured a cup of tea for Su Mian. "This is the flower tea made by Aunt Xue herself. Try it."

"Thank you."

Su Mian took it over, tasted it, and suddenly opened his eyes, "it's delicious."

Qin Lang's happiness rose by one degree, and he almost wagged his tail. "Right, Aunt Xue said that this is a kind of tea mixed with edible rose and hawthorn. It's delicious and appetizing. Come on, drink more, and you can eat more later."

Su Mian hurried to grab the teapot. "I'll do it myself. You don't have to be so polite."

Qin Lang reaches out half of his hand and is robbed by Su Mian. He is not embarrassed. Instead, he looks at Su Mian admiringly. No matter how thick skinned Su Mian is, he will be a bit evasive if he is stared at like this.

Just then, a voice came from behind to break the embarrassment, "Qin Lang is straight, will not hide his emotions, this lady, you don't mind."

Qin Lang's face was embarrassed. He stood up and took his place. He took the plate and put it on the table.

Su Mian is really surprised to see Aunt Xue. She looks not very old. She's in her forties. She's dressed in a plain skirt and a beautiful bun. She doesn't look like a cook at all. She looks like an artist with excellent cultivation.

She understood why the shop was so exquisite though it was small. The things under her hands would not be bad for such an exquisite person.

"Su Mian, please try it. The noodles are very hot."

Aunt Xue smiles gently and looks at Qin Lang, but she says to Su Mian, "I said, why do you have to call me to make noodles for you when it's over? It's for beauty."

Qin Lang quickly took Aunt Xue's arm and stepped back. "Aunt Xue, noodles must be pickled. Radish is a perfect match. You can get some for me."

"Little devil, I still have a lot to think about." Snow aunt said toward Qin Lang blinked, "I go to get, don't disturb your meal."

This tacit understanding made Qin Lang blush. After two deep breaths, he sat back in his seat again. Su Mian had eaten again.

Qin Lang expected to ask, "how?"

Su Mian thumbed up, "it's really delicious!"

Qin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, "that's good! You just like it. "

At the beginning of the meal, Su Mian didn't speak any more. Qin Lang was also hungry. After Aunt Xue took the pickled radish, she couldn't lift her head. When the battle was over, both of them had some support.

Snow aunt again made a pot of hawthorn tea, took away the empty chopsticks, into the kitchen did not come out.

After half a pot of tea, Qin Lang and Su Mian broke the silence.

"Su Mian, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Qin Lang, what can I do for you?"

Words fall, Su Mian first Lengzheng for a moment, silent for a few seconds, she looked at Qin Lang, seriously said, "sorry, I have someone I like."

Qin Lang blinked, his face became a little depressed, but he didn't give up and asked, "who do you like? That's not together? So, do I have a chance? "

Su Mian shook his head decisively.

Qin Lang's face was depressed, and his eyes looked at Su Mian very sad, like a wronged golden hair. Su Mian held down her hand and said in a warm voice, "Qin Lang, you're the second time to see me. Maybe you're curious. When we get to know each other, you'll know..."

"You mean we can still be friends?"

Su Mian is dumb, Leng Leng nods, "is, is this meaning."

Qin Lang nodded to Su Mian and said, "that's good. I believe I'll move you one day. After all, you're right. We'll meet for the second time. Let's start with friends. Don't worry. By the way, what kind of person do you like? Are you more handsome than me? How old do I know? "

Su Mian showed a polite and embarrassed smile.

Qin Lang is indeed worthy of being a friend with Chi Ruan Ruan. Her nerves and jumping thinking are far beyond ordinary people's expectation. She has no chance to play in a series of prepared speeches.

Speaking of the awkwardness, Qin Lang's liveliness went up to a new level. There was no time for silence at all. He kept talking.

"Ah, by the way, you know, sister Yin Ru was beaten, and it was terrible. I went to see her at noon, and her buttocks were all blooming, and she could only crawl on the bed, and I didn't know if she would squeeze her breasts..."


Su Mian choked on the water by this sentence. He looked at Qin Lang with an indescribable expression. Qin Lang, who was really concerned, asked, "what's the matter?"

"... it's OK. I'll go to the bathroom first."

Qin Lang nodded and pointed the way.

Su Mian went by the kitchen, but she didn't turn on the stove. Aunt Xue sat on the stool in the kitchen, holding a book in her hand and reading it carefully.

Su Mian took a look at it, then took a few more.

Wuthering Heights? Or the English version?


After su Mian came out of the bathroom, their conversation turned into a three person chat. Aunt Xue almost never stopped telling stories, but she was not as dry as Qin Lang's, and her warm and soft voice was better than the story in her mouth.

It's eleven o'clock in the evening when he comes out of the shop. Aunt Xue doesn't live near. When Qin Lang goes out, he says he wants to send her back.

Snow aunt tube good shop door, turned around, a face of hate iron not into steel, "I am an old woman can have anything, you should send Su Mian back."

Qin Lang said seriously, "Su Mian has a fierce fight. It's not a problem to fight three times. Aunt Xue, your legs are inconvenient. I'd better give you a ride."

"..." Aunt Xue looked at Su Mian, "Miss Su, you're laughing."

Su Mian nodded with a smile, "it's OK. I'll go first. I'll take a taxi."

Qin Lang waved, "Su Mian, goodbye. After two days, we'll call Chi Ruan and eat noodles here again."


Su Mian finished, went to the side of the road to take a taxi. There were a lot of empty cars at this point. Within a minute, Su Mian got on the bus. The car drove away, and the two people standing at the door regained their sight.

Snow aunt blame looking at Qin Lang, "you still want to chase girls like this, don't send people back, where have a chance?"

Qin Lang frowned and laughed, "she has just rejected me. I can see that I have no chance at all. In this case, as a friend, I should have a comfortable distance and respect for her. She certainly doesn't want me to send her."

Snow aunt tiny Leng, a moment, just smile and sigh, "you this child, sometimes, silly hopeless, but it happened that, and a Linglong heart."

"More or less than that?"

"It's a little bit more than mindlessness."



Su Mian packed a piece of beef noodles and came back. Aunt Xue saw that she liked to drink scented tea and specially sent a bag to her. Su Mian wanted to go home to give Su Likun a taste, which also relieved the embarrassment of running out before. She didn't expect that she was already asleep after she came back.

Su Mian gave the noodles to Aunt Cen and went upstairs to take a bath.

As soon as the water was put away, the mobile phone got up. Su Mian looked at Wei Yan's phone number, turned off the sound and threw it on the bed.

When she came out of the bath, the screen of her mobile phone was still on. Su Mian was stunned. She ran to pick up her mobile phone. It used to be 90% of the power, but now it's only 5%. Wei Yan's phone hasn't stopped for half an hour?

It seems to have verified her idea. The incoming call just now went black, and the next second it came on again. She was so persistent that she didn't mean to give up at all.

Thinking of the morning message, Su Mian felt that her mobile phone was extremely hot. For a moment, she took a long breath and pressed answer.

"Why don't you answer the phone?" Wei Yan's inquiry came from the phone.

Su Mian calmed down and asked, "Uncle Wei, what's the matter with you so late?"

Wei Yan low voice a little more unhappy, "you know so late, next time don't a person so late to go home."

Su Mian was stunned for a moment and then responded, "Wei Yan, what do you mean? Are you following me? "

"No After Wei Yan finished, he explained, "Qin Wei told me that he was worried about Qin lang..."

"What are you worried about?" Mention Qin Wei, Su Mian is not happy, sneer a way, "worry about me to abduct Qin Lang?"

Wei Yan was silent for a long time this time. Su Mian thought that he had nothing to say. He took down his mobile phone and wanted to hang up. But Wei Yan's voice came back, "I'm worried that Qin Lang likes his sister-in-law."

Su Mian did not hear clearly, put the phone back to his ear, "what? What sister-in-law? "

"Qin Lang calls me brother Wei, and I'm afraid..."