Her brother's words were very clear, and she was just heard by Yin Hong. She was excited, surprised, surprised, moved, happy and so on. She ran to meow and asked meow to call her mother. But meow pursed her little mouth and didn't make a sound. After Yin Hong taught her for a long time, meow called her brother again, Xu is forced by his mother, and meow meow starts to cry at the top of her voice. This makes Yin Hong angry. She calls her daughter Bai Yang.

Xu is the reason why Diandian feeds Miaomiao porridge. Xu is like Yin Hong. Miaomiao is a appearance Association. In short, Miaomiao really likes Diandian. The first thing she wakes up in the morning is to ask Yin Hong to bring her to Diandian brother. After playing in Lin Yixia's house all day, Yin Hong wants to take Miaomiao home. Miaomiao doesn't want to say anything, and even hides under the table several times, When Yin Hong forced meow to go home, meow held one leg of the table and could hear the howling three miles away.

However, because Diandian went to school, except for weekends, from Monday to Friday, Miaomiao could hardly see Diandian in the daytime. However, Miaomiao was not discouraged. After a round of searching, he did not find Diandian's brother and played with Xiaohua.

However, Xiaohua doesn't like to play with meow. She is still worried about her brother's feeding meow porridge last time. However, meow is like a follower, always calling her sister after her. After a long time, Xiaohua reluctantly takes meow to play with her.

Anyway, when her brother is not at home, no one can play with her.

So, when Yin Hong comes with meow, Lin Yixia shouts: "Xiaohua, your godmother and meow sister are coming. Come out and have a look."

At this time, meow looked around the whole room as usual. When he didn't find Diandian's brother, meow sighed with disappointment.

Lin Yixia and Yin Hong are happy in this scene.

Lin Yixia bent down to tease meow on purpose, "meow meow likes brother Diandian so much. How about being a wife for brother Diandian in the future?"

Meow meow blinked, then nodded, "OK..."

Lin Yixia and Yin Hong are more happy when they hear that Lin Yixia and his mother are laughing. Miaomiao doesn't know what Lin Yixia and his mother are laughing at. She smiles with her eyes narrowed into a seam.

After laughing, meow meow raised his neck and called, "sister..."

The elder sister in meow's mouth refers to Xiaohua. Lin Yixia said, "my elder sister is in the bathroom. I went in for a while and I don't know what to do in it."

There are several large and small basins in the bathroom. Xiaohua often fills the basin with water and puts the skin duck on the water to play.

The little flower in the bathroom probably heard someone say her name. She said, "I'm very busy!"

Lin Yixia and Yin Hong were happy again. Yin Hong took meow's hand and said, "let's go and see what sister Xiaohua is doing."

Lin Yixia also went to the bathroom with her. When she got to the bathroom, she saw Xiaohua squatting on the toilet in Altman's shape, snorting and pulling Baba.

Xiaohua is now three years old, and she can pull Baba by herself. Every time she wants someone to help her take off her pants and put them on, but this time she actually takes them off, even though they are crooked.

Yin Hong said with a smile: "Oh, Xiaohua is wonderful. She can go to the toilet by herself."

Floret also does not make a sound, two small hands on the knee, small face red, obviously is concentrating on the force of pulling Baba, no time to take care of other.

Lin Yi said to Yin Hong in the Xia Dynasty, "take meow to the living room."

Xiaohua is pulling Baba, which naturally smells bad. She will stay here and wipe Xiaohua's ass later.

Yin Hong said, "good!" Will pull meow meow out, meow meow is not willing to go out, she stood there, a pair of eyes blink also did not blink, has been looking at the pull Baba flowers.

Yin Hong stretched out her hand and patted meow's head gently. She said with a smile, "what's good about Baba? You have to do it several times a day. "

Meow meow looked at it for a while. He thought there was nothing good to see, so he went out of the bathroom with his mother.

When Lin Yixia finished wiping Xiaohua's buttocks, Xiaohua came out bouncing. She ran to Yin Hong and called, "godmother!"

Yin Hong looked at Xiaohua and said, "it's only a week since I saw her. How can I feel that Xiaohua has grown up again?"

Lin Yixia came over and said with a smile, "children, it's time to grow up. Every day is the same."

Yin Hong looked at Xiaohua and tut tut said, "I've lost a lot of weight too. At this point, Xiaohua looks like you."

Lin Yixia also began to carefully look at Xiaohua's facial features, and then she said: "how do I think she looks more like her father?"

Yin Hong said: "her eyes look like her father, but her face and mouth look like you. Oh, no matter who you look like, it's absolutely the same look!"

When Lin Yixia and Yin Hong talk, Xiaohua stands beside her deliberately. Every time Jiang Chen and Lin Yixia measure her height, they ask her to stand at attention. She is used to standing up, so whenever someone says she is tall, she will stand up unconsciously.

Yin Hong noticed Xiaohua's action and held out her hand to touch her head with a smile. "Xiaohua is so cute. Tell your godmother why everyone likes you so much?"

Xiaohua is not modest at all, grinning: "Mom, Dad, brother and mother-in-law all say I'm very good, a beautiful baby!"

One side of Lin Yixia heard this, almost fell a somersault!

Jiang Xiaohua, whose is your narcissism inherited?!