Lin Yixia picked up the Gardenia on the pillow and put it to his nose to smell it. Then he sighed, "it's really fragrant!"

She remembers that when she was a child, a large gardenia was planted in front of her grandmother's house in the countryside. Every time the flowers bloom, the fragrance is strong. Although Lin Yixia was small at that time, he loved beauty very much. He often wore Gardenia on his head and ran all over the village. Grandmother also likes gardenia, she will dry Gardenia tea to drink.

Diandian immediately asked for credit. With pride and pride on his face, he said, "I planted gardenias. I just counted them and opened sixteen. Grandma said that they would open more in a few days."

Lin Yixia took a kiss on Diandian's face and praised: "Diandian is so powerful!"

Diandian was praised by her mother, and she blushed.

Dian Dian has grown up, and is very embarrassed to kiss his mother, but it can't be denied that he likes his mother to kiss him, which makes him clearly feel his mother's love for him.

The little flower on one side was not willing to be outdone. She spread out her hand and rubbed it to pieces. She could not see the original shape of Gardenia. She held it high and said: "hair..."

"Oh, Xiaohua, you know it's a flower." Lin Yixia hugs Xiaohua and kisses her on her face.

Floret this just happy, in the mother's arms like a pig rub to rub, hair rub Lin Yixia body straight itch.

Lin Yixia can't help but think about going to shave Xiaohua's head again, but now it's more difficult to take Xiaohua to have a haircut, because as soon as Xiaohua sees the barber's shop, she doesn't go in at all. If she carries Xiaohua into it by force, she can hear her cry three miles away. Fortunately, after several hairless haircuts, her hair is much thicker and blacker than before, which gives Lin Yixia some comfort. She is really afraid that Xiaohua is fat, yellow and thin. Then she may not be able to marry.

In fact, Lin Yixia's worry is really superfluous. When a child is just born to one or two years old, most of his hair is yellow and thin. It's better to be older.

Diandian looked at Xiaohua and said, "fat Xiaohua, it's flower, not hair. You say it again, flower, flower..."

Xiaohua shouts after her brother, "Fa..."





Diandian stretched out his hand, pointed Xiaohua's big head and said, "fat Xiaohua, you are so stupid. Your name is Xiaohua. How can you not even speak about flowers?"

Xiaohua is angry and aggrieved and shrivels her mouth, and then the word is still, "Fa..."

Lin Yixia laughed to the side until he had a stomachache.


Liu Yu's mother knows that when Lin Yixia and Jiang Chen leave Diandian and Xiaohua and go out to live in a world of two people, they are envious. Since she gave birth to Liu Yu, she has never been anywhere and has been around Liu Yu all day. However, there is nothing she can do about it. Liu Yu is a premature baby. She is too weak to take good care of her. Now Liu Yu is getting older, and she seldom gets sick. In addition, Liu Yu's mother wants to have a second child, so she finds a time when Liu Yu's father is not very busy to go to the love sea with Liu Yu's father.

Before leaving, Liu Yu's mother entrusted Liu Yu to Lin Yixia, let Lin Yixia take care of Liu Yu.

Lin Yixia doesn't have much time to take care of her children because she is going to make a movie, so the task of taking care of her children falls on grandma Jiang. Grandma Jiang doesn't think it's troublesome to take one with her and three with her. Diandian and Liu Yu are both big and sensible and obedient. Among the three children, Xiaohua is the most mischievous and has no spare time.