Xiaohua is asking where mom and dad are?

Diandian said: "Mom and dad are working and making money, so my brother can go to kindergarten, and Xiaohua has beautiful clothes to wear."

Xiaohua shriveled her mouth when she heard this. After several seconds, she said: "don't... Float wine... Clothes..."

At Xiaohua's age, N and L are somewhat indistinguishable, and H and F are also somewhat unclear, so beautiful will be said by her as floating wine, obedient will be said by her as listening hair.

But it doesn't stop Xiaohua from expressing her meaning. Her meaning is very simple. She wants mom and dad instead of beautiful clothes.

Diandian was a little sad after hearing this. In fact, he didn't think so in his heart? But now he's in the big class of kindergarten. He's a big kid. No matter what he thinks in his heart, he can't say it, because he knows that mom and dad work very hard. He can't let mom and dad worry any more.

Thinking of this, Diandian touched Xiaohua's head and said, "Xiaohua is obedient. Mom and dad will be back soon."

Xiaohua reminds her brother, "find... Dad... Find... Mom..."

Diandian said, "OK, find dad and find mom."

After pulling Baba, Xiaohua pouts up her buttocks consciously. Diandian takes a paper towel to wipe her ass. after wiping her ass, Diandian throws the black plastic bag containing Xiaohua Baba into the garbage can, and then takes Xiaohua to the wash desk, wipes her hands with a wet towel, and washes her hands. After all this, Diandian takes Xiaohua to wash her hands, Diandian leads Xiaohua to the table and starts to feed Xiaohua for breakfast.

Because Xiaohua knew that she was going to visit her parents after breakfast, she was very cooperative in feeding this time. She ate with her mouth open and pursed. After a while, most of the porridge came to the end.

After feeding Xiaohua, Diandian ate another bowl of porridge. Because Xiaohua had been urging her to go to her parents, Diandian ate quickly and finished the porridge in less than two minutes.

After breakfast, Diandian changed shoes for Xiaohua and led Xiaohua out of the door. Diandian wanted to take Xiaohua around the yard to see the flowers he planted, but Xiaohua didn't want to see the flowers. She pointed to the direction of the distance and cried: "look for... Dad... Look for... Mom..."

A little coax a way: "there is big gray wolf there, can't go."

As soon as Xiaohua heard this, she began to cry and stamp her feet while crying, "brother... Cheat silver..."

But he also knew that he couldn't take his sister far away because it was not safe outside. But when he took Xiaohua home, Xiaohua hid a pair of hands behind her and didn't let her go. She began to burp and still kept crying.

In this way, Diandian has no choice but to lead Xiaohua forward and try to persuade her to go back. But as long as Diandian leads Xiaohua back, Xiaohua will cry

After walking for about ten minutes, Xiaohua was tired and thirsty. She licked her lips and said to Diandian, "brother... Thirsty..."

Diandian brought Xiaohua out without anything. Seeing a cake shop not far away, he could only take Xiaohua in to see if he could get some water.

There was no one in the cake shop at the moment. There was only a saleswoman in her twenties standing in front of the cashier playing with her mobile phone. When she heard someone coming in, she put down her mobile phone and said, "welcome to..."

When a five or six-year-old boy and a one or two-year-old girl came in, and there was no adult following, the salesman's mouth immediately opened wide.