Wang Mou's comment area has been turning down, and his smile is getting deeper and deeper. Although there are some people who spray Lin Yixia, and others who fight, most of them praise Lin Yixia's beauty, feel novel and excited about Lin Yixia's comeback, and express that they have strong expectation and hope for the content and broadcast time of the film.

This is the effect Wang Mou wanted, even better than he expected.

Wang Mou put down his mobile phone and laughed with satisfaction. He had a good sleep this evening and would watch the hot search headlines tomorrow morning.


Yang Weiyan pressed the brim of her hat, carrying a fruit basket and a bunch of flowers, and walked into a high-end community. After she got on the elevator, she looked anxiously at the constantly changing red numbers on the small frequency screen. When the elevator really reached the 19th floor, she hesitated instead.

She doesn't know if Xu will see her this time?!

This woman, Yang Weiyan, is Xu Lai's wife. They got married in August last year.

Speaking of their marriage, it's more like a game. When Yang Weiyan was playing in a bar with a few friends, he saw Xu Lai drinking alone with a wine glass. At a glance, Xu Lai was very eye-catching.

Because Xu LAICHANG looks forward to being in the army. Even if he is sitting, his posture is very straight and upright. He has a very positive temperament. In addition, Xu LAICHANG is tall and handsome. When he looks at people, he always habitually squints his eyes slightly, which makes people feel particularly ruffian.

This "ruffian and upright" temperament immediately attracted Yang Weiyan's attention. Yang Weiyan took a glass of wine and went to talk to Xu Lai.

Yang Weiyan is hot and sexy, but in fact she is not very beautiful. Her facial features are ordinary, but she can dress up very well. From clothes to shoes to handbags, her whole body is no less than 100000 yuan. The reason why Xu Lai and Yang Weiyan got married quickly is that Yang Weiyan is a second generation official. Her father is the chief of staff of the military region of B city, holding the power.

Yang Weiyan is a smart woman. She also guesses that Xu Lai has her family background with her, but she is also very confident. She thinks Xu Lai must like herself, just as she likes Xu Lai.

Yang Weiyan fell in love with Xu Lai at first sight. Although Yang Weiyan loves to play, her private life is not too wild. She will not go to bed with a man casually unless he is handsome and in good shape.

Xu Lai is very good at coaxing women. Besides knowing that Yang Weiyan has such a powerful father, he devotes all his energy to coaxing Yang Weiyan. He also works hard in bed at night.

Xu lairen is tall and handsome. He has good ability and is flexible in handling affairs. He has been promoted in the army for many years. At present, he is a platoon commander in the military region of L City. Originally, he had the hope to be promoted to company commander, but in the end, the position of company commander was decided by a nephew of the division commander. When Xu Lai is angry, he doesn't want to stay here any more. City L is relatively backward and can't compare with a big city like city B.

What Xu wants to go to is city B, because city B is very big and has more opportunities and prospects.

It's not that there is no chance for the troops to move northward. It's just that there are very few of them, and they are basically determined by their internal relations. It's not easy for Xu Lai to be transferred, but he won't wait to die. He creates opportunities without opportunities.

When Xu Lai came to work in B city, he asked a friend to help him find a political commissar of the military region of B city to have a meal. Unexpectedly, the political commissar's spectrum was very big. Xu Lai asked him for three times, but he didn't have time. Xu Lai couldn't vent his frustration, so he went to a bar to have a drink. While he was drinking, he was accosted by Yang Weiyan.