Afraid of too many people, Jiang Chen squeezed Lin Yixia and Diandian, and then held Lin Yixia tightly in one hand and Diandian in the other hand. He opened his mouth to the group of people who had been following them: "don't follow any more. I don't want us to go back to Shengli town in the future."

Although Jiangchen's tone is light, Lin Yixia knows that Jiangchen is angry. There are two obvious characteristics of Jiangchen's anger: one is that his face turns slightly blue, the other is that he frowns frequently.

The leader was a young woman in her twenties. She looked like a college student. After hearing Jiang Chen's words, she yelled to the people behind her: "the photos have been taken too. Let's break up! The male gods and goddesses need private space. We should all respect them! "

After listening to Jiang Chen's words just now and the young woman's shouting, the people who followed Jiang Chen's family were reluctant, but they didn't make a fuss. Instead, they spontaneously dispersed.

Naturally, they don't want the male goddess to go back to Shengli town in the future.

I'm Li Yufei. I'm a sophomore this year. I like you very much. I'm a loyal fan of you. Not only me, but my whole family like you very much, because you are from Shengli town. Every time I mention you to my roommate, I feel that my face is very bright Speaking of this, Li Yufei laughed a little embarrassed.

Lin Yixia also couldn't help laughing, she said: "thank you, and thank your family!"

Li Yufei said excitedly: "although the male god is no longer acting and the goddess is no longer participating in reality show, I will still like you as always! Your love has spread all over Shengli town middle school. It's really super beautiful

Lin Yixia thought of her and Jiang trace junior high school, can't help laughing more happy, and then think of these things actually spread in the school, can't help but be a little shy. She raised her eyes to look at Jiangchen. At this time, Jiangchen was also looking at her. They had four eyes opposite each other. There was only one another in their eyes, as well as the inseparable love and affection. Not far away, Li Yufei quickly picked up his mobile phone and photographed the scene of Jiang trace and Lin Yixia looking at each other.

In addition to the couplet firecrackers, he also bought lantern fireworks, paper money and other things. Lantern fireworks are all little by little. The paper money is for the sacrifice of mother Lin and grandma Lin. looking at Jiang Chen's everything, Lin Yixia feels very warm.

She is so lucky to have such a good husband. What she thought, he can do for her. What she didn't expect, he can do for her, so that she doesn't have any worries.

In addition, they also bought a lot of food, maltose, sesame sugar, peanut sugar... Especially when they saw the breakfast stand selling zongzi at the corner of Shengli middle school was still there, Lin Yixia almost screamed with joy.

Jiangchen peels off a zongzi for Lin Yixia, blows it on his mouth, and then hands it to Lin Yixia's mouth. Lin Yixia can't wait to lower her head and takes a big bite. She squints her eyes contentedly while chewing.

It's the familiar and nostalgic taste.

Point to see my mother eat dumplings to eat so fragrant, busy holding dad's legs, mouth said: "I want to."

Jiangchen squats down and passes Lin Yixia's big mouthful of zongzi to Diandian. Diandian takes a bite. Jiangchen asks Diandian: "your mother used to like the zongzi here best. Is it delicious?"

Nodded while chewing heavily nodded, "delicious!"

What mom likes to eat, for no reason, is delicious!