"Stop it. Stop it. Watch the movie first."

Jiang Nan Shen threw the iPad to the other end of the bed and said, "it's all that. I'm tired of seeing too much!"

Lin Yixia couldn't help roaring: "it's you who pulled me to watch it together!"

Jiang Nan Shen's mouth curved a lot. He said, "after studying, it's time to practice!"

After that, the postures in the film have been practiced all over the world. The bed, chair, table, floor and window all leave traces of their love


Zhao Yingying was disheartened and driven out. Instead of going to the house Wu Wei found for her, she found another hotel to stay in. When she got to the hotel, the first thing Zhao Yingying did was to call Wu's mother and add some embellishment to her just "inhuman" experience and cry with Wu's mother.

"Auntie, wuwuwu, you're going to make the decision for me. I was almost strangled. Now I still have marks on my neck. Wuwuwu... I thought I would never see you again. I was scared to death..."

Wu mother heard Zhao Yingying's words, her whole body was trembling with anger, "it's wrong, this cheap hoof is wrong, I beat you not, but also find someone to beat you, does she want to kill me?"

Zhao Yingying cried and said: "Auntie, I really like you. Even if I can't be your daughter-in-law, I'd like to chat with you and go shopping with you. In my heart, I've long regarded you as my own mother! So, I don't want to see you suffer. If all this happened to you today, I can't imagine the consequences! "

"How dare she?" Mother Wu said angrily, "I'll call my son now. I have to go to Beijing. Yingying, don't be afraid. My aunt will go to Beijing soon to support you."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Yingying complacently laughs. Mother Wu is coming, and Yin Hong's good life has come to an end. What happened to her today, Zhao Yingying, she must give it back to Yin Hong ten times and a hundred times, so that Yin Hong can also taste the taste of being slapped, strangled and driven out of her home.


The hourly worker came. She was a middle-aged woman about 50 years old. She was honest, but she worked very fast. In two hours, she cleaned up the house inside and outside. Yin Hong asked the hourly worker to throw away all the quilts, sheets and pillows in the room where Zhao Yingying lived. When the hourly worker saw that the quilts, sheets and pillows were new, he said, "it's a pity to throw them away, Can I take it home? "

Working as an hourly laborer, her family is not well off. Yin Hong also knows this. She said, "OK, if you think you can use it, take it home."

After thinking about it, Yin Hong pulled out a big bag of clothes from the cupboard and said to the hourly worker, "these are the clothes my boyfriend and I wear. They are not new clothes, but they can still be worn. You can see what your family can wear. If you don't mind, you can choose some."

Although the hourly workers have never seen the world, they know that the clothes are not cheap. Moreover, the clothes look very good. They are neither broken nor wrinkled, and they are neatly folded.

Hourly workers pick clothes while a strong toward Yin Hong said thank you.

Yin Hong waved her hand and said, "you're welcome. It's not a new dress."

Hourly workers have worked for many families, but few of them are as talkative as Yin Hong. The richer the family is, the more mean they are. They not only watch her work, but also let her wipe the floor on her knees. In order to prevent her from stealing, they also install a lot of cameras at home. Even if they have old clothes and appliances, they would rather throw them away than give them to her. But Yin Hong is totally different. She has no airs at all. She doesn't look at herself and is willing to give her things she doesn't need. Even when she is ready to leave, Yin Hong takes out some big apples from the fruit tray and puts them into her hands.