Jin Meiyan is the name of the elder martial sister.

Bai Han is extremely disgusted with this title. He is a man, and he doesn't need to depend on a woman to live. However, to say so on the Internet denies all his efforts, saying that he is a man who depends on a woman.

Bai Han can't tolerate this at all, so Bai Han works harder. He spends all his time practicing dancing and composing songs except sleeping, eating, and announcing normal activities and concerts. When Jin Meiyan comes to find him again, Bai Han is always in a busy state. Sometimes, she doesn't even say a word.

After a long time, Jin Meiyan understood that Bai Han didn't mean that to him. In fact, she is not reconciled. She is beautiful and famous, and there are so many men chasing her. But she just falls in love with Bai Han, a man with delicate appearance and polite manners. She thought that as long as she takes the initiative, Bai Han will definitely like herself, but unexpectedly, Bai Han deliberately avoids herself.

Once, Jin Meiyan went to Bai Han's dormitory to look for Bai Han. At that time, Bai Han just came back from the practice room. When other members of the dormitory saw this, they all avoided it. There were only Bai Han and Jin Meiyan in the dormitory.

Bai Han can't help but ask Jin Meiyan to sit on the sofa and pour her a drink.

Jin Meiyan takes out a cigarette from her pocket, lights it up and spits out. The action is indescribable. However, Bai Han hates people who smoke. He doesn't drink or smoke, so when Jin Meiyan spits out a cigarette, although he doesn't give in, he frowns unconsciously.

Bai Han's frowning movement is captured by Jin Meiyan. She is hurt and asks, "do you hate me?"

Bai Han shook his head, "No."

Jin Meiyan asked, "then why don't you get along with me?"

Bai Han said, "you are my elder martial sister."

Jin Meiyan was stunned for a few seconds, then she burst out laughing. Her smile was full of bitterness. She asked, "do you think I'm older than you?"

Bai Han shook his head. "It's not the reason."

"What's that for?"

Bai Han said, "you are my elder martial sister."

Jin Meiyan feels that she has lost her temper completely because of Bai Han, but she is not willing to be angry with Bai Han, who is such a beautiful person. She takes a few cigarettes and then stands up and says, "OK, I understand, little younger martial brother."

Bai Han politely sees off Jin Meiyan, but unexpectedly, the next day he hears that Jin Meiyan was drinking in a bar last night, driving after drinking, and had a rear end collision with another car, resulting in an accident.

Bai Han and other members of the group take flower baskets and fruits to see Jin Meiyan. Jin Meiyan's face and right leg are injured, but it's just skin injury. It's OK.

It was the first time that Bai Han saw Su Yan's Jin Meiyan. Jin Meiyan was only 27 years old, but Su Yan looked more than ten years older than her actual age. Because of the sequelae of the car accident, her nose collapsed. Her left and right face were big and small, and her mouth was crooked. She looked very terrible and didn't look like a normal human at all.

In the past, Bai Han heard that Korean stars all have plastic surgery, but he didn't believe it. Now when he sees Jin Meiyan, he believes it. Jin Meiyan obviously has plastic surgery, otherwise it won't be like this because of a minor car accident.

Sure enough, after a while, Jin Meiyan was pushed into the plastic surgery room.

Bai Han is really scared. For many nights, he will have nightmares. In the dream, Jin Meiyan, who has a collapsed nose and a crooked mouth and faces of different sizes on both sides, tears off the skin on her face. Suddenly, she turns into a monster full of flesh and blood, and wants to eat him with her mouth open.