There are many such examples on TV, some children because of their parents' divorce, extreme thinking, do illegal things, go on a road of no return.

Therefore, although many couples have no feelings, they still choose to maintain the family for the sake of their children.

Mother Lin has many worries. The first one she worries about is her daughter. She is afraid that her daughter will be affected. So before, she tried very hard to maintain the family.

But the fact that her daughter was beaten made her understand that compromise and tolerance will only hurt her daughter.

She begged Lin Jun in a low voice, but Lin Jun did not care about her feelings for more than ten years and her daughter at all. She would not come back to this home because of her compromise, or even hurt their mother and daughter even more. She did not know what the meaning of her persistence was.

So she asked her daughter, as long as her daughter supports her divorce, then she will not insist on it.

At this point, mother Lin doesn't care about her face. Lin Jun's attitude towards her and her daughter is really chilling to her.

Lin Yixia did not expect that her mother would decide to divorce so soon. She was stunned for a moment and then said, "I agree with you to divorce him."

It's just him, not Dad.

That man is not her father.

Her father has always loved and loved her, and this person who only bullies her and her mother is not her father.

The moment her daughter said that, mother Lin felt calm and even relieved.

During this period of time, she was burdened with so much that she was finally able to take a breath.

She nodded and reached for her daughter's curled hair. "Nothing else. Mom just doesn't want it to affect you. Mom wants you to be as happy as before. Do you understand?"

Lin Yixia heard this, a sour nose, almost tears, although her father does not love her, but there is so love her mother.

Her mother is the best mother in the world.

Lin Yixia held out her hand, put her head on her shoulder and said, "Mom, I know I won't be unhappy. It's right for you to choose a divorce. There's no need for such a person to aggrieve yourself. I'm so old and not a child. I'll study hard and go to college. After that, I'll make a lot of money for you to live in a villa, Take you around the world by air. "

Mother Lin couldn't help laughing when she heard this, and she began to cry again.

How can a good person change his mind? How can a good home be scattered!


Lin Yixia gently comforts her mother. At last, Lin Yixia simply lets her mother sleep on her bed. The mother and daughter talk about it for one night. Later, when her mother falls asleep, Lin Yixia gently breathes out a breath.

Although she comforted her mother and said that she supported her divorce, Lin Yixia was not happy. After all, it was not a happy thing.

She will really have no father in the future!

At the thought of this, Lin Yixia couldn't help crying. The tears she shed in these two days were more than those in the 14 years before her.

It's OK, there's mom, it's OK, there's grandma, it's OK, there's Jiangchen.

Fortunately, these people who love themselves are here.


Although mother Lin agreed to divorce, divorce is not a matter of one or two sentences. The division of property involved in divorce and the upbringing of children bring a series of complicated problems.

Moreover, in addition to these problems, there are also man-made obstacles. Lin Jun has never been back since he went home last time for a fight. His mother never waited for Lin Jun to call back when she called him on his pager. Her mother wanted to go to the county to find Lin Jun, but recently her unit was busy and had to wait for time to pass.