On the noisy street, a woman pulled a woman and asked anxiously, "Have you seen a child who is only five years old and grows so tall..."

The woman gestured at her height, her eyes were full of panic and pleading.

The woman pushed her away impatiently and said, "I haven't seen it, I haven't seen it, don't get in the way."

The woman continued to search. She asked the people who passed by over and over again, and the answers she got were all negative, which made her sallow face paler and paler, and her haggard face was full of tears.

"Cheng'er...Cheng'er...where are you? Don't scare your mother..."

The people who passed by talked about her.

"What a careless mother. You don't even know the child is lost." Someone laughed and said: "In recent years, more and more people are taking photos of Hanako. If you are targeted by the photoshooters, don't expect to find it back. .”

"Okay, don't say a few words, people are already very worried."

"What's the use of worrying? So what do you bring a small child to the city? Looking at her, she doesn't look like a rich person, so she can't bring her child to play, right? If she doesn't come to play, it's better to throw the child away. At home, let the elderly at home take care of it. That's better than traveling around the city with you!"

"Okay, you care so much about other people's affairs. Let's go!"

The woman searched all the way, but everyone said that she had never seen the child. She cried loudly: "Cheng'er..."

"Cheng Erniang..." A woman from the same village saw a woman sitting on the ground crying, her eyes flashed with surprise. "What are you doing here? Your Cheng'er is walking around, why don't you look at him?"

When the woman sitting on the ground heard it, her crying stopped immediately. Wiping her tears, she got up, grabbed the woman and said, "Auntie, have you seen our Chenger?"

"I've seen it! The big dog in our village passed by here just now. Cheng'er usually likes to play with him the most. When he saw him, he ran away. Now the two children have gone to your third-bedroom shop."

"Sanfang's shop? Uncle San? Did they open a shop here?" The woman said in surprise, and suddenly remembered that this was not something she should care about. She thanked the woman and followed the woman's instructions Headed in the direction of Lingjia Hotel.

Ling's Hotel.

As Ling Muer guessed, today's guests are much less, not half of yesterday's. But today's price has increased, so the profit will not be low. What she has to do now is to stabilize the source of customers today, so that these guests will miss their meals every day. This way their business will continue.

"Guests, thank you for coming today. Although today's prices have returned to normal prices, our Ling's restaurant is not stingy. Every guest will have a gift from our Ling's." Ling Muer took out a small bottle , which contains a special seasoning. It was the seasoning she made by frying small fish and shrimp in the space. "This is the seasoning of our Ling family. When you sprinkle a little bit of it when you eat noodles, the noodles will become delicious. Don't look at such a small bottle, it is worth at least two taels of silver. It is made of our Ling family. We don’t dare to give it like this every day, otherwise you will see our shop closed in a few days. This gift is only for today. As for tomorrow... tomorrow’s matter, no one can say No, you guys?"

"Little boss, you're deliberately trying to appease us! In order to know what tricks you have tomorrow, we have to come here tomorrow!" Someone teased.

"That's right. Anyway, our Ling family is not stingy, and we will have gifts every day in the future. It's just that the gifts are different every day. Maybe the gifts will not be very expensive, but what matters is our heart. We hope that every time the guests I can feel at home, so I want to bring you a better taste enjoyment."

"Little Boss's mouth is really good at talking. With your heart, we have to come here in the future."

"Yes, yes!"

There are not as many customers today as yesterday, and the shop looks orderly. Ling Mu'er also had time to come out to get some air.

She suddenly felt that if she stayed in the kitchen every day, she would not be able to do other things. Could it be that her future life will only be in the kitchen? It's a scary thing. No, she doesn't want to be like this every day.

After this time is over, she will buy three people who know how to cook, and then pass on her secret recipe to them. In this way, she can be the hands-off shopkeeper without having to stay in the shop every day.

She didn't want to guard this shop for the rest of her life. With her ability, what she wants to do most is to practice medicine in the world.

"Cheng'er..." Ling Dazhi came out in surprise when he saw the little boy standing at the door. "Why are you here?"

"And me..." Another boy stood beside him. The boy was slightly older, his face was covered with mud, as if he had just rolled out of the mud.

The little boy Ling Dazhi saw looked at Ling Dazhi in fear, and held the other boy's hand tightly.

"Big Gouzi, why are you running around with Cheng'er?" Cheng'er is Ling Zicheng, the son of his younger brother Ling Lin, who is five years old this year.

"I didn't lead Cheng'er to run around." The big dog sniffed. "I'm hungry, and my mother asked me to wait for her under the eaves. But after waiting for so long, I was hungry, and she still didn't come back. I smelled this scent and followed me. Cheng'er was willing to follow me, but I didn't either." Method."

"Since you're hungry, Uncle will invite you to eat!" Ling Dazhi patted Ling Zicheng's head. "OK?"

Ling Zicheng looked at Ling Dazhi cautiously and nodded slightly.

Mother said that you can't eat other people's things, but this person is his third uncle, so it shouldn't matter! Besides, it smells really good. He really wants to eat.

"Uncle, is this your shop?" Big Gouzi is a child from the village, usually like a monkey spirit. Now a pair of eyes are rolling round and round, looking very aura.

He knew Ling Dazhi and knew that he was not a bad person. As soon as Ling Dazhi said to invite them to eat, he dragged Ling Zicheng into the shop without hesitation, and found an empty seat to sit down.

Ling Zicheng is Ling Dazhi's biological nephew. Usually the two families rarely move around, and Ling Zicheng is often locked in the room, so he is more embarrassed than Da Gouzi.

However, Mother told him that the third uncle's family is very nice, better than the second uncle's family, and they will not bully him. So Ling Zicheng is just a little shy now.

"Cheng'er is here?" Seeing Ling Zicheng, Mrs. Yang said happily, "What do you want to eat? The third aunt will serve it for you."

"I...I..." Ling Zicheng is only five years old after all, it's good to be able to sit here without being scared away, how do you know what you want to eat?

"I know..." Da Gouzi raised his arm. "He wants to eat the skewers from your place, it smells so good!"

He saw it at the door just now. The good-looking big brother is selling skewers, there are a lot of small meat in it, which is delicious.

As soon as Da Gouzi finished speaking, he saw a large plate in front of him, with dozens of skewers on it.

Da Gouzi looked up and saw a tall man standing in front of him. The man was taller than his father, and his face was expressionless and fierce. He shivered with fright.

At this time, Yang Shi had already gone to the kitchen to tell Ling Muer. Ling Mu'er heard that Ling Zicheng was here, and this child was born by the Lan family, following her mother's temperament.

"Mother, cook some dumplings for them!" Ling Muer said to Yang Shi, "They like skewers, so let them eat whatever they want. Auntie will find them later."

Yang knew that Lan usually took Ling Zicheng very closely, and she almost always took care of the child herself, and she didn't want Wang to intervene in Ling Zicheng's affairs. Lan's family is a very upright person. She doesn't want her child to become like Wang. Therefore, from childhood to adulthood, Ling Zicheng was taken care of by the Lan family, and Ling Lin was basically a nominal father.

Ling Muer saw Ling Lin kick her son with her own eyes. That man followed his mother, full of male robbers and female prostitutes, it was really disgusting.

The few people in the old house, except Dafang's family, Lan's family and Xiao Cheng'er, are not bad. She wanted to help Da Fang, but unfortunately they did not separate and Da Fang was still under Wang's control. Even if she helped Da Fang, the money earned by Da Fang would only fall into Wang's hands in the end. So, she stopped thinking about it.

"Xiao Chenger..." Ling Ziyu and Yang Xiaohu came out and saw Ling Zicheng sitting there. The two sat opposite to Ling Zicheng.

When the big dog saw Ling Ziyu, he rolled his eyes, showed his yellow teeth, and passed a skewer over: "Yu'er, I'll eat it for you."

Ling Ziyu didn't understand what Da Gouzi was thinking, so he took the string and said, "Thank you. You can eat it! If I want to eat, my sister will make it for me."

"I really envy you, now you can eat delicious food every day." Da Gouzi sighed, "You couldn't even eat before."

Ling Ziyu blushed. He looked at Ling Zicheng and said, "Xiao Cheng'er, why don't you eat?"

"I want to keep it for my mother..." Ling Zicheng said weakly.

At this time, an anxious voice came from outside: "Cheng'er..."

"Mother..." Ling Zicheng immediately stood up.

Lan's has already seen Ling Zicheng. Ling Zicheng sat at the table with a lot of food in front of him. At that moment, Lan's tears could not be stopped.

She strode over, hugged him, and slapped his ass hard: "You brat, how can you run around? I'm so anxious."

Ling Zicheng was beaten, and his butt hurt terribly. He pouted aggrievedly, but didn't cry.

Yang just came out with the cooked dumplings. She saw Lan and said, "Fourth sibling, the child is here with us, so don't worry. Don't scare the child."

When Lan saw Yang, she said embarrassedly: "Sister-in-law, this child is running around, scaring me all over the street. I was scared to death."

"I asked them just now, and Da Gouzi said that Cheng'er followed him. Da Gouzi is a very smart kid, and there will be nothing wrong with him." Mrs. Yang glanced at Da Gouzi. "In the future, if you want to take Xiao Cheng'er to other places to play, you have to tell the adults. Today really scared your aunt. Brat, don't you admit your mistake?"

Da Gouzi said while eating skewers: "Yes, it is my fault. Aunts, please stop scolding me."