After returning to the hotel, he first opened a room for Heidi, sent off Kenny and Mansour with a thief smile, and Heidi with a curious baby (after all, they are ordinary people. As a new Yorker, they are naturally familiar with the Waldorf Hotel and full of curiosity). He hugged Harry berry and went back to his suite.

He said hello to Wang Siqing and asked Wang Siqing to have a rest. Next, naturally, it was Li Feng's favorite program. Holding the emotional Harry berry, the black pearl, he went back to his room and didn't sleep tonight.

In the early morning, it was still a little cold in New York in January. Although the room was due to central air conditioning and moderate temperature, Li Feng, who had just had a "morning exercise", was tired of holding black pearl in his warm and comfortable quilt, talking about sweet love words, life and gossip.

"Harry, get ready and let your family move to Los Angeles. I can help you in case of anything. Do you think so?" Looking at the Black Pearl subsidizing his chest, Li Feng stroked the beauty's delicate body and said with a smile.

Listening to Li Feng's concern, black pearl, who lacked fatherly love and a sense of security since childhood, was immediately excited. To tell the truth, after being with Li Feng, both Harry berry and Charlize unconsciously felt a deep sense of dependence and security.

In fact, this is also a common phenomenon in European and American families. Lao Mei has a weak sense of family concept. Most people move out when they grow up. Many parents divorce from childhood, resulting in many children without paternal or maternal love, and many people lack a sense of security when they grow up.


At this time, Li Feng was considering the conflict with the Mafia. It would be bad if it involved someone else's family. He immediately thought of asking her to put her family in Los Angeles. After all, it was his base camp and easy to control.

From New York to Los Angeles, it is normal for Americans who are used to moving and have no hukou restrictions. And it's great to have family together in Los Angeles.

"As for housing, I'll just ask Adams to prepare a house." Feeling that the beauty in her arms wanted to completely integrate her body into her body, she smiled and said again.

"No, John. I'll take care of the house for my mother myself. I have some money now, enough to help my family settle down."

"Wow... You have a small Treasury!" Listening to the words of black pearl, Li fengdun smiled.

"Hum..." listening to Li Feng's teasing, Harry berry also hummed proudly and smiled.

To be honest, now Harry berry and they are really not short of money. The supplementary card Li Feng gave them is enough for their consumption.

Of course, smart and independent women won't spend indiscriminately. Obviously, the women around Li Feng have good Eq. Li Feng didn't spend much money on their subsidiary cards, which once made Li Feng wonder for a while.

"Well, it's almost time, Harry. Let's get up and wash, or sister Qing will call again later." In the quilt, Li Feng patted the buttocks of the beauty in his arms.

"John, take me." The Black Pearl hanging tightly on Li Feng like an octopus smiled coquettishly.

Naturally, if the beauty was so funny, Li Feng certainly agreed to come down. He lifted the sheet and ran into the washroom with the beauty in his arms. Bursts of laughter floated in the master bedroom from time to time, making people imaginative.


"Kenny, Mansour, good morning!"

Just out of the bedroom door, I saw Kenny and Mansour sitting there drinking coffee and chatting in the living room.

They turned around and saw Li Feng walking out of the room with the sexy Hollywood Black Pearl. Looking at the amorous appearance of the black pearl, they immediately gave a thumbs up. Fortunately, Harry Berry's sister went home early in the morning.

To tell you the truth, they are really envious of Li Feng's womanhood and romantic. Although there is no shortage of women around them, they can find women with such high quality and make many women live in peace, which makes Kenny and Mansour envious.

Kenny, in particular, is full of envy every time he talks about it, which makes Li Feng laugh. Mansour is OK. After all, people's Arab culture is polygamous.

After chatting a few words, the breakfast was sent to the room by the hotel. It turned out that Kenny and Mansour also came to have breakfast with Li Feng. While chatting after dinner, Joseph came to Li Feng.


"Boss, the security team has arrived in New York. Where should we arrange it?"

"Joseph, do you want to leave John and come with me? I'll take you to the Middle East. That's where a strong man like you should stay."

Seeing Joseph, Kenny and Mansour both had bright eyes, and then Kenny dug up a corner in front of Li Feng. It was Joseph's fighting ability that completely convinced them last night.

It's a burst of envy for such a powerful person as Joseph around Li Feng. Unfortunately, they don't know that Li Feng is a more abnormal character than Joseph. They can only say that Li Feng hides too well.

It has to be said that men are actually violent. They are always full of envy for those who are strong. This is one of the reasons why boxing and fighting can always be popular in the world.

"Fuck off, Joseph. Let's open a room for them in the hotel for the time being. Unfortunately, we haven't settled down in New York yet."

"Why, John, do you want to buy a house in New York?" After listening to Li Feng's words, Kenny immediately asked knowingly.

"Of course, after all, New York is the financial center of the world. I can't avoid New York if I want to develop in the future."

"John, it's not easy. Isn't Kenny a local snake? As long as you say your requirements, Kenny will be able to help you." Mansour immediately replied with a smile.

"Well... Tell me about it." Watching everyone staring at him, Kenny immediately replied with a bitter smile.

"Ha ha..." looking at Kenny's bitter smile, everyone burst into laughter.


"Harry, where would you like to buy the house?" Li Feng turned to Harry berry and asked.

"In New York, the best place to find an apartment is naturally the upper east side of Manhattan, and the manor villa is naturally the suburb of New York or long island."

As a child growing up in New York, I really grew up listening to the legends of those rich and powerful families in New York. Naturally, I also know where the real rich and powerful families in New York are.

After listening to Harry Berry's words, Li Feng and Kenny smiled and gave them thumbs up.

"OK, then listen to Harry. One set of townhouse villa on Fifth Avenue near Central Park or Park Avenue and one set of seaside private Manor on Long Island, with private wharf and beach." Li Feng replied with a smile.

After listening to Li Feng's words, both Harry berry and Kenny were surprised. I didn't expect to be so crazy. One buy is two luxury houses together.


Of course, Li Feng won't tell them that the current luxury houses are really expensive compared with future generations.

According to Li Feng's understanding, even the townhouse on the Fifth Avenue generally needs only a few million, generally not tens of millions. You know, these places in future generations are really an inch of land and an inch of money, which is often hundreds of millions of dollars.

In particular, the luxury houses on Fifth Avenue and Park Avenue near Central Park are the places where the real rich in New York live.

New York's super rich and Wall Street controllers work and live in the upper east side of New York from Monday to Friday, and go on vacation in the suburban manor of New York on weekends. Both the upper east side and long island are the gathering places of the super rich, and they are also one of the gathering places of the super rich in the United States and even the world.

There are also various information about the rich areas of Long Island and the upper east side of Manhattan on the Internet in later generations. In previous generations, Li Feng can only get a little understanding through the Internet. Of course, he doesn't want to miss such an opportunity in this life.

Li Feng knows that even if he buys and invests, he can make a steady profit. Later generations, whether those oil tyrants in the Middle East or those giants in China and Russia, flock to those luxury houses on Long Island and the upper east.

It can be said that even if you don't do anything, you can buy it now. After more than 10 years, these houses will be turned over more than 10 times without any problem. This is the reason why Li Feng is very proud to buy two sets directly.


After a whole day, Li Feng asked Harry Berry to set up his family. In the afternoon, he put people on a plane to Los Angeles. Harry Berry's Black Pearl also went back to Los Angeles.

Similarly, Kenny's efficiency is also very high. In one afternoon, he sent the luxury house information required by Li Feng and chose some for Li Feng to choose.

"OK, you can watch it anytime when you are free. Now let's have dinner first. Let's go to the MR we said last night. Go to chow Chinese restaurant and have a look. How can I say that I promised people last night that I would go to see it today? I can't break my appointment. " Li Feng looked at the time and said with a smile to Kenny.

"John, I think you have so many women. Do you want to abduct our New York party queen?" Kenny immediately joked.

"It's my treat in the evening. Don't you want to go? That's the best. Mansour, will you go?" Li Feng immediately fought back.

"Of course, if I can have delicious food for free, I will participate." Mansour replied with exaggeration.

"Don't even think about it. You want to leave me and enjoy Chinese food. Dream."

"Ha ha..."