Chapter 827

When Chen meng'er handed a thick folder to Mr. Qu, he was afraid to take it. He couldn't believe looking at Chen meng'er: "girl, are you sure so much is for me? You can't take it wrong, can you

"You think meng'er is as senile as you are. You can take what meng'er gave you. You can take out the things in the file bag and see what they are. " Mr. Liu took a sip of tea and said to Mr. Qu impolitely.

"Grandfather, take it out and have a look. I'll know if I took it wrong. However, grandfather, before watching, I still hope you are prepared, and don't get too excited. Although you've always been in good health, I'm afraid your mood will fluctuate too much. " Chen meng'er said, already thinking about whether or not to take out her set of gold needles for a rainy day.

"It's OK, your grandfather, I still have the ability to bear it in my heart." Mr. Qu said so, but when he reached for the paper bag in Chen meng'er's hand, he still took a deep breath subconsciously. This tense appearance, how can't bear as well as he said.

"Well, don't try to be brave. If you want me to tell you, it's you who put too much emphasis on the Lu family and Lu zhenkai. Although you have a close relationship with Lu zhenkai, ah, it was a long time ago. Now he is not what he was, and you are not what you were. So, don't be too persistent. Lu zhenkai is willing to take the road he has today, and no one forces him. " Mr. Liu can see better than Mr. Qu. It is precisely because he can see better than Mr. Qu that he did not stay in the central government like Mr. Qu or marquis Yuwen.

Instead, he came back and founded the Qinggang and lived his own life.

Chen meng'er nodded with approval: "that's right. Moreover, Lu zhenkai never regards you as his good brother, so don't take it too seriously."

Mr. Qu didn't quite understand the meaning of Chen meng'er's words. When he opened the file bag, he took out the neat files and looked through them one by one. The dark and terrible old man Qu finally understood what Chen meng'er had just said.

It's not true. Lu zhenkai didn't regard him as a friendly brother at all. He really didn't expect that Lu zhenkai, who is so capable and looks like a brother to them, actually used them so thoroughly. And they didn't notice it at all.

Moreover, Qu Yaobing almost lost his life several times when they went on a mission. There was Lu zhenkai's shadow in it.

He never thought that Lu zhenkai was so cruel. For the sake of their Lu family and the development of their descendants, he could sit in such a position that he could kill the people who hindered their Lu family's development without blinking an eye.

"Grandfather, take a deep breath. Don't be too emotional. I'll tell you, it's not worth being sick for this kind of popularity." Chen meng'er pays attention to Mr. Qu's face. He is afraid that he will be excited and come.

Mr. Qu raised his head and looked worried at his granddaughter. The anger on his face dissipated a little. My heart is warm“ Girl, don't worry, grandpa is OK. I won't be upset by him. It's not appropriate to be upset. Hum, I'm going to pull Lu zhenkai down from his high position. I'm going to make his Lu family disappear in the capital. He really takes my Qu family as a bully. " After reading this information, the friendship of Mr. Qu to Lu zhenkai has long been gone. Now he wants to pull out Lu zhenkai's skin and drink Lu zhenkai's blood“ Girl, I won't tell you more. I'll go back now and discuss with your father how to get Lu zhenkai off the horse. "