Chapter 99

Mr. Liu looked at uncle Liu and they couldn't eat. He was disturbed to study the ancient medical books because of uncle Liu's sudden visit. His discomfort was relieved immediately.

As soon as Mr. Liu was in a good mood, he gave Chen Menger chopsticks, which Chen Menger liked to eat: "Menger girl, eat more. If you look at your small body, it's so thin that my grandfather is distressed. "

Hearing Liu's words, Chen meng'er looked down at his small arms and legs. Although they were not strong, they also solved the stone, but they were not thin at all. However, Chen meng'er cleverly ate all the dishes Liu Lao Jia had“ Well, I'll eat more in the future. But I'm full now. "

Chen Menger's words, successfully stopped Liu Lao to give her clip dish action“ Well, let's eat more next time. "

The old people on the other side, looking at Mr. Liu, Mr. Chen meng'er and their grandchildren, with such good feelings and no appetite, just put down their chopsticks.

"Have you all eaten?" Old Liu saw that uncle Liu had just put down his chopsticks and said. And Liu said, without waiting for uncle Liu to answer, he said directly to Li Ma, "Li Ma, we've finished eating here. Let's clean up this time."

"Yes, sir." Li Ma knew that her husband and uncle Liu were not right. So she looked at uncle Liu's meal, which they hardly moved. However, she thought that she didn't see anything. She told people to take away all the dishes on the table.

Uncle Liu, they looked at the food that had been cleaned up. Their faces were red and white. They said that although they were in a bad mood now, they couldn't eat it at all, but old Liu couldn't do it to them. They were guests after all.

In other words, uncle Liu, they haven't put their own identity in order up to now. As for them, in the eyes of Mr. Liu, let alone guests, it's good that Mr. Liu didn't drive them out directly.

Uncle Liu didn't put their status in the right place. However, they were shocked by Lao Gang's eyes. For a moment, they only dared to express their dissatisfaction in their hearts, but they didn't dare to speak out directly.

After everything on the table was cleaned up, Liu said to Li Ma, "Li Ma, help me make some tea. As for girl meng'er, you'll give her a glass of milk later. " Liu feels that Chen meng'er is not suitable for tea. Every time Chen meng'er comes, Liu always prepares a lot of milk at home.

"Yes, sir." Li Ma answered and went out.

After Li Ma left, Liu adjusted his face, looked at uncle Liu, and they said, "I said that I had asked Zhuge to call you before. I tell you, when you come, don't come empty handed. You won't forget about it

Although Mr. Liu looks down on the side branch of the Liu family. But now that they've delivered it themselves. He how, also must give his precious granddaughter to pull the safeguard, takes some benefits.

Moreover, Mr. Liu knew that when he took Chen Menger as his successor, Chen Menger would always face the Liu family. Now, while he still has some means, he has to pave the way for Chen Menger in advance.

Therefore, although Liu is reluctant, he still opens his mouth and introduces uncle Liu and them to Chen Menger.

Mr. Liu, they didn't expect that Mr. Liu would take the initiative to start this topic. Originally, Mr. Liu was still in distress. How to open his mouth and talk about Chen meng'er, the new granddaughter of Mr. Liu.

As far as their eyes can see, Mr. Liu thinks that this granddaughter is not for fun. Mr. Liu really hurt his granddaughter to the bottom of his heart. Now they want to see it. Is Mr. Liu acting for them on purpose or is it true.

And uncle Liu, they have to figure it out before they can go back and customize their plans.

"We may forget that. We all brought presents. " Uncle Liu said and took out a brocade box from his pocket. Then a smile appeared on his face, which he thought was very kind. Looking at Chen meng'er, he said, "it's meng'er. I'm your grandfather. Here, take this. It's a gift from your grandfather. "

Uncle Liu's smile, which he thinks is kind, makes Chen meng'er look uncomfortable. If it wasn't for Chen meng'er's etiquette, she would have been very honest to tell uncle Liu not to smile. His smile is not very good-looking.

After listening to uncle Liu's words, Chen meng'er didn't step forward. Instead, she turned her head and looked at him with inquiring eyes. Waiting for Liu's instruction. Chen meng'er is not a real child. When she sees a gift, she will rush up excitedly.

Uncle Liu was surprised to see Chen Menger's reaction. Just now, when Chen meng'er was eating, uncle Liu paid attention to Chen meng'er. At that time, when he looked at what Chen meng'er was eating, he felt that the child did not come out of the countryside at all as they had been told.

From uncle Liu's point of view, Chen meng'er's eating behavior is better than those young masters and young ladies in their family. It is elegant and noble.

And this idea just flashed in uncle Liu's mind, and he didn't go into it. But now, when he saw Chen Menger turn to ask Liu for advice, he was more surprised than surprised.

Chen meng'er doesn't look like a three-year-old child from the countryside at all. He also understands why Mr. Liu makes an exception to recognize Chen meng'er as his granddaughter.

No matter how they feel now. Anyway, Mr. Liu is in a good mood now. Although Liu is not worried that Chen Menger will rush at the gift directly, when Chen Menger asks his meaning with his eyes, his mood still starts to bubble.

"Since it's a gift from your grandfather, you're welcome. Take it." With that, Liu turned to look at uncle Liu and continued to say to Chen meng'er, "meng'er, this is your grandfather. Before your grandfather, he was a senior official in the capital, but now he has retired. But there is a relationship. So, if you encounter something that can't be solved in the future, you can go to your grandfather for help. " Old Liu said to Chen meng'er and said to uncle Liu, "brother, do you think I'm right?"

"Yes, meng'er, if you have anything to do, just come to me." In terms of scheming and calculating, uncle Liu has never been his opponent. Before that, Liu did not hesitate to talk to them.

Therefore, Mr. Liu was given a general by Mr. Liu, so he had to promise with a stiff smile.