Chapter 17

After getting along with the family, Chen Menger realized that the relationship between the family was like this. Every night, the family sat around a table, eating, chatting, talking about the interesting things we met today. This kind of warmth is home and the relationship between family members,

It's not those upper class families who don't meet or say a few words a year. Such a family, can have any feelings.

"Chen Ping, I've told you many times before. Our daughter's face is tender and can't be pinched. Once pinched, it hurts." Liu Juan heard her daughter's pitiful voice, threw down her work, went to Chen meng'er's side, lowered her head and looked at Chen meng'er's small face. When she saw the red seal on Chen meng'er's face, she glared at her husband Chen Ping and said, "look, look, meng'er's face is red. If meng'er's face is pinched by you, what will you do? "

When Liu Juan finished her husband Chen Ping's training, she lowered her head and made a 180 degree change in her face. She looked at the red seal on Chen Menger's face painfully and said: "Menger is good, mother gives you Huhu, Huhu doesn't hurt."

"Well, mom, if you give Menger Huhu, it won't hurt." When Chen Menger meets Chen Ping and his wife, she will unconsciously behave the same way as a 34 year old child.

This should also be Chen Menger from the bottom of her heart, the Chen couple as her parents. She will not worry about this with them coquetry.

Chen Pingshun looked in the direction of his wife Liu Juan's fingers and saw the red mark on his daughter Chen Menger's face. Suddenly, he felt distressed and regretted. Regret how cheap hand, pinch his daughter's face. He's a man of his own. He doesn't do it lightly“ Girl, I'm sorry. Dad didn't mean it. Dad won't pinch your face next time. "

"Dad, it's OK. Mom gave Menger a shout, and it didn't hurt. " Chen Menger comforts her father.

However, the more comforting she was, the more distressed Chen Ping was. The more he loves Chen Menger. He watched Chen Menger finish his breakfast. He picked Chen Menger up from his chair. "Our dreams are good," he said

Chen meng'er will say that, but it doesn't mean that she wants to get more love from the Chen family.

Before, she told her mother Liu Juan about her father Chen Ping, which was also fun. Later, she told her father and mother that her face didn't hurt any more. It really did. For Chen meng'er, the pain is nothing at all.

In his previous life, when Chen Menger entered the underworld, what kind of injury he had not suffered. Every time she was injured, she just went back to bandage herself. No one cared about her at all. What's more serious is that when Chen Menger was fighting with others, one of them didn't pay attention and got shot. At that time, in order not to affect her brain, she did not use anesthetics when taking the bullet. Chen meng'er still remembers the pain of taking the bullet.

This kind of pain Chen Menger can carry over, then this is her father Chen Ping pinch red face pain, for her, it is nothing.

It's done. Chen Ping took his daughter Chen Menger's little hand and went to principal Chen. Chen Ping wanted to hold her daughter, but her daughter, Chen meng'er, refused because she had grown up and was about to go to primary school.

Chen Menger said that the children in primary school are not allowed to be held by their parents. If she is held by her father and seen by principal Chen, then principal Chen may resolutely disagree and let her go to primary school.

Chen Ping has no room to refute the set of principles that his daughter's mouth has said, so he has to compromise.

Chen meng'er's family is in the east of Chenjia village, and principal Chen's family is in the west of Chenjia village. Therefore, if Chen meng'er and her father Chen Ping want to go to principal Chen's family, they have to go through the whole Chenjia village.

On one side of chenjiacun road is the house and on the other side is the land. No, Chen Ping and Chen Menger come all the way. When they see Chen Ping's parents, they stop their work and say hello to Chen Ping.

"Oh, Xiao Ping, is this your daughter, Meng er?" A woman like man, looking at Chen meng'er, asked. No, Chen Menger doesn't run around like other children in the village. Therefore, people in the village seldom see Chen Menger,

"Yes, my daughter." Chen Ping said with a smile.

And Chen Menger is also an eye witness. She didn't wait for Chen Ping to speak, so she directly called one by one. This small mouth makes people feel comfortable.

"Oh, Xiao Ping, your daughter is not only good, but also sweet. It's very polite. "

When Chen Ping heard someone praising his daughter, he was more happy than he was to let him come. However, he said modestly: "Oh, don't say that, my child, it's all like this."

However, Chen Ping could not hold down what he said.

"Xiao Ping, what are you doing with your daughter?" The old lady asked again.

"I'll go to headmaster Chen. I'll go to him for something." Chen Ping replied.