After the laboratory, it is rare to calm down, of course, the main screen, the black spot is still slowly close, as long as we do not solve this black spot, we will never be able to solve the crisis.

They don't continue to talk nonsense. Of course, they still don't believe that Luo Xuan and others can succeed. They will talk about it from time to time in private.

Of course, they even post their opinions on social software.

In the above, they mercilessly attack Luo Xuan's idea, this method will not succeed at all, and they will waste time.

Because there are so many people who post social software, all the major social software are talked about by everyone. Now everyone is at home, and they all have a dead or dead attitude. Anyway, they don't see much hope.

So, I began to find a sense of existence in social software. Seeing this point of view, I naturally began to brush it up. Many people said that Luo Xuan wasted their time and didn't do anything at all.

A small number of people support it, and most Chinese are also criticizing it. They say that Luo Xuan has lost so much face in front of so many foreign cake experts, as if they have lost all their face.

Even some spray son also said what let Luoxuan they quickly roll out, don't disgrace, what broken way, others foreign cake people said, no way, they must insist.

What Yanggao said is right. That's what these people think. Maybe it's the reason why they were afraid of being beaten by Yanggao in the early years. Now they seem to be weak in front of Yanggao.

Of course, this is only a small number of people, most of them are very supportive of Luo Xuan.

So basically, there are some very controversial words on the Internet.

"Come back quickly, shame. The foreign cakes have said that this method won't work. Why don't you listen? Do you have to be sharp? Does it make sense? "

"It's true that you've been disgraced in front of foreign cakes. You people really disgrace us Chinese. Bah!"


These are the comments of the spies. They are merciless and can spray anything. They are commonly known as keyboard man. They are not satisfied in real life, and then they find a sense of existence on the Internet. Such people are everywhere.

In real life, it is not easy to be scolded by the boss, work is not smooth, love is not smooth, everything is not smooth, too much pressure accumulated.

Then, when they got home, they didn't want to make progress, didn't want to change their status quo, but began to abandon themselves. They were crazy to say hi on the Internet. Anyway, it's OK to publish a few words, so they came here.

This is the current situation of keymen. They don't have to take any responsibility for their words and deeds, so they can say what they should say. They don't have to be afraid of anything!

However, if there is keyboard man, there will be some corresponding people. These people are still very rational, but they are not as bad as keyboard man. They can say nothing and spray anything.

"You people, at least others are making a living for us, and you, even if you don't support it now, are you worthy of sarcasm?"

"Are the foreign cakes your fathers? As for you, we in the East can't lose to the Western cakes! "

"Yes, we in the east also have our ambition. Don't talk about foreign cakes all the time. This time, if we in the East want to find a way to survive for us, we should give our strong support."

"And I seem to have heard the news on the grapevine that the spicy man who won the fencing championship in Toyo has come back!"

"What? A man is back? Is he going to save us this time? "


Countless words in the network bloom open love, now the public, it is only in the network to find a sense of existence.

Because some people have come forward to solve this problem and to make a living for everyone, it should be support, not ridicule, not spray them.

There are too many rational people to stand up. Of course, there are many fans of Luo Xuan. After all, his performance in Toyo is really brilliant and handsome.

So they captured a lot of little fans. They love Luo Xuan very much. This man is not only handsome, but also powerful. He has five it Olympic bodies.

Therefore, the popularity of Luo Xuan is so high that it is very high in the whole secular world, and its popularity is not generally terrible.

Now I hear that he is coming and he wants to come forward to save the world. Naturally, he has got strong support. No matter the fans, many men also like him. He's too stylish. He's the person they admire most and want to be.

Of course, such excellent men, anyway, feel that they are out of reach, there is nothing comparable.

It's also because of this, so a lot of rumors on the Internet have stopped, but those sprayers still exist, especially some Western cakes, they still think Luo Xuan is not good, this time, they absolutely have no way to solve the problem.The destroyer will not deviate from the track because of their actions. There is absolutely no such plot.

"Hum, this boy seems to be very popular. He has so many fans, but he will be ruined this time."

"Yes, this boy was very powerful when he was in Toyo. He crushed countless masters in swordsmanship. No matter who he was, he couldn't hold his move!"

"So what? This time we're not dealing with ordinary people, but with a giant, a planet. But the destroyer, he won't have a chance."

"Yes, that's right. When I look forward to his embarrassment, I want to see what they can do."

In the laboratory, many experts talk coldly, but Luo Xuan is very upset. It seems that he has a lot of fans!

Of course, it seems that there is no need. After all, Luo Xuan didn't provoke these people. They should look down on people and aim at them everywhere.

Maybe a person is too good, and then will be targeted like this, it is very speechless.

Luo Xuan looks through his mobile phone and looks at all kinds of comments. He just shakes his head and smiles. He is not affected at all. He doesn't pay attention to these problems.

Since people want to say that, let them say it. Anyway, it's the era of free speech. They can't stop what they want to say. They can only say it as they like. Anyway, they won't have any loss.

Besides, the more people don't believe him, the more he has to prove that maybe people are like this. The more he goes against the current, the more he wants to make progress.

Of course, if you have the courage to go against the current, then you are not far away from success. If you go with the current, you will never want to turn over in your life.

It's just that Luo Xuan replies to these comments from time to time.

Time went by so slowly, that is, after three days, these three days, several old men have been working hard to study all kinds of data.

Finally, there is news today. They have worked out the most reasonable plan. Now they are waiting to realize it!