The mysterious oriental power, the Oriental, has always been the descendant of the dragon. There are so many capable people and strange people. Have you heard of the practitioners? This is the mysterious power of the East.

After all, only the East has ever had martial arts, while people in the West or other regions have not had such a hot-blooded history.

So, Luo Xuan can only accept their narrow-minded, no vision at all, and has to vigorously negate other people's ideas.

Luo Xuan thinks that this method is very good and the only way to solve the problem. The rest is bullshit.

Time is running out. If you don't come up with an idea, who can stand it when the destroyer comes and destroys heaven and earth?

So, at the moment, Luo Xuan stood up and said out loud that several old men were moved by him when they saw that he was so confident, and then they were more confident.

After all, this idea was put forward by them, and now it is supported by Luo Xuan. Some people are optimistic about it. Naturally, they are very meticulous, although this method is very simple and crude.

However, this is the fundamental solution to the problem. So many experts, after so many days of research, have made no progress. Only they boldly proposed to change the orbit by this means, and then the destroyer flew to other places.

Although this idea is not favored by people and has been overthrown by data, several old men are still unwilling. They have been calculating, hoping to prove that this method is feasible through some data.

However, no matter how they calculate, they are useless. The data show that if they want to shake the destroyer, it's really not enough just by human power. They can't do it. It's too difficult.

Even the most powerful weapon, because the explosive force is too scattered to concentrate on one point, can make the destroyer change course, a little worse. If such a great power can be concentrated on one point, it will succeed.

Unfortunately, in the current field of science, it is still impossible to achieve this. This is a problem of technological breakthrough. Of course, it is obviously too late to create such human power.

As a result, this problem was refuted and beaten to death by a hammer. Now Luo Xuan's old story is brought up again, and the other experts who are not good-looking and do not support it naturally come out to attack without mercy.

"Well! We only believe in the data, but we don't believe in your Oriental power. The data show that we can't do it. "

"Yes, don't mention everything about your Eastern power. You know what happened in the East hundreds of years ago."

Many experts are very strange. After listening to the translation, Luo Xuan's face is not good-looking.

Hundreds of years ago, it was indeed a history of humiliation, but that is the past. Now these guys are still complacent about it. It's really not a good thing.

If it wasn't for Huang's feelings, Luo Xuan really wanted to give them a disappearing set meal. Anyway, it's useless to ask them. They are all just a bunch of rubbish who can only say hi.

"Hum, Lizi, it's not worth scheming."

Luo Xuan snorted coldly and said a very philosophical word. Of course, these experts can't understand it. Then he looked at some old men and said firmly:

"old men, you can come out with me to discuss how to make the destroyer deviate from the track. You don't need these foreign cakes!"

Listen to this old man, he's not sure if it's serious? Is it trustworthy?

Now leave, basically with these foreign cakes fall out, ah!

"Young man, I remember your name is Luo Xuan, right? Do you think you can be sure? What are you going to do? "

"Yes, it's not a trivial matter. Although we also insist that this method is feasible, a lot of data show that this method really doesn't work. Human power is not so terrible."


They don't worry, maybe they don't trust Luo Xuan very much. He looks so young, how can he achieve such a feat? It's unrealistic.

"All said, why do you have mysterious oriental power? I can send any broken planet back home with one sword. Since you all believe in this method, why don't you realize it? When no one wants to believe in you, you choose to believe in yourself, and if you succeed, what honor will you have?"

Luo Xuan encouraged, a few old men listen to, take a deep breath, and finally bite teeth, is to go out.

"Well, young man, since you are so confident, we old men will accompany you to make a breakthrough. The big deal is failure. Anyway, staying here is just waiting to die!"

"That's right. It's all failures anyway. It's better to be a living horse doctor than a dead horse. Maybe there's still a chance."

The old men made up their mind. Luo Xuan laughed, patted them on the shoulder, and then looked at other experts in the laboratory.

"Old gentlemen, you can tell these sheep cakes now that we don't need them. The mysterious oriental power will open their eyes to those who are short of knowledge."As soon as the old men heard that Luo Xuan was so confident, they naturally followed the translation, and many experts were furious.

"Hum, stupid, you easterners are the most stupid, and you will pay for it."

"People in the East are very arrogant when they talk about dreams. Today we can see that."

Luo Xuan shook his head, arrogant? He didn't think that Oriental people were arrogant? It's self-confidence!

"People with self-confidence will shine wherever they go. It's a miracle."

And a few old men also inexplicably trust Luo Xuan, with these foreign cake after a few words, it is with Luo Xuan slam the door out, and in the laboratory, there are still all kinds of voices.

"You're going to lose out, stupid people. The East will always be like this."

"Yes, if you leave us, you are nothing. Do you want to solve this matter alone? You dream


Of course, Luo Xuan and some old men have left. They don't need those foreign cakes at all, and they can't give any help.

This matter, they want to solve alone, with the mysterious oriental power, the Oriental dragon, is slowly awakening.

After leaving the laboratory, the old men shook their heads secretly. Although they came out, they had no idea what to do.

"Young man, we are coming out now and falling out with those guys, but what are we going to do now?"

"Yes, old man. I'm very confused. What can we do? What can we do? "

Luo Xuan a listen to, calm of say: "you don't have an idea, in your mind sky horse line empty idea say, I come to realize for you."

"What do we think? In fact, it's very simple to solve this problem. It can be called spaceship going to outer space. On the only way for the destroyer, it's necessary to use human power to block it and send it back. "

"Yes, it's the simplest and most direct way. Time is running out. Even if the destroyer flies slowly, the heavy mass will be smashed down and the world will be destroyed in an instant."


Luo Xuan a listen, immediately a clap hands, this is not the end, the idea is there, put into action not on the line?