In the fencing hall, applause broke out all the time. Luo Xuan whipped again and again, which was very comfortable.

The three swordsman was so arrogant yesterday that many people didn't like him. Now, of course, he is very happy.

"The content is comfortable. It's worth praising. Luoxuan is too fierce."

"Well, the islanders were so arrogant yesterday. They were just so arrogant. Why can't they even pay them now?"

"But this guy is very strong. He doesn't admit defeat. If I were you, I would not be able to stand it."

Luo Xuan heard the comments, but he didn't want to let the three swordsmen get rid of it and continue to lash him.

The wooden sword is like a whip. It's whipped again and again. The three swordsmen are already scarred. He looks at Luo Xuan imploring, as if asking for relief.

In this case, the man with three swords felt that he would like to die even if he wanted to. Now he just wanted to die, and he didn't want anything else.

He has been beaten all over and is in pain. He wants to end the pain, but he says everything. People who don't experience this kind of panic will never understand.

It's like someone put five million dollars there and said that as long as you say it's yours, the money will belong to you, but you can't say anything.

It's almost like this. Now the three swordsmen are suffering from this kind of torture. They are in pain all over. It's terrible.

He wanted to say that he would not pretend to be forced any more. Please let me go. Unfortunately, he didn't have this chance.

"You're a tough guy. If you don't give up, I'll fight until you give up today. It's really bushido spirit. It's powerful."

Luo Xuan light said a, still take a trace of genial smile.

On hearing this, the three swordsman's face was even more alarmed. Isn't it over? He would like to know, Luo Xuan is not the devil, actually can understatement say such words.

I've abused him for so long, but I still want to continue to abuse him.

The main reason is that this sentence made the three swordsmen very scared. He wanted to admit defeat very much, but he just couldn't do it.

Then he saw that the three swordsmen had been gesticulating with their hands. He was so flustered that he didn't know why he couldn't speak.

I felt that my tongue was tied suddenly, and it was useless to talk.

Luo Xuan a see, cold hum a way: "good, you this guy has no weapon, still open teeth and claws, don't give you some lessons, you won't be convinced."

Then, there was another wooden sword beating. Again and again, the three swordsmen were abused all the time, but they couldn't make a sound or even scream.

But Luo Xuan didn't have such a simple idea of ending. He beat again and again, which made the three swordsmen exhausted.

He was thinking, if only he would faint like that, but every time he wanted to faint, it was a sharp pain.

He was thinking, if only he didn't speak so much just now, he would not be bullied if he was not so arrogant.

But it's no use thinking about it now. Those who should be beaten still have to be beaten.

The two commentators couldn't help laughing. They were very happy when they saw the three swordsmen being beaten.

"This competition, how to say, we never thought it would be like this. This three swordsman is so persistent. I respect his spirit."

"Yes, if I had been beaten, I would have given up, but he didn't say a word. Even if the weapon was beaten, he would never give up."

The three swordsmen have a bitter face. If they cooperate with the sad BGM, it's absolutely a perfect match.

Luo Xuan was very good at fighting. He beat again and again. He grasped the strength so that this guy would never die easily. He just suffered from the pain of skin and flesh.

"Three swordsmen, you have strong willpower. Why don't you give up? It seems that I have to convince you. "

Luo Xuan didn't say that he was angry. He almost didn't make three swordsmen angry. It's too angry.

He also wants to admit defeat, but there is no chance. What can he do.

The onlookers enjoyed watching Luo Xuan beat again and again, not to mention how comfortable it was. It was very ornamental.

"Why is this contest so boring? A one-sided assault show? But it's like a good look. "

"Yes, that's it. It's a one-sided crush, but it's very comfortable. It's very comfortable to see."

"I can do it. Are these three swordsmen so weak? Zhao Fei is really a waste. How dare he challenge Luo Xuan? "

People have been talking about it, and they can't help pulling out Zhao Fei and whipping him.

In front of the screen, Zhao Fei is holding a mobile phone with an ugly face. Yesterday, he fought with three swordsmen, but he was defeated with all his strength.

However, looking at the relaxed expression of Luo Xun, he was as pale as ashes and didn't know what to say.

This is actually a unilateral crush. What does it mean? It shows that if he fights with Luo Xuan, the end will be even worse."Waste, see? Have you learned? " The assistant said in a cold voice.

Zhao Fei's face is black and blue. He smashes his mobile phone on the ground and goes away with a cold hum.

Assistant disdained to see Zhao Fei's back, said: "this little waste, temper is quite big."

In the fencing hall, Luo Xuan had already smoked without any meaning, and then directly untied the dumb cave of the three swordsmen.

In an instant, the three swordsmen yelled out.

"I give up. I give up. Don't fight. I'm dying."

Although the three swordsman seems to be OK, under his clothes, it's full of bloodstains. It's terrible and bloody.

It is estimated that there will be no recovery in a few months. The key is that Luo Xuan left him a surprise, just like Lin Xu.

This is the so-called accident, the most beautiful accident. If a person dies on a woman's belly, it's a romantic ghost.

Lin Xu is like this, died unexpectedly, this time discussed the Dao three swordsman.

But this guy looks like this now. I don't think he will do that for a while.

But it doesn't matter if this guy is an accident sooner or later.

This is what happens to Luo Xuan. Death is the most basic punishment. It depends on whether he dies painfully or happily.

Three swordsmen admit defeat, his tears flow down, and finally ended, which is like the experience of hell.

Luo Xuan put down his wooden sword and turned to leave. It's a waste of time to deal with such a guy.

Although it's cool to smoke just now, it's just like that. It's a waste of time and not worth it.

See Luo Xuan left, reporters want to chase, but found that he had no shadow, to no shadow, to no trace.

When Luo Xuan appeared again, he was already dressed as an ordinary man. He mixed in the crowd and left the fencing hall.

When it's over, I'll brush my clothes and hide my merit and fame. I think it's the present situation.

And in the fencing hall, bursts of shouts, Luo Xuan won, too Jieqi.

As for the three swordsman, he fell down heavily. He was free and fainted. His whole body was full of scars.

"Cough, it seems that our Chinese swordsmanship is better. I hope that in the future competition, Luo Xuan can work hard to win back the championship."

"For decades, it's time for us to win the championship. Luo Xuan gives us hope."