A few months ago, Luo Xuan was still a drunkard. She borrowed wine all day and asked Su Zhengyan for money to drink.

At that time, although Su Zhengyan knew that Luo Xuan wanted money to drink, she had no choice but to give it to him. A little at a time was worth millions.

At that time, Su's group was in a recession, and she gave Luo Xuan so much money back that Su Zhengyan had done her utmost.

Mu Fengmei has advised her many times to leave Luo Xuan alone and let her marry he Chong instead.

However, Su Zhengyan refuses every time. She still thinks that Luo Xuan is her husband. All the time, she hasn't done anything sorry for Luo Xuan.

But now everything has been paid in return, it is very gratifying for her.

"Luo Xuan, what are you doing? Give me so much money."

"Birthday present, last time on your birthday, I really had a lot of things to do. I didn't forget it. I came late. Now I'll make it up."

Su Zhengyan's face is slightly red. After she has married Luo Xuan, she becomes more and more dependent on the latter.

"That's for the company. Now the company needs a lot of money."

"Well, if you're short of money, just tell me. I know that the company needs a lot of investment to expand its scale. I'll invest $1 billion in you."

On hearing this, Su Zhengyan doesn't know whether she should be surprised, but she is very pleased.

Luo Xuan has really come out of decadence, which is very good and gratifying for her.

After finally don't look at so decadent Luo Xuan, after the days will be better and better.

"Then I'm not polite to you. I've made a big blueprint. It happens that many places need money. Anyway, I don't care. You should be responsible for the money. I'll give it to you when the company earns it back."

"Mine is yours. Now the company has only your shares. You can rest assured that you will make as much money as you want."

Su Zhengyan looks forward to the fact that they own all the shares of the company now, and they own all the money the company makes in the future.

And all this, all because of Luo Xuan, all because of him, just have now life.

"Luo Xuan, let's get off work early today. I want to go to the western restaurant where we had our first meal."

On hearing this, Luo Xuan didn't refuse. He first met Su Zhengyan at a western restaurant under the arrangement of his parents.

The first time we met, he was attracted by Su Zhengyan's beauty and temperament, and confirmed that his eyes were the person he liked.

"We'll go to the western restaurant for a long time. We'll have a good meal."

"Well, I'm really tired when I finish handling these things. Luo Xuan, didn't you say that you wanted to introduce me to a reliable assistant?"

"That's true. I'll go and ask her to come and show you tomorrow when she's OK."

Think of Li Tian, Luo Xuan decided to help her, after all, before she so helped himself, now help her once, is even.

Besides, employees like Li Tian are qualified to be assistant to Su Zhengyan.

Later, Luo Xuan made a phone call to Zhou Qian, which means to inform Li Tian to come to the office building of the company tomorrow.

In this regard, Zhou Qian is speechless. She thinks Luo Xuan is so good to Li Tian, and she doesn't want to be good to her.

"Hum, Luo Xuan would rather care about others than me. Don't forget how much I helped you before." Zhou Qian some discontented mutter.

Although Luo Xuan has helped her with many things before, such as solving her dysmenorrhea, for example, catching voyeurism or something.

But now Zhou Qian felt uncomfortable. She felt that Luo Xuan didn't care about her at all and would rather care about an outsider.

Of course, Luo Xuan doesn't know what Zhou Qian thinks. If she does, she will definitely feel that she is unreasonable.

So she went to work in the afternoon. Today, Su Zhengyan left very early, because she had an appointment with Luo Xuan and wanted to go to the western restaurant to review it.

So they went straight to the western restaurant after work. They talked and laughed all the way and drove all the way to the western restaurant.

This western restaurant is well-known in Jiangzhou, because the consumption is relatively expensive. Although it is not as elegant as Jiangzhou, it is not much worse.

Speaking of Western food, we have to mention this western restaurant. Their Western food is delicious, and Luo Xuan still remembers it.

"It's been a long time, but it's the same here as before."

"Yes, it hasn't changed. There's a parking space over there. I'll park there."

Seeing the parking space, Luo Xuan stepped on the accelerator and accurately stopped the car. Few people can match this reversing technology.

After parking perfectly, Luo Xuan gets out of the car and prepares to open the door for Su Zhengyan.

But he just got out of the car, turned around and saw a big acquaintance, Wang Xiaofen.

"Why? Luo Xuan, it's you Wang Xiaofen called out in a strange way.Seeing Luo Xuan, her face suddenly changed.

She knew that Luo Xuan was a poor man, but she had no good impression of him.

From the car, Li Xiaoxiang frowns and hears the voice of Wang Xiaofen.

"It's really Luo Xuan. What are you doing here? Do you know how expensive it is to eat in this restaurant? Can you afford it? You come here. "

"Xiangzi, why don't you say so much to such a poor man?" Wang Xiaofen didn't say well.

Luo Xuan doesn't like Wang Xiaofen and Li Xiang at all. What's the difference between a woman who can sell her best friend and a devil.

"That's true. I don't know what this guy is doing here. A meal here will be enough for his salary for 20 years."

"Well, this kind of poor man, it's too bad to talk to him less. Let's go to eat first."

"Well, I don't care about this poor and violent poor man. I'll take you to dinner tonight."

Said, Wang Xiaofen and Li Xiang disdain, arm in arm to go to the restaurant, Luo Xuan narrowed his eyes, but did not care, but to Su Zhengyan will open the door.

"Luo Xuan, what happened just now? I think I hear someone talking to you? "

"No, just two flies. Don't worry."

With that, Luo Xuan opens the door and walks into the restaurant hand in hand with Su Zhengyan.

When it's time for dinner, there are many people in the restaurant, but at the front desk, Wang Xiaofen and Li Xiang quarrel with the lobby manager.

"Why is there no place? I'm a member here. Please make arrangements for me to have dinner with my girlfriend. "

"I'm sorry, sir. There's really no room left. You can take the number and wait, or change the restaurant." The lobby manager said politely.

But Li Xiang didn't follow. If he waited, he would lose his face.

"No, I tell you, we have to be given a place. We're going to eat soon."

"I'm sorry again, sir. I really can't. please cooperate with us. If we are making trouble out of nothing, we have the right to drive you out."

Li Xiang opened his mouth. When he wanted to say something else, some big men in black on one side gave him a cold look, which made him shrink to one side.

"Xiaofen, there are a lot of people today. Let's wait for a while. It'll be ready soon. This restaurant is often like this. I've lined up several times."

Wang Xiaofen did not doubt that there was him, and then he waited.

Hearing this, Luo Xuan narrowed his eyes and took Su Zhengyan to walk past naturally.

"Please give us a box!"