There was a lot of excitement in the dining area of the medicine restaurant, but Josephus, who was driven out by the security guard of the medicine restaurant and Ruth hogburn's bodyguard, was gloomy and angry.

He didn't expect that he didn't see Mu Yue again today, and he was driven out directly, in front of so many people.

Yes, although the people in the hall didn't see him, he felt that he was driven out in front of a group of people, and the people who watched his plays were the Chinese people he looked down upon most, and they were also driven out by the door.

The subordinates who have been following Josephus all the time look at each other and don't speak. They are not fools. They know that their boss is very angry now. If they speak, they will be hurt.

Josephus got into the back seat of the car. His face was gloomy and terrible. The driver quickly got into the driver's seat and asked Josephus hesitantly, "boss, where are you going now?"

He really didn't want to ask joss for fear of being scolded by him.

Sure enough, when Josephus heard the driver's words, he was angry with the driver. "Fool, don't you know where to go?"

The driver is very aggrieved and dissatisfied. You are angry. It's none of my business!

However, although he was very dissatisfied, he didn't dare to say it. He could only shut his mouth, quietly started the car, and drove Josephus back to the hotel. Anyway, Josephus had a foothold in China.

Who let joss be his boss and pay him? I can only be angry in silence! What's more, Gao Hu still doesn't know where he's going, and he doesn't have any information today.

It's just that the driver thought in his heart, is it time for him to change his job?

After all, according to the situation that Josephus is looking for moyue, it's always humiliating. Today, I don't even see moyue's face, and the company is in such a dangerous moment, it's impossible.

Josephus sat in the back seat of the car, his eyes shining cold, and his mouth murmured softly, "damn muyue, damn bitch, dare not give me any face, even let me lose such a big face, I will not let you go, today is your last chance! But if you don't cherish it, don't blame me for being cruel! "

Thinking of what muyue had done to her from beginning to end, Josephus felt extremely resentful and dissatisfied.

Josephus secretly thought about how to revenge. He took out his cell phone from his pocket and searched for the number. Who should he look for.

Come to the hotel's own room, let everyone out, don't disturb him.

Josephus stood in front of the French window and called, "Hello, this is Josephus Davis! I want you to catch one! "

On the other side of the phone came a low, husky voice, "who?"

"Mu Yue, chairman of Huaxia guolongteng group!" Josephus said the identity and name of muyue, and his eyes were cold, and he was gnashing his teeth.

The person over the phone hears the identity of Mu Yue, silent for a moment, say, "how much is it?"

"Ten million dollars!" Josephus said without thinking.

Although the situation of his company is in crisis, he can still get ten million dollars. As long as he gets muyue's medicine, he can get rid of the crisis of his company with a wave of advertising and a deposit.

However, Josephus thought very well, but the person on the other side of the phone refused, "I won't take this business!"