"Bang Dang!"

The three Shenzi brought by the Qin bamboo slips are all strong young people of the same generation as Qin Feng. They all reached the peak of Yuanying. They hold the quasi God treasure "yaoyang" given by the Qin Bamboo Slips in their hands. Their swords are bright and their gold is shining. Just a little urge, there is piercing the sky sharp sword gas across the sky shock. The power of terror shook half of Asia.


Yuan Yi also wields the blue falling sword, like a water saber. The air sweeps through the sky, and the edge of the sword cuts open the atmosphere.

The atmosphere on the earth's surface is tens of thousands of miles thick. At this moment, like the eggshell outside an egg, a crack hundreds of miles long has been cut. Countless people looked up and saw the hot sun shining from the crack, just like the sky was cut. These four people hold two quasi God treasures, but before they enter the earth, the power of shaking the sun and the moon falls, and countless people tremble under the power of the demigod treasure.

It's a quasi divine treasure.

Even if it is held in the hands of the son of God, it can smash a small half of the continent with one blow. That is to say, the law of the earth is firm, and there are many immortal formations. Otherwise, these two magic weapons alone will be enough to sink half the earth.

"To die."

Chen Fan's eyes were cold.

The earth is his taboo, especially the four people are still sent to beiqiong. The most powerful jiaozun in beiqiong is only in the middle of Yuanying period, and can't stop the four Shenzi who hold the quasi Shenbao.


As soon as Chen Fan's figure flashed and stepped out, he wanted to stop the four gods.

But how can the other seven supreme elders be allowed?

"Boy, where do you want to go? The fight between us is not over yet? " With a smile and a flash of body shape, the thin old man turned into nine phantoms in the void, each of which was lifelike and slapped Chen Fan from all directions. Each blow is quiet and light is introverted, but in fact it has the terrible energy of destroying the sky and the earth.

Even if an asteroid is thousands of miles long, if it is shot by a thin old man, it will break up instantly.

"Yes, Chen beixuan, you can't go anywhere without elder Ben's permission." The elder of wujizong also kneaded the formula and covered his fingers with silver, like a silver waterfall flowing down from his palm.

The map of the limitless star river turns into a hanging sky. Hundreds of millions of stars stand in front of Chen fan, separating him from the earth at both ends.

"Chen Daoyou, how can you leave before you finish speaking?"

Ge Yi old man also faint smile.

Before he moved, he saw a golden hammer sliding out of his sleeve. As soon as Xiaochui was born, he met the storm and turned into a huge golden hammer, which was thousands of feet long, to meet chen fan. It is engraved with numerous golden runes, shining with bright divine brilliance. Although it is not a demigod treasure, it is also made of the most top natural materials, and suffered some divine materials. Its power can catch up with the demigod treasure.

This "God meteorite king" Qin bamboo slip is famous for its stinginess and treasure.

It is said that he once fought with a pagan elder whose accomplishments were almost the same. The pagan elder had the name of "half god" and the same half step power. However, he was smashed to death by the Qin bamboo slips with seventeen or eight treasures, so he was called "God meteor", which means that if you meet him under the God, you will fall.

"Bang bang."

Chen Fan smashed the old man's nine figures with one sleeve, stepped out with one foot and cut the whole river of stars. After that, he smashed the golden hammer with one punch, and then fought with the other four Supreme elders one after another.


With the power of half a yuan, he can push many deities. However, when the seven supreme elders hit him one after another, he had to return to his original position.

"Do you really want to stop me?"

Chen Fan raised his head and his eyes were indifferent.

The seven supreme elders either sneer, disdain or look calm. Qin Jian, the elder of Ge Yi, said with a smile: "Chen Daoyou, let children do things by themselves. We have half step power, half foot into the realm of God, is "half god". It's very different from the mortals of these golden elixirs. If we intervene in them rashly, it's not our generation who bully the small. "

Although half step is not a realm.

However, it is generally acknowledged in the universe that the gap between Yuanying and Huashen is so big that it is just a difference between clouds and mud. Many of the strong men who have become divine and holy elixirs can still defeat Yuanying. But no matter how powerful Yuanying and Xianzong's children are, they can't compete with Huashen. They can run for their lives at most.

This huge difference in power also leads to the rarity of deification. It may be only a few hundred thousand years for a star field to produce one.

Therefore, those who are beyond the realm of Yuanying and have not yet entered the realm of God are often regarded as a single realm. There are many appellations for this realm. "Half step great power", "half spirit", "quasi spirit" and so on. But there is no doubt that once in this situation, the control of the slightest bit of the power of God, and Yuan baby no longer comparable, it is simply incredible.

"Get out of here."

Chen Fan drinks lightly and makes a fist.


A colorful rainbow is hanging across the sky. The great and incredible power of the immortal baby comes out through the body and sprays in the sky. The immortal light is as bright as a rainbow bridge. It crosses directly from Chen fan to the earth and stands in front of the four gods."Don't be impatient."

"Chen beixuan, how can I let you run away?"

"Come back."

Several old or indifferent or gloomy voices sounded.

The seven supreme elders took action again. How powerful and terrifying are they? In terms of the number of Jedi, seven of them have practiced hard for nearly 400000 years, and have an unimaginable powerful way. Although they hold their own identities, they don't really join hands, they just attack each other, and they are still too strong to imagine.


The whole sky is filled with infinite power.

The universe breaks, the Tao roars, the law emerges, and the infinite sacred breath fills the void.

Only see, seven can't imagine, enough to rival the power of quasi God treasure hit, rampage, smash everything. Even if Chen fan uses the power of Xianying to strike with all his strength, he will be crushed by the seven rainbow. The seven surging forces, even the remaining potential, hit the earth, smashing the earth's atmosphere for hundreds of miles, making the big star with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles tremble slightly.

On the earth, the mountains and the earth are falling apart, the earth is shaking, and the river is boiling.

Under this blow alone, thousands of people were killed or injured.

"Good chance!"

The four gods are also in the eyes of Dasheng, holding two quasi God treasure faster, turning into a rainbow, rushing to the earth desperately. Only when they were killed into the earth, with their magic weapon, the four gods could sweep the whole earth and easily subdue the northern Qiong sect. At that time, the North Qiong send a door up and down in hand, chen fan still dare to resist?

"Don't worry, Daoyou. When some of my disciples go to earth and bring their descendants, we will have a good tea and talk about Taoism. Only then can we show the elegant demeanour of our generation's immortals. Is it our" demigods "who fight and kill like this?" Qin Jian said with a faint smile.

In every word, he claims to be a "demigod", far superior to ordinary people and even to other immortals.

The "demigod" here is not the demigod of the alien gods, but the meaning of "transforming God". It is as powerful as a real dragon and a god of heaven. It is the metamorphosis and eclosion of the life level, which is very different from those who cultivate immortals in the lower four realms.

"Not bad."

The lady in Imperial costume nodded.

She sacrificed the "mountain and river map" in her hand. The "picture of mountains, rivers, heaven and earth" is unfolded. It turns into a world and covers the earth. This quasi God treasure is thousands of miles long, like a curtain of heaven. In the hands of beautiful women in palace costume, it is more than several times stronger than Qiao Zhen and Qiao Yu. Chen fan can hardly break through it.

"Chen beixuan, your disciples are full of generals. Don't arrest them quickly. Otherwise, it will be too late for you to ask for mercy when they wash the beiqiong sect." The supreme elder of Wuji sect also used the "Wuji Xinghe map" to press again.

"That's right."

Although the other supreme elders didn't do it, they secretly urged zhunshenbao to rise like a dragon.

Their eyes were cool and their faces were casual. Although Chen fan is powerful, he can crush many gods, but in the eyes of these half step talents who have lived for tens of thousands of years and gone through countless trials and hardships, they are just like this. They may not be able to win one by one, but together with seven people, chen fan is absolutely unable to win.


Seven unimaginable great pressure, shake the sky, shake the sea of stars, pressure of countless distant quietly surrounded monks heartbroken, even on the earth, hundreds of millions of living beings are heavy in the heart, as if to feel the seven gods rising outside.

No matter jiaozun, Lingyun Taoist priest, Anpo Tianjun, Li Yuan and so on, their faces changed wildly.

The power of half step power is beyond everyone's imagination.

Although they don't have the real power to push the world, they are not the real "gods", but they are still like the real dragon pan Kong, like the gods at ease, shaking the Milky way. It can be said that under the God, their power has reached the peak, into no way!


Ah Xiu even gritted his teeth and rode the sword array to the sky to meet the four gods.

Many beiqiong disciples also know that this is a critical moment of life and death. They are all willing to go on top of the golden elixir. One by one, they drive magic weapons into the sky. Even if the mantis is pawn as a cart, they will see death as if they are going home.

"Although this sect has been established for only a few years, it is really cohesive." Someone sighed.

Sitting in the hall of many foreign yuan baby, eyes bright and uncertain, although the face in sigh, but no one got up. As we all know, it's just a fight against a stone. There's no chance of winning. It's the battle outside the earth that decides everything.

And now.

Chen Fan turned his head and no longer looked at the earth.

Nine orifices god baby holding the halberd from his body jump out, into a golden light, with six demons vertical earth. However, chen fan, with both hands on his back and indifferent eyes, looks down on all living beings like a God:

"well, I wanted to leave this card to those foreign powers and those behind the scenes. Since you are looking for death, let me show you what the real power is."


In his body, the immortal baby, the immortal soul and the immortal body suddenly shrank and merged into a gorgeous immortal light.At that moment, chen fan's body did not move, but it was like an ancient and boundless God coming into the world. It filled the whole sea of stars, and the terrible power shook the river of stars. Even the heaven and earth seemed unable to bear him, and the surrounding celestial bodies trembled slightly. In front of him, the seven supreme elders, who had practiced for countless years, could not help but start to walk up and down tremble.

Three immortals in one, half yuan of power now!

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