"The Legion of blood demons. [zero ↑ nine △ small ↓ say △ net] "

Xia Jinglong, Huang Zhenting and others have all turned pale. As for Chu Yuanding, he was scared. His vigorous Qi overflowed and his sleeves and robes agitated. It was obvious that he could hardly control the real yuan in his body.

In the vast northern cold region, there are countless sects, hundreds of elixirs and hundreds of millions of monks. Even in Chen Fan's time, it was difficult to suppress the whole northern cold region by one person. If a city a city to fight in the past, chen fan himself will be tired of vomiting blood.

Only a few elders and envoys in the later period of the golden elixir, not to mention stepping down in the northern cold region, could not even defeat a king city. These hundred thousand blood devil friars are their real support to sweep the invincible.

"Zhenjun, let's step back. At that time, thirty-six states in the northern cold region formed a coalition, and hundreds of elixirs joined hands. As a result, they were defeated by the blood devil army. No one could shake such a huge force except the battle. "

Xia Jinglong advised.

The Red Dragon King's head is like a chicken pecking rice.

"Well, Chen Zhenjun, I can see the blood demon legion of the blood god cult in your eyes." Lieshan laughed wildly. Another emissary of the blood devil way also looked coldly, his eyes were cold and abrupt.

The eyes of all the people converged on Chen fan.

Although we all know that Chen Fan once defeated dozens of elixirs with one against 100. But that kind of thing is just loose sand, and there is no cooperation. And the blood devil battle array connects all people's mana. Such a legion is enough to sweep all the existence under Yuan Ying.

In the sky.

The blood dragon is rampant. On the ground, the mountain laughs wildly. Inside and outside the whole King City, there was a complete silence. The blood demon army, like a huge millstone, crushed everything and rolled in.

When they got closer, they could even see the expressionless monk. They were dressed in blood colored armour, holding blood sacrifice magic knife. The magic flame was so powerful that the stones on the ground began to collapse.

"True king."

At this time, even Zhao juexian could not help asking in a low voice.

Although he was in the two peaks, he had seen Chen Fan break through the ancient times. But at that time, chen fan was obviously desperate to burn yuan Dan. Now we may not have the ability to fight against the sky.

Chen Fan looked up, empty eyes, no joy, no sorrow, light way.

"But that's far worse than the battle of the ancient demons."

As soon as Chen Fan's words came out, Lieshan's laughter stopped. The eyes of the two blood demon messengers were all suspicious. They wondered whether Chen fan made a big speech or was really powerful.

"Zhao juexian, take care of them for me, and see how I can break the battle."

With a smile, chen fan raised his hands to the sky and ran into the battle of the blood devil. He was so calm, so indifferent, as if in front of him, not a hundred thousand congenital friars, just a push of rags.

"Be careful."

At this moment, countless people exclaimed.

In people's eyes, chen fan is like a mole ant in front of the blood demon army, just like a chicken in front of Mount Tai. The Legion of blood demons is a trump card to suppress one territory. Even if changshengbang Tianjiao comes here, he has to retreat from the front and dare not touch it. How dare Chen Fan run into it?

But the next scene was beyond everyone's imagination.


Chen Fan flew into the air, flying faster and faster, and finally he was shining with gold. This golden light is very strong, like the eternal King Kong, with the breath of immortality.

Five times the speed of sound, ten times the speed of sound, twenty times the speed of sound...

in the end, people can hardly imagine how fast chen fan is, the air is split by him, and the heaven and the earth are divided by him. In the eyes of the public, there is only a touch of extremely sharp and gorgeous golden rainbow.

"Thousand blade blood sword!"

The 18 mid golden elixir friars in charge of the blood demon legion, with a cold face, cheered at the same time.

See a blood light skyward, condensed into a magic knife, a knife in the air, split to Chen fan. This is a joint strike of 100000 congenital monks, comparable to the power of Tianbao. Even if the son of God is here, he may not be able to take it.

But Chen Fan didn't dodge and ran into it directly.


In people's incredible eyes.

Jin Hong easily smashes the magic knife, and then, with no reduction in the remaining potential, bumps into the battle of the blood devil. The blood demon army, which claims to be impregnable and can cut the golden elixir at the top, is smashed by Chen fan like bean curd.

Then, Jin Hongru's sword, which runs across the sky, flies ten kilometers from beginning to end, and Shengsheng hits the whole blood demon army. It's just like the seven in and seven out generals in ancient times.

The 100000 friars of the whole blood demon legion seemed to be stunned, frozen in the sky and motionless.


When Chen Fan's figure appeared behind the blood demon legion, countless people were stunned.

"This... This can't be true, can it?"

"Am I right? Chen Zhenjun killed the invincible legion of blood demons? "

"Too strong, Chen Zhenjun is too strong."Xia Jinglong and others were also shocked. As for the king of Chu Yuanding and Chijiao, his mouth was wide open and he couldn't believe it. Only two blood demon messengers are still in the mouth:

"just through, what is this? The blood demon Legion I taught is made up of 100000 inborn and 100 elixirs. How much can Chen beixuan kill? When the Legion reacts, he can be killed by using the sea mill. "

When they heard the words, they were about to frown.

An incredible scene appeared in front of everyone.


In the void, there was a violent vibration. It's like firecrackers. From the beginning of the blood demon legion, hundreds of friars burst apart, and the whole person exploded into a blood mist.

Many people are at a strange time.

As if the fuse had been lit, then thousands of blood devil monks exploded in the air. As soon as the head opened, the sound rang out one after another. Groups of blood demon monks burst and died. The rest of the time, from beginning to end, countless monks scrambled to explode one after another. In the end, the whole blood demon army, 100000 inborn, 100 golden elixirs, and 18 golden elixirs, all turned into a sea of blood.

A series of earth shaking loud noises exploded over the northern Hanwang city.

A cloud of bloody mushrooms, with the overwhelming strength of gas, across the sky and down. With each blow, it can blast a hundred miles into scorched earth. But it's strange that Beihan King seems to be protected. When the Qi reaches the ground, it turns into a breeze.

About two minutes later, the explosions stopped.

All of them gaped.

The whole King City, tens of millions of people, countless monks, all silence. As for Xia Jinglong, Chu Yuanding and others, they have turned into stone sculptures with a dull face, which is unimaginable.

As for the two blood demon messengers, they were already scared.

Chen fan, flying with long sleeves and stepping on the heaven and earth, overlooks the mountain:

"Lieshi, this story of Chen is close to the mountain. I don't know how it compares with the invincible army of Guijiao?"


Lieshan's teeth were trembling and he couldn't speak.

He raised his head tremblingly and looked at the boy with black hair and pupils and a faint smile on his face. In Lieshan's eyes, chen fan's accomplishments were very common, just at the beginning of the golden elixir, and he had just entered the golden elixir without any concealment.

But it was such an ordinary real king who, with an understatement, smashed 100000 congenital friars and 100 blood devil elixirs to pieces, lost spirits and ashes.

"How can it be? Is he a peerless king? "

The mountain is terrible.

In addition to the legendary Yuanying Tianjun, who can defeat an army on his own? Even the king of blood may not be able to do it.

You know, the blood demon Legion is the invincible blade of the blood cult to suppress the barbarism. It took thousands of years for the blood god cult to establish four branches. Such a legion, placed in the Tianzong cult, is a force to suppress Qi Yun, which is easily unable to be used.

In the face of the army of the golden elixir, the late king of the golden elixir and the eternal pride of heaven are all vulnerable. It is said that only the half step Yuanying and even the Shenzi who have been cultivated into the golden elixir can be worthy of the battle, but they will not be so understated.


Chen Fan didn't care about him. He threw out a small black flag and penetrated into the sea of blood.

That little black flag, originally very humble, as soon as it entered the sea of blood, it was like a giant whale drinking water, absorbing the blood all over the sky. With more and more absorption, the small banners grew longer and longer. At last, they turned into giant banners with the size of ten feet. The banners were all red and as red as blood.

"I also want to thank envoy lie. I have nothing to do in liangjiefeng. I have refined 18 unfinished Tianmo banners. I'm worried about how to find the monks of the devil's way and really refine these Tianmo banners. The monks of the ancient devil clan have just contributed five ancient magic banners to me, but there are still 13 missing. It's too hard for me to send them to my door."

Chen Fan took the blood flag with a smile:

"next, I'd like to ask two messengers to be the spirit of my new magic flag. I'm so sorry. "


Another blood demon Messenger, directly stunned, fell to the ground. Only Lieshan gritted his teeth to support him, but his face was hard to see.

After the reaction, all of the gold elixirs beside them were awed to the extreme and bowed down respectfully:

"the real king is mighty!"

No matter Xia Jinglong, Huang Zhenting or Chu Yuanding, they are all extremely respectful. As soon as they smashed the Legion, chen fan was like heaven and man in their eyes.

And the Red Dragon King, has been running over, holding Chen Fan leg will kneel to beg for mercy.

Only Zhao juexian, though respectful on the surface, flashed a trace of anger.


after destroying the blood demon legion, chen fan quickly escaped from the northern cold King City.

According to the information obtained from Lieshan and other people, the real legion of blood devil road has been killed to the north and besieged Guhua city for half a year.

"Come on, follow me. Who gives the blood God the courage?"Chen Fan sneers, grabs Zhao juekong, steps out, tears the space, and appears thousands of miles away. However, half a quarter of an hour later, the ancient city of China has been looking back.

At this time, outside Guhua City, the devil's flame waves, thousands of miles of blood sea, let Chen Fan hardly recognize.

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