The outside world is boiling.

But Chen fan has already entered wuhui valley with one sword.

Chen fan is not afraid of a hostile divine place once it is released, but his parents and relatives are different. So Chen Fan chased into the valley, either killed the dragon master, or paid him, never let him escape.


As soon as Chen Fan entered the valley, the surrounding clouds suddenly changed, and the whole wuhui valley began to boil. Countless fog dragons came from all directions. This misty array not only has the effect of blocking, but also is a super large killing array.

The cloud dragons, which are hundreds of meters long and composed of pure Yin and evil spirit, are like giant cables of the sky. They are frantically encircling and suppressing. It was the master who had long been twisted by the chains of the clouds and turned into flesh and mud. It seems that the Dragon Master in front of him is very familiar with this dharma array. He goes around the Dharma array seven times and eight times, and disappears in an instant.

"Wuhuigu is in Southeast Asia. This guy has been in Southeast Asia for decades. I'm afraid he's already known the Falun."

Chen Fan thinks so.

With his array attainments, he can crack the array in a quarter of an hour at most. But a quarter of an hour later, who knows where the Dragon Master fled? There is not necessarily only one exit.

Thinking of this, chen fan's eyes narrowed and his spirit soared. He drank softly:



Sword and thunder!

With the sound of thunder, Guiyuan sword turns into a rainbow and cuts it fiercely. The hundred meter cloud rope was cut by Guiyuan sword in the air. In a moment, Guiyuan sword cut out a hundred meter passage.

But it's no return valley. I don't know how deep it is. The sword mark of more than 100 meters never ends. Looking from all directions, it was all white fog. These white fogs are composed of yin and evil Qi, which can isolate mental power. Even Chen Fan's thoughts are in them, and they can't detect more than 100 meters.

"Come on, come on!"

Chen Fanzhen is in a frenzy with his sword.

After one year's sacrifice and refining, and the huge Zhenyuan urge of Shenhai. The power of Guiyuan sword at this time is comparable to that of spirit weapon. Each blow brought a roaring thunder, followed by sword after sword, continuously cutting countless clouds and huge ropes, and finally cutting a way out of the fog array.


Chen Fan's body was in a flash. He crossed the channel hundreds of meters and flashed out of the fog array.

When he saw it, he saw a valley full of flowers. This is may in the world, and the valley is full of vitality. There are also wild animals, blinking and looking curiously at chen fan.

Chen Fan looked back and saw that the road was covered with a huge fog. The fog has a radius of more than 1000 meters, covering a huge area, surrounding the whole valley.

"There are three Dharma arrays in the secret collection of the earth immortal. The first one has been broken, and the second one is..."

Chen Fan looks up.

There was a strange scene.

Deep in the valley, there is an area. In this region, there are towering trees in the East, swords in the west, flaming lava in the south, deep hanging pools in the north, and a towering hill in the center.

"This is the original five elements array?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

As one of the most common forces in the world, the power of the five elements can be controlled even by the aborigines who don't know how to cultivate immortals. The ability to build a five element array, even if it is very simple, also shows that the earth immortal is powerful.

"If it's any other formation, I'll have to do something about it, but the five element formation in front of me is a master's skill."

Chen Fan chuckled.

His "eternal life of the green emperor" is the highest unique skill of the five elements immortal sect. The five elements immortal sect is the most powerful sect to control the five elements. With the strength of the Qing emperor's growing body, Chen Fangen could break through without any effort.

I saw that he stepped into the five element array like a leisurely walk.


As soon as he entered the battle, the whole area of the five elements roared. First of all, countless fires came roaring. These fires are all melted by the energy of fire. They can burn gold and boil iron. The temperature is comparable to that of lava, which means that those who are strong in the divine realm have to change their color.

But Chen Fanli didn't pay attention to it. He opened the shield of Zhenyuan, kept the fire away from three meters, and walked step by step into the array.


Fazhen seems to be infuriated.

Five bright lights rose from the array, and then infinite black air came. These black air are the essence of water, which contains many small drops. One drop weighs more than 100 Jin, and countless drops hit. It's like a tsunami.


The quintessence of water hits Chen Fanzhen yuan's shield and shakes the blue light shield, but Chen fan still ignores it and goes on. Immediately after that, the array changed, and countless weapons and meteorites were smashed down.

"Dong Dong Dong."

With the shield of Zhenyuan, chen fan carried these attacks and walked to the depth of the array step by step.

The more you go inside, the more powerful the array is. These attacks are the result of the changes of the array. They are endless. Any divine state in it will be torn to pieces. That's when Chen Fan's cyan mask began to shrink gradually, leaving only about half a meter. All of a sudden, the Dharma array was transformed into countless pieces of huge wood."It's you who's waiting!"

Chen Fan laughed, kneaded the formula and drank it softly:

"Taigu Qingdi, Yimu Fuzhao, orders to surrender!"

The huge green emperor Changsheng Zhenyuan poured out of Chen Fan's hands and quickly poured into the wooden array. The evergreen body of the Qing emperor is the first of all the trees. It is the highest divine body of the vitality of the wood system. It has the power to control all the vitality of the wood system.

In the sky, the rolling wood with the thickness of human waist suddenly turned into vitality, and then the whole wooden array quickly fell into the control of Chen fan.

The five elements array is connected with each other, and it is broken for a while, and other arrays are in disorder immediately.


Chen fanmeng stamped his foot.


The whole five elements array trembled, and the illusions of flames, black gas, swords and guns, meteorites and so on all over the sky dispersed in the air, returning to their original appearance. When Chen Fan stepped out of the five element array, he saw a man in green standing in front of a cave entrance.

The man in green turned his head and saw chen fan like a ghost:

"how can you pass the Yunlong killing array and the five elements array so quickly?"

The man is the Dragon Master of the Dragon hall.

But at this time, the Dragon Master's face was full of horror.

It took decades for the two Dharma arrays to work together to find a way to enter. It's amazing to feel that the person who set up the array is so accomplished that he deserves the respect of the immortal. But Chen Fan arrived here in less than half a quarter of an hour, which is simply appalling.

"For you, it could take decades to crack. As far as I'm concerned, it's just a magic array laid out by the immortals. It's only a little tricky at most. "

Chen Fan waved sleeve, light says.

When he arrived here, he was not afraid of the Dragon Master's escape, and Chen Fan was not in a hurry. He looked at the entrance of the cave with great interest:

"is this the third array?"

At the entrance of the cave, there are nine small swords on the jade slab. Each of these nine small swords is only five inches and five cents long, and each of them is engraved with different names:

"Chen, Furong, Shura, Hongxiu..."

seeing these nine small swords, chen fan has already vaguely guessed who the owner of the cave is. Sure enough, the Dragon Master said with a bitter smile:

"as far as we know, this cave should be the cave of the last earth immortal" sword master "thousands of years ago. These nine flying swords are the "nine swords flying together" of the famous Tibetan swordsman. If you want to enter the cave, you have to go through this sword array. "

"With these nine flying swords, the master of Tibetan sword was invincible all over China. If you want to break the sword array, it is estimated that the nine divine realms will join hands. But in this world, it is not easy to make up for the nine divine realms? "

The man in Green said and shook his head.

"So it is."

Chen Fan nodded.

These nine flying swords contain surging sword spirit, which has been immortal for thousands of years. It looks like nothing strange. Once excited, the power of each sword is no less than Lin Langya's blood sword skill. However, chen fan is not afraid at all, and is ready to step forward.

At this time, chen fan suddenly felt the little gourd on his waist and jumped.

"It was the master's magic weapon to keep the sword." Chen Fan moved in his heart, took out the sword and made a secret.

"Bang, bang, bang."

In the eyes of the man in green, the nine flying swords were so attracted that they began to vibrate like a swallow, one of which was shot into the Yellow gourd.

After a long time, the man in green couldn't believe it and said:

"isn't this the sword keeper of the sword master... It's a rumor that he is missing?"

After receiving the nine flying swords, chen fan was very happy, so he gave him a casual reply:

"I got them in Hong Kong Island by accident."

"Come in with me. Don't try to escape."

With that, chen fan brushed his sleeves and stepped into the cave.

The Dragon Master's face was blue and white. At last, he could only sigh and bow his head. He didn't want to die after all. I'm very curious about the secret collection of the legendary earth immortal.

The cave is not like what the dragon master thought. There are some fairyland pavilions and stone chambers. The stone room is very simple, almost no furnishings, on one side of the bookshelf, there are a few volumes of ancient books, but it has long been rotten.

There is only a Taoist sitting cross legged in the center of the stone chamber.

Taoist's clothes are starry and he meditates with his eyes down. All over the skin is still ruddy and shiny, lifelike, just like a real person.

"Is master cangjian still alive?"

Seeing this, the Dragon Master suddenly changed his face and exclaimed.

"Over the past thousand years, even the golden elixir will fall. How can we be born alive?" Chen Fan sneered. "It's just his body. The congenital Tao body is of ice flesh and jade bone. It will not decay for thousands of years. His spirit has long been gone. "

In this way, the dragon master found that although the Taoist's appearance was still the same, he had no breath and heartbeat, but his body was too strong and not decadent, just like a real person."Gee."

At this time, chen fan found that the Taoist had a volume of ancient Scripture in his hand. He couldn't help but take a look at it. He saw only a few numbers at the beginning, which made Chen Fan feel shocked.

PS: the third one is presented, and the author continues to write the fourth one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!