London, England, 5 a.m.

In an old apartment, a white man wearing glasses, with a trace of sleepiness on his face, sat in front of the computer with his coffee.

His name is Raphael, which is not his name, but his code name. As a member of a large underground organization, Raphael is mainly responsible for collecting all kinds of intelligence, acting as a collector and analyst. His organization, called "scarlet wings", is a mercenary Corps that is mainly responsible for various tasks. Well known in North Africa and the Middle East.

It's just that this mercenary regiment is different from the ordinary mercenary regiment. They are mainly responsible for protecting, infiltrating, stealing intelligence or assassinating rather than war figures. They often communicate with the strong in the dark world.

So most of Raphael's time is spent collecting information about various organizations, families and famous strong people in the dark world.

"It's time for the CIA special administration to announce the secret list."

Raphael took a sip of coffee and perked up.

He is an English of Indian origin, belonging to a high caste. His skin is so white that he can hardly see any difference from the British. Although Rafael has no special ability, he is a top hacker, so Crimson Wing recruited him into the team.

Raphael's fingers, light on the green axis keyboard.

The green code cascades down the screen.

CIA's special website can't be entered just by knocking on a website. It has to go through several interceptions and firewalls before it can finally log in. Everyone who can connect to this website either has a special key or is a computer expert.

"OK, it's done."

Rafael on the keyboard, a change in the screen, into a forum general interface.

"Let me see what's new." Raphael pulled down quickly.

This forum of the CIA is divided into several parts, including the task office, the list of wanted criminals, the ranking of bounty hunters, and so on. In addition to the tasks announced by the United States, many western countries or small countries have also announced their tasks through this forum.

These small countries can't hunt those dark and powerful people who are at ease by themselves, so they can only pay to issue reward missions, hoping that mercenary regiments and reward hunters or intelligence organizations of other countries can do it for them.

"Miyamoto Tsao, a Japanese male, is a B-level fighter. He is proficient in karate, aikido and judo. He once fought Tigers with his bare hands. Criminal record: because of economic disputes, he killed the son of the powerful family of Mitsui consortium, and now he has fled to Europe. The reward is offered by the police department of the Japanese government. Reward amount: 10 million dollars. "

"Pop bear Gru, a Russian male, was born in Siberian training camp. After seven years of strict fighting and fighting training, he has a very strong body. He can kick and break steel pillars. He has participated in 36 underground boxing competitions without losing. Criminal record: killed a regional leader of the Russian Mafia, the current whereabouts are unknown. The reward: the Russian Mafia. Reward amount: 15 million US dollars.

"Gray snake maniac en, Middle Eastern male, C-level extraordinary..."


Rafael swept around and found that they were all B-level and C-level small characters, so he shook his head.

Although he is just an ordinary person, he stayed in the large organization of scarlet wings. He met several S-class strong people, not to mention A-class strong people. BC is not in his eye at all.

"Let's see if there are any new changes on the s-list."

Raphael said as he pulled up.

"The S-class strong will not be killed easily unless they are killed by themselves. Last time, Hongmen offered a reward of one billion US dollars to kill Chen beixuan, a Chinese. Didn't he join a king of killers? "

Raphael shook his head and laughed.

Even the scarlet wing will not take on such a task easily. Any S-class strong player can't be humiliated. Who knows how many cards they have? Who knows how destructive they will be once they go crazy?

He pulled up and found that the S-level reward list did not change much. Suddenly, his eyes were fixed.

"Psius the spirit, Bavarian, S-class awakener, has the power of shadow and ranks 20th. Criminal record: successively assassinated senior officials and the top rich in Serbia, Poland, Italy and other countries. Reward: seventeen countries. Reward amount: 5 billion US dollars. (this task has been cancelled) "

" Hughes really seems dead. " Rafael sighed.

As a force in Europe, dark totem and scarlet wing have dealt with each other several times, but scarlet wing is more inclined to governments, so there is a hidden opposition between them. Although the dark totem is not as good as scarlet wings, no one dares to underestimate them by virtue of Hughes.

Thinking of the news he heard a few days ago, Raphael could not help shaking his head and exclaiming.

Two Hongmen giants, one Korean master and one dark list strong. Four S-class strong men fell at the same time, which was a great event shaking the underground world. The high-level officials of the scarlet wing held several meetings to discuss whether they would take part in the encirclement and suppression of Chen beixuan if there was a reward task."Five strong men joined hands, and four of them were killed. Chen beixuan is so powerful."

Raphael smashed his tongue and flipped through the discussion area of the forum.

Sure enough, even after a few days, there are still many people in the discussion area talking about what happened in Jinling, China.

"If the secret list is published, Chen beixuan should be ranked fourth, second only to the three giants."

"It's impossible. When that battle happened, there were strong people from special departments of China watching. Who can guarantee that they didn't intervene? If Qinglong helps, it's not inconceivable that they will kill Xiusi together. You should know that Qinglong of China is the seventh in the dark list. "

"But Ola witnessed it with her own eyes. She came back and said that Chen beixuan was the only one to do it."


in the forum, people from various countries and organizations are arguing with each other in their waistcoats. There are many people in it, maybe members of the Intelligence Department of a certain country, or a leader of a transnational organization. No one would dare to log on to this forum without several layers of Broilers and springboards, for fear that the top CIA hackers would find their real bodies along the address.

"I also feel that with Chen beixuan's achievements, it should be no problem to rank sixth and fifth."

Said Raphael, touching his chin with his coffee.

At this time, someone suddenly appeared in the forum and issued a bold title:

"look at the dark list of this issue!"

"What's the matter? The secret list came out? " Rafael was slightly surprised and quickly opened a page.

This page is at the top of the forum, the most eye-catching position. The background is black, and the top is marked with: "list of super dangerous people."

Rafael habitually pulled the list to the bottom.

Because the top 10 of the dark list may not have changed in decades, but the bottom 10, especially the bottom 10, change very frequently. Hughes often climbed up and was pushed down again.

This time, Raphael did not see the name of Hughes.

"No.20, yinglonghua, the first of Japan's four great masters of kendo, and the only woman on the dark list..."

"I seem to have heard of yinglonghua. It's said that she is a genius in the Japanese Kendo world in 50 years." Raphael thought as he continued to look up.

"Seventeen, the dark Titan."

"No.15, rahal."

"No.13, Carr, the scarlet wing."

"Why, our boss has lost one? Is it because that Chen beixuan pushed up? " Raphael touched his head and muttered. He continued to look, and found that the strong man in the back was one lower than a few months ago.

"The eighth, the seventh, the sixth, the fifth..."

when he got to the fifth place, he found that there was no Chen beixuan's name, so Rafael was a little confused. Didn't the CIA put Chen beixuan on the list this time? Or, as people on the forum guessed, this battle was participated by the Chinese official strongmen. Xiusi was not killed by Chen fan, but by Qinglong?

But wait for his vision, carelessly sweep to the fourth name, not from the fierce one Leng.

The bright red letters outline a name:


translated as Zeus, the main god of Greek mythology and the king of thunder and lightning.

Can take this name as the code name, visible that strong person's arrogance and arrogance. In fact, no one dares to object to this strong man's use of this nickname, because over the past decades, he has proved himself by means of his valiant achievements, monstrous murders, and repeatedly escaping from the army's encirclement and suppression.

The original dark list is third, one of the three most terrifying and dangerous strong men on the planet:

"Thor Zeus."

"How is that possible? How did Zeus come in fourth

Raphael had been deeply shocked. He couldn't help sweeping to the third column. Sure enough, he saw a line of characters bigger and brighter than Zeus, marked with an unprecedented strange name:

"beixuan. Chen!"

"It's going to change." Raphael couldn't help saying to himself.

At the same time, the rosefinch who received the news was completely stupid.

"It's impossible!"

Rosefinch has always been the same iceberg pretty face, at this time is full of confusion and doubt: "Zeus that guy how strong, you are not unclear? He escaped from the pursuit of the U.S. Army in the Philippines, and also made two Black Hawk helicopters and a tank. Even if it's not divine, it's not far away. Why is Chen beixuan ahead of him? "

The people sitting around her also had shock and doubt in their eyes.

The top three of the dark list are the only three strong men who have ever collided with the U.S. military and survived, so they can be at the top of the dark list and have not wavered for decades. Does the fact that the CIA ranks Chen Fan in third place mean that Chen fan also has the power to confront the modern army head on? Even if it's just an ordinary ground force of hundreds of people.PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!