"She's Anna. Her Chinese name is Zheng Anqi. She's an international model. She's been on Vogue's cover three times. Even Versace's design director invited her to be his own model Zhou Qingya introduced beside.

She obviously knows the fashion circle very well. Vogue is one of the most famous women's fashion magazines in the world. She has been on Vogue's cover three times. It can be seen that Zheng Anqi is really famous in the modeling and fashion circles.

"Besides, she is also the daughter of the Zheng family on Hong Kong Island, the daughter of Zheng haochang, the chairman of Zheng's consortium, and the granddaughter of Mr. Zheng Zhongming. It is said that her mother is an English nobleman or the daughter of a count. Anna has hundreds of millions of assets. Instead of inheriting them, she becomes a model and develops her own fashion brand. She is a legend in the fashion circle. "

Zhou Qingya said it like a treasure, with a trace of admiration in his tone.

The Zheng family on Hong Kong Island is a famous family in the Chinese circle, and Zheng Zhongming has been listed in the Forbes rich list for many years. Compared with Zhengjia, both Shen family and Chen family are like the woodlouse upstart who just started. The gap is too far away. It is estimated that only Zhang Donghai, the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, can compete with the Zheng family.

Such a woman with perfect birth, appearance and career is naturally Zhou Qingya's idol.

"I know her." Chen Fan gave a flat response.

"You know Zheng angqi. Generally speaking, only those little boys who are star chasers and girls who often read fashion magazines know about Anna." Zhou Qingya was slightly surprised and suddenly showed a bad smile: "you can't be Anna's fan, do you like her?"

"No, she just owes me some money." Chen fan light way.

"I owe you money?" Zhou Qingya wrinkled her little nose, as if she didn't believe it. "Anna is the legitimate daughter of the Zheng family on Hong Kong Island. Her father is in charge of the Zheng's consortium with tens of billions of assets. How can she owe money? And do you know her?"

Zhou Qingya had a little suspicion in her eyes.

Chen family is a big family in Jinling, but it is too small on Hong Kong Island or the whole Chinese circle. Compared with the Zheng family, the Chen family's contacts and assets are not worth mentioning. For example, the Zheng family, a big family in the top Chinese circle, has a lot of connections and may be related to various overseas consortia and organizations. If Chen fan has seen Zheng Anqi, he can say that, but it's impossible to make friends with Zheng Anqi, not to mention owing money?

Chen fan light smile, no response.

There is no way to explain 10 billion yuan. Chen fan is too lazy to explain.

Seeing that Chen Fan didn't answer, Zhou Qingya had to swallow the question.

The plane flew in the air for seven or eight hours and finally landed at Hong Kong Island International Airport. Qiuyilun's hotel has long been waiting at the gate of the airport. As soon as Chen Fan and others got to the airport, they felt the style and wealth of Hong Kong Island.

It is indeed an international metropolis, surrounded by a steady stream of people, many of whom are foreigners with white, brown or black skin, mixed with various accents. English, Spanish, Thai, Japanese, Korean. Many airplanes change planes on Hong Kong Island and then fly away.

Chen Fan nodded slightly. In 2008, Hong Kong Island was more like a big city than Jinling. However, in his memory, there was little development in Hong Kong Island in the last ten years. It gradually declined and was caught up or even surpassed by Yanjing and Zhonghai in China.


Chen Fan's divine sense enveloped him, and he suddenly felt that there were many people with magic power in the whole airport. Since he attended the martial arts gathering in Linzhou, he has never seen so many martial arts people gather together. What's more, it's just a mere airport. I don't know how many are left on the whole island?

"No, they are not martial arts, but Taoists?"

Chen Fan frowned gently.

After he came back from his rebirth, he basically met people with internal strength and martial arts, and few magicians practiced Taoism. There are only a few of them.

This is because the cultivation of Taoism is more difficult and difficult to break through than martial arts. At the age of the young wizard master, when he reached the peak of his cultivation, he was a prodigy who came out for decades and forced the six magic families in Southwest China to join hands to get rid of him. There are many talents in the martial arts world. Even Huaxia, the master of Huajing, can make a list of heaven, and the Dharma practitioner is much rarer than the master. Chen fan now knows about the two men, the Dan king of the medicine God Valley and the old witch master of the ghost witch sect.

"Is Hong Kong really a warlock's paradise? I have long heard that people on Hong Kong Island and in the South pay attention to geomantic omen and metaphysics and worship all kinds of masters. Now it seems true. "

Chen fan has some doubts. Even if he worships again, there are too many followers. But it's none of his business. He followed Qiu Yilun and others, got on the special bus and drove to the hotel.

At the moment when Chen Fan's mind was withdrawn, different people looked up from all corners of the airport and looked in the direction of Chen Fan's departure with a little doubt.

"What's the matter, grandfather?"

Asked a flamboyant girl in red.

"Strange, strange, how can I feel like I was just spied?" An old man with white head and white beard, who is immortal, felt his chin and doubted.

"I guess it's an illusion, grandfather. You are the leader of the fudimen of Fengshui school, and a great warlock at the top of the road. Who dares to spy on you?" The girl covered her mouth and said with a smile."So it is." The old man nodded haughtily.

The road of Tao and Dharma is much more difficult than that of martial arts. If there is no real person who practices Dharma in the world, he should respect the peak of entering the Tao.

"This time I come to attend the Lingnan metaphysics conference, we must let those Fengshui masters in Lingnan have a good look. I am a unique scholar of fudimen." The old man has a light beard and is elated.

"That is, Zhou Daoji and Huang Wenze have been in charge of Fengshui in the south for a long time, so they should give way." The little granddaughter raised her little white fist and said happily.

"Oh, my dear, Zhou Daoji has some skills. After all, he is the first master on Hong Kong Island. As for Huang Wenze, there was a cold light in the old man's eyes. "It's time for him to give way to master Xuan."

This kind of dialogue is spreading in many parts of the airport at the same time.

Compared with martial arts, warlocks are more sensitive to divine thoughts. After all, they cultivate spiritual thoughts. But Chen Fan's idea is like the vast sky. They can only doubt it a little and can't catch a trace at all.


at this time, chen fan has already taken the Mercedes Benz special car sent by Hilton Hotel to make an envoy to Hilton Hotel on Hong Kong Island. This time, Qiu Yilun spent a lot of money. The Hilton Hotel on Hong Kong Island started thousands of years ago. It was also on the National Day holiday. He was so ruthless that he ordered three business suites, each of which cost more than 2000 yuan a night. For seven consecutive days, the total cost was 50000 yuan.

That is to say, Qiu Yilun's rich children were born, while Qi wangsun, chen fan and Zhou Qingya all had extraordinary family backgrounds and didn't care much. But Qian Lulu and Liu Xiaojing, when they saw such a big hand, looked straight. After entering the hotel, they lay on the big bed and didn't want to get up.

"Boss, there are only three rooms. Lulu and I have one, senior brother and Xiaojing have one, so you can have one with beauty Zhou." Before leaving, Qiu Yilun winks at chen fan, pulls him over and whispers:

"I heard Lulu say that beauty Zhou is quarreling with her boyfriend recently. You should seize the opportunity."

With that, he snickered and went away, leaving only chen fan and Zhou Qingya in the room.

Chen fan is funny. Without saying that he already has Xiao Qiong, how can he provoke Zhou Qingya. Zhou Qingya didn't feel very good when he met at the beginning. Even if he wanted to choose, he would find sister an or princess Xu Rong, or even Lu Yanxue.

Zhou Qingya is very generous:

"anyway, it's a business suite, with a bedroom and a study, separated from each other on both sides, and there are sofas in the study. I'll sleep on the sofa then, and you can sleep in the bedroom."

"No, I sleep on the sofa."

Chen Fan responded calmly.

Seeing this, Zhou Qingya began to pack her luggage without affectation.

As a rich lady, she took a lot of cosmetics, clothes, shoes and bags with her when she went out to travel. All of them were entrusted by the hotel, and even a lot of intimate underwear. Zhou Qingya never avoids chen fan.

Chen fan, on the other hand, took nothing with him. He was able to build an immortal body of the Qing emperor. His body was immaculate and almost free of dirt. There's no need to take a bath or change clothes at all. It's enough to eat and drink.

Chen Fan stands in front of the huge French window, overlooking the whole Hong Kong Island.

This 1000 square kilometers of land supports millions of people and supports an international metropolis. His eyes went through the glass, across the endless distance, and landed on a hill, where luxury houses gathered, which is the most famous half hill villa area on Hong Kong Island. Countless well-known Chinese tycoons and movie stars live there, including the Zheng family.

"Find an opportunity to catch Zheng Anqi directly and see what she says about her debt."

Chen fan doesn't have much time to spend in the Zheng family. Naturally, he can't come out this time for a mere 10 billion yuan. If you want money, Yao Shengu and the Lu family can support a large amount of money, especially the Lu family, which is located in the south of China and has a huge cash flow. It's not much worse than the Zheng family.

He mainly came to search for the materials of the Qinglong formation.

As a super large array covering tens of acres, Qinglong array needs a huge amount of materials. It can't be solved by some ancient trees or logs. As an international metropolis, Hong Kong Island is also a famous gathering place of Fengshui Daofa. There are many international auction houses. If you want to find materials for falian, there are many aspects.

When Chen Fan arrived on Hong Kong Island, the city surprised him.

The concentration of warlocks was beyond his imagination. At ordinary times, there may not be a few practitioners in a province. This is the capital of Oriental Arts. There are so many magicians who practice Taoism. There is no shortage of materials for the array. Even if you can't find the original version, you can replace it with materials with other properties.

"Boss, Miss Zhou, there is a small auction in the hotel. Shall we go and have a look?"

Just packed, autumn Yi Lun and others on the door, his hand waving a color book, excited way.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one_ ∩) O (to be continued. )

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