"Major general Feng, your father is really kind to you. He not only takes a Macao as an amusement park for you, but also takes my casino into account. But who makes us partners? Now I can only cooperate."

When the two people in the room heard Qin Yu mention Feng's cooperation, their hearts sank. They had already Qin Yu was just a puppet who was supported to the top. Now it seems that what she knows is far beyond this category.

"See the bottle on the screen on your left? This is the key antidote for the virus in your body. Maybe you should have known your situation long ago. If you don't treat it in time, your outbreak period will come in the next month. Originally, this was a gift I inherited from the owner two days ago and wanted to give it to you as a gift, but now you have to change another way I can get it. "

On the screen cut into two halves, a small bottle of medicine is hung on a rope, and below the video port is a cement floor, with a viewing distance of at least tens of meters.

"You say Macao is an amusement park?" Feng Yan's attention didn't seem to be on the shaky bottle in the air. He keenly captured a message, and his cold voice became more and more low.

"Hehe, Mr. Feng is an interesting and talented genius. What I appreciate most is that his heart is cruel enough. I heard that you were tracking down the cause of your sister's death until some time ago? Hey, speaking out may make you sad. I was also involved in this matter at that time, and I tried to persuade him not to be so cruel." Qin Yu sighed, like falling into memory, The tone suddenly became ethereal, "but our experiment has failed all the time. We can't find the appropriate raw materials. Your sister broke into Macao and found something that shouldn't be found. Mr. Feng had to order to get rid of her."

Mr. Feng had to order to get rid of her... Get rid of her... She

Qin Qing's pupils on the sofa contracted slightly, and her cold hair trembled in an instant. She stared at the other side. It was hard to imagine how a son felt when he heard his father's order to hurt his sister.

The gap between guess and truth lies in that there will be a trace of luck in people's heart.

Qin Yu's words, however, pulled the trace of luck away, revealing the bloody and cruel truth.

"So it was his plan from Feng Yue's death to Fan Hong's plane crash." after a long time, Feng Yan continued to speak, but his voice was a little dumb. No matter how strong the heart is, it is flesh long. Betrayal from blood relatives is an irresistible pain of human instinct.

"Yes, he borrowed the hand of the gambling king. The fool who thought he was infatuated always thought he was working for Qin Wan, but he didn't know that he was just a piece on someone else's chessboard. When you successfully killed him, I sent a congratulatory message to your father." Qin Yuzhi said everything and told his father's plans word by word, The cause and effect is exactly the same as the two people guessed before, "your growth is what he expects, but I don't think it's a wise choice for him to take Sin City as the last stop, because you can't beat me."

From the moment Feng Yan chose Qin Qing, she knew what tricks the old guy was playing. Of course, she didn't mind stabbing him in the back at this time. At least she would feel happy looking at his son's hate expression.

Unfortunately, Feng Yan, who is good at restraining emotions, didn't do as she wanted. Let alone cry bitterly, she didn't frown.

He was silent for a moment with a cold face, then turned his eyes to the right of the screen, "what's that?"

Qin Yu tutted uninteresting. He seemed to give up looking for fun from him and put on an excited mouth: "let me introduce you grandly. This is the second genius of the Qin family in hundreds of years, the most talented successor after the founder song ye, dangdangdangdang ~ our former owner, Qin Wan."

what? Qin Qingteng got up uncontrollably from his chair, walked a few steps to the screen, reached out and touched it, narrowed her eyes, as if trying to see something.

"It's a pity that Miss Qin is blind, or you can't see the mother you've been looking for for so long." Qin Yu's playful Gu Owen hope is satisfied, and his tone is full of banter and irony.

"It's just a corpse." the next second, Feng Yan's cold voice forcibly interrupted the prank.

Yes, there was a coffin hanging at the other end of the same rope. There was a woman lying quietly in the brown wood. Although her face was still amazing and gentle, her unusually pale face and lifeless pulse showed that she was no longer a living person.

Qin Qing's fingertips trembled, and then heard a low smile.

"It's a corpse. Qin Wan died as early as 20 years ago. She was pierced by her good sister. It's a miracle that she can hold the child to birth. How can she still be alive." Qin Yu broke the fact in a very bad way, "But it takes me a lot of time to maintain this body. I have to see her every time I look at her face over the years, so I have to keep her fresh. If I were her daughter, I wouldn't watch her body be ruined like this after she died, right, sister Qin."

The Qin family leader of Tianzong has been praised by the outside world for more than ten years. Those who met her were extremely amazed at the beauty of that amazing time, but now it has become a specimen used by others.

This is another sad and angry thing.

"... what do you want?" Qin Qing put down his palm, but still stared at the screen and opened his mouth in a deep voice.

This represents her compromise.

A woman who was pregnant in October risked her life to give birth to her. Even if she had never met, she was born with this kindness.

"I appreciate your cheerfulness. Let me announce the rules of the game." Qin Yu also couldn't wait. His tone fluctuated excitedly. Suddenly, a strange sound came from somewhere in the room. The sound was accompanied by carefully planned rules, "The game is very simple. Now I'll give you a gun and see who gets it first and then kills the other party. The winner will get the final prize. Let me see whether the gambling king in Macao is faster or the major general in China is faster."

The voice fell, and the strange sound source moved just now. A tray was exposed from the hollowed out part of the slowly retreating wall. A gun was lying on the silver tray, right between the two.

The antidote, like the mother's body, is the hope of human survival instinct and the belief that can not be abandoned from a high moral level.

Whatever it is, it is worth drawing a gun and fighting for it.