On this day, after the fan family announced that their children could move back to the mansion

These young masters and ladies who dug news from the housekeeper's mouth opened their eyes and lied. They wanted to put honey on their mouths and drown the old man in the honey pot.

Fan Hong didn't even respond. He just said, "don't be rude when the guests arrive. I don't expect you to do anything earth shaking."

He doesn't object to his children playing tricks behind his back, but that doesn't mean he can accept these people acting smart in front of him.

When they were exposed, they all talked to each other.

A few fan Jingyu, who didn't speak, turned his mouth and felt that the brothers and sisters in the room were degrading their IQ. There was only one left... He floated his eyes to the silent youth in the corner, and the corners of his mouth raised again.

He didn't do anything and was sealed up in the head market. This kind of opponent is really vulnerable.

"Sir, the guest is here." at the door, the housekeeper came in and reported that the servants had automatically lined up to meet the visitors with the highest standard of treatment.

Pedal... The rhythmic footsteps of leather shoes on the floor were steady and powerful. The servants half hung their eyes. In the powerful atmosphere of indifference, they couldn't help fighting a cold war and were frozen.

This man is so cold.

All the people who witnessed the arrival in the house had this idea in their minds. It's not about the cold white mask on his face, but the man's own temperament is a kind of indifference and nobility thousands of miles away, which makes everyone unconsciously look up to him and feel unattainable no matter how close they are.

"Fred, long time no see." even Fan Hong got up and stretched out his hand to the other party.

"Gambling king, long time no see." the man took the smell of equal strength across the unbroken voice line under the mask.

This is the richest man in China, representing the arbitrators in East China.