Since Qin Qing's 100 million yuan aid fund destroyed Ge Tianxiang's plan last time, the battle between the red tiger gang and the Jiaolong Gang ended miserably. However, in just a few days, the Jiaolong Gang's mouth was smashed and burned. Compared with the previous recruitment and security policy of the Qiye Gang, Luo Jingyuan, as an old local force, was put in such a big life and death barrier, Now, with her help, I'm going to kill the Ge family like a father and a foe.

It is said that the Ge family's residence has been copied. Ge Tianxiang hid elsewhere with his family and involved a lot of wives and wives sitting at the door of the villa. The scene is very spectacular.

Qin Qing finally knows the reason why Luo Zixun firmly opposes Ge Xi's being his sister-in-law.

The so-called drama of Godfather and goddaughter is just a cover up for their incestuous relationship.

Knowing this relationship, when we meet again, Qin Qing looks at this once generous Miss Ge, and her expression is a little subtle. "Ge Tianxiang sent you to kill me?"

Since the three gangs have torn their faces, the scene will be saved.

For this straightforward question, Ge Xi turned a deaf ear to it. The pale lips with a slightly sick face suddenly pulled out a strange radian, and a heavy smile squeezed out from the slit, "ha ha, the famous young leader of the night Gang, song ruye, turned out to be a woman disguised as a man."

Hearing the speech, Qin Qing suddenly frowned and thought of the other party's punch just now. Where would the same girl be unaware of her true identity.

"Hehe, I said you were so generous that you invested 100 million yuan to help the Luo family. It turned out that you didn't like the position of the Luo family's fast son-in-law..." late at night, Ge Xi's quiet voice was weak, with a strange smile. It sounded particularly penetrating. At the end of the speech, she grinded her back teeth and bit out a few words, "what you want is the identity of the Luo's hostess."

In this way, the cooperation between the two groups will be so close. Nothing in the world is more stable than the cooperation of in laws.

"Hum, it's a foregone conclusion that the Jiaolong gang has been defeated since ancient times. Now even if you kill me, it won't help." Qin Qing didn't bother to listen to her brain, so she pointed out the facts with a cold hum.

"I didn't come to kill you, but I've changed my mind now." Ge Xi narrowed her eyes, flashed a fierce light in her eyes, and the dagger in her hand immediately flew forward. "Song ruye, you will fall into such a field. It's all thanks to you."

It's as if the matter of dressing up as a man is connected to a hatred point. The other party's killing intention is stronger than before.

Qin Qing, who wanted to capture Ge Tianxiang alive and ask him about his whereabouts, was aroused by a series of fierce attacks. Finally, her fingertips could not bear it. She showed her blade and cursed, "there's something wrong with her brain."

Then she kicked the other party's wrist with her side leg, and the cold flash in her hand pointed the blade at the other party's carotid artery.

Just as her finger moved, a figure rushed out behind her. The familiar breath made her move, and the blade deviated from its position in an instant.

With a bang, Feng Yan kicked out with full strength and kicked Ge Xi several meters away.

Qin Qing saw people fall heavily to the ground. She was not good at heart. She was about to rush out, "you can't let her run."

Letting the tiger go back to the mountain will only bring endless trouble.

But as soon as she moved, she was suddenly held by Feng Yan and flew out in the opposite direction. For a moment, the dark flower bed suddenly made a loud bang. A deep pit was exposed in the soil in the explosion light, and the air was quickly filled with a smell of gunsmoke.


When Qin Qing fell on the grass to one side, his brain gradually reacted. Later, he found the sticky feeling in the palm of his hand. His heart was tight. He was busy and asked the man on his body, "Feng Yan, are you okay? Where are you hurt?"

The latter stood up silently from the ground, pulled her by the way, and said in a low voice, "that's not my blood."

Hearing the speech, Qin Qing still looked at it carefully and found that the other party was relieved after splashing some soil on her body. When she looked up at the opposite side, she found that GE Xi had long disappeared.

Feng Yan noticed her regret, his eyebrows suddenly sank, the air pressure dropped a bit, and said coldly: "You should be glad you didn't kill her seriously. The mine ambush is to lead you to the bait. The other party is determined to die when they entangle you. Once she finds that she can't retreat all over, she will choose to die with you. You have lost since you were unprepared to fight with her here. Qin Qing, with your experience, going to the battlefield is like an ant Weak. "

The lawn, flower bed and cement road outside the campus are the most difficult terrain for the flower bed. The other party dragged her. People with a little combat experience can smell fishy, and Feng Yan, who has excellent night vision ability, saw the messy arrangement of flowers at a glance, which forced him to come forward and separate the two people.

Now she can't see through all this and will be unwilling. Feng Yan's words also show disappointment between the lines.

Qin Qing was speechless for the first time and stood in place for a long time until Shi Yuan, who came to hear the sound, began to clean up the scene. She stood and watched others trained, analyzed and collected evidence, and then covered up the whole flower bed again. At this time, she realized that she was still so weak and lacked a lot of things.

"Children, don't lose heart. From the angle of shooting and the way of burying thunder, it should be a trained killer since childhood. It's normal for you to be fooled." Shi Yuan came to comfort her, with big white teeth on his dark face and friendly attitude.

"HMM." Qin Qing pulled the corners of her mouth and smiled reluctantly, but her heart was mixed.

After going back that night, the two people who were sleeping in the right position with their eyes closed across the same road lost sleep.

The next morning, Qin Qing went to the canteen for breakfast and met Luo Zihang. Only then did she learn about the Ge family.

"In the morning, my father sent someone to report and the Ge Tianxiang family found it." they specially avoided the crowd and sat in the corner. Luo Zihang looked dignified between his eyebrows. He looked around and made sure that no one was eavesdropping. Then he lowered his voice and continued: "but everyone is dead."


Qin Qing was stunned and frowned, "who did it?"

Since the news came out, the cause and effect must have been mastered by the red tiger gang.

"That's what I'm looking for you." Luo Zihang narrowed his Danfeng eyes slightly and said coldly and solemnly: "Ge Tianxiang's family, including ten newborn babies, all died, and the only one who was not present was his adopted daughter, Ge Xi. When they found it, the body had been released for three days, and now Ge Xi seems crazy and is still killing Ge Tianxiang's little wife in the whole city."