Kevin's signing party in alpha book city lasted more than an hour, and at the end, readers expressed their desire to take pictures with Kevin. It's hard to be gracious, so Kevin stayed for more than ten minutes to meet the demands of some readers.

The staff of alpha Bookstore also knew Kevin's hard work, so they soon announced the end of the signing and escorted him back backstage.

"That's great, Mr. Kevin. We've held 32 signings in alpha since we took over. I've never seen a writer so popular. You just broke our history. It's all wonderful. "

At this time, baria, the general manager of alpha bookstore, came over happily and said to Kevin with a thumbs up.

"Thank you. I can only say that the readers here are too enthusiastic. I enjoy that, too. " Although Kevin felt a little sore in his hand, it was happiness after all, so he was smiling at this time.

BALIA was very happy with the popularity of the signing meeting in alpha book city. After the event, in order to show his enthusiasm, he also invited everyone to go to the nearby high-end restaurant to enjoy Swedish food.

After dinner, Kevin has only two hours to rest, because the next signing is in Gothenburg, and Stockholm is a long way from Gothenburg. So in order for tomorrow's signing to go smoothly, he has to leave this afternoon.

Gothenburg is also one of the most economically developed cities in Sweden, where people from all over the world gather. Besides Swedish, English and Chinese are also common languages. So as long as he can speak English, Kevin doesn't need to rely too much on translation.

It's more than 8 o'clock in the evening after Kevin and Laertes arrived in Gothenburg, so after we found some food nearby, we went to the hotel to have a rest.

When he woke up the next day, latis took Kevin to the University of Gothenburg, because the reader interaction meeting of this station was held in the University of Gothenburg. However, according to the plan, they plan to start in the afternoon, so the two sides will not be particularly anxious at this time. Laetis brought us here first, just to get familiar with the environment.

Gothenburg University, formerly a private college, was founded in 1891; In 1907, the college was changed into a university college; In 1954, the University of Gothenburg was established by merging with a medical college. The Department of dentistry was founded in 1967. In 1971, the school of business law of the school of economics was incorporated into the University. Under the reform of the University in 1977, a large number of private colleges were merged into the University. Since then, the University of Gothenburg has become the second largest university in Sweden in terms of the breadth and scope of its curriculum.

The reason why latis chose to cooperate with the University of Gothenburg to hold Kevin reader interaction meeting is that he took a fancy to the popularity of this large university.

When millotic, President of Gothenburg University, heard that he was the author of all living beings, he decided to meet him at the door. In addition to expressing his respect for the author, more factors are due to his love of all living beings.

In addition to being the president of Gothenburg University, mirotich has another identity --- a famous Swedish poet. Kevin had already seen it when his collection of living beings was published in Sweden. As a poet, he also knows the excellence of this work.

Different from other writers and poets, mirotich has no old habit of belittling each other. So when he saw that Kevin's poetry was so excellent, he just cried out that it was wonderful. At the same time, I also hope to communicate with such a talented poet.

At about eight o'clock, Kevin and others appeared at the gate of Gothenburg University, and President mirotich had already fallen. The school's leadership was waiting here. As soon as latis got out of the car, he went over enthusiastically and shook hands with Kevin.

Just like the previous two signings, because they didn't know Kevin, latis would introduce each other one by one. When milotich heard that the young man in front of him was Kevin, who had written all living beings, he was only surprised.

As a poet, mirotich knows very well that poetry is different from novels. Apart from imagination, poetry needs to inject more thinking space. It's incredible that Kevin is so young and can write such deep poems.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Kevin. I'm surprised by your poems and yourself, and it's wonderful. " Milotich praised it.

"Ha ha, thank you for your praise. I'm glad to meet you, too. The University of Gothenburg is a charming University. I have just stepped into it and can feel its charm. " Kevin said with a smile.

"Well, he's a real talker. Oh, everybody, please follow me

After that, mirotich took everyone to the reception room of the school. Every school will have a special place for guests. As one of the best universities in Sweden, Gothenburg University naturally has no other place. Moreover, the reception room of Gothenburg University is much better than that of other universities.

"Mr. Kevin, you can come to the University of Gothenburg to interact with the students. To be honest, I'm very happy in my heart. Because I'm also your reader. I've finished reading your collection of sentient beings, and the poems in it are wonderful. " After pouring everyone a cup of tea, the headmaster expressed his appreciation of Kevin's poetry.

"Kevin, in fact, I forgot to tell you that Mr. mirotich is not only the president of Gothenburg University, but also a famous Swedish poet." Laetis interrupted this time.

"Yes? It's a great honor for me to be liked by President miretich. It looks like today is a wonderful day. "

In the literary circle, it's not easy to be liked and appreciated by peers. After all, this is enough to prove the excellence of a work, because it not only moved the readers, but also moved the experts, so Kevin is happy to have a principal reader at this time.

Headmaster milotich is not only talking about it simply. In order to show that he is really interested in the collection of living beings and Kevin's poetry, he also took out the collection of living beings he bought from the drawer and sincerely asked Kevin to sign his name on it.