At about 4:00 p.m., laetis came to take Kevin and Louis and others to the Swedish translation press. Because it was still early, they considered holding a small meeting for Kevin's signing in Sweden.

According to the arrangement of latis, Kevin first went to Stockholm University to hold a meeting with the readers there and give a short speech by the way.

Stockholm University is one of the largest universities in Sweden. It is also the center of higher education and scientific research in Sweden. Many outstanding teachers and researchers have worked in this university. Among them are arenius, the Nobel Prize winner in chemistry in 1903, and vyesky, a famous Russian mathematician. The latter was promoted to Professor in 1884 and became the first woman in Europe to have the title of professor.

Therefore, it is also a pleasure for Kevin to go to this world-famous university for activities and lectures. After all, not every writer can have such an opportunity. Therefore, he has no objection to the arrangement of laetis. After all, he has few opportunities to come to Sweden, so he should have more exchanges with readers here. Besides, speech is similar to story making. He is very good at it.

In addition to signing at Stockholm University, Kevin also has to hold a signing party in the Alfa book city in Stockholm, and then go to Gothenburg, Malmo, Uppsala and other cities in Sweden. That is to say, Kevin will come to four cities in Sweden this time to interact with readers. Apart from today, maybe they will have to stay in Sweden for another four days. Since the translation press pays for the invitation, Kevin and Lewis are satisfied with their arrangement. After all, they were ready to stay here for a week before they came.

Now that Kevin and Lewis have no objection to the general process arrangement, this small meeting is a successful conclusion. After the meeting, laetis, on behalf of the Swedish translation press, invited them to the Royal restaurant, the most distinctive restaurant in Stockholm, for dinner.

Royal restaurant is one of the famous Royal restaurants in Sweden, which is usually consumed by the rich and the royal nobility. This time, the translation press set up the dinner party there, and regarded Kevin, the youngest poet laureate, as a guest of honor.

Swedes have a unique habit in their diet, which is to eat fixed dishes every day. For example, the dishes on Thursday are "atalu, Mead and vlask", which are mainly made of beans and pork“ "Sirubula" is Monday's dish, with beef herring as the main ingredient. They also have a typical way of eating, that is, they put dozens of dishes on a big table and divide them according to their hobbies. The cooking quality of the dishes is only medium, which is called "pirate mat".

Today is Monday, so as soon as you sit down, the waiter will first serve sirubula, so that you can enjoy it in advance.

Kevin and Louis were guests, so laetis gave them the menu of the restaurant and let them order.

Although western food is the main food in Sweden, their people also like to eat Chinese food, such as all kinds of cold dishes, peanut kernels, grilled cabbage with ham, braised fish in brown sauce, crispy duck, hot and sour sea cucumber, shredded pork and mustard soup, Shaomai, steamed dumplings, rolls and crispy cakes. They are especially interested in Cantonese food with ham. Therefore, there are some Chinese dishes occasionally in the high-end places like the Royal restaurant. Kevin ordered fish in brown sauce and grilled cabbage with ham at this time.

"Mr. Kevin, it seems that you are very interested in Chinese food?" After seeing Kevin's order, latis asked curiously.

"Yes, I am full of longing for them." Kevin said simply.

"To be honest, I order a few occasionally. It seems that our food tastes are slightly the same. " Laetis said with a smile.

"Well, we can try to communicate in this area when we have time."

"Of course, it's a pleasure to be able to communicate with Mr. Kevin. I don't think anyone will refuse anything." Latis said.

The meal took about 2 hours, during which they chatted while eating. Laetis was very happy to explain all the Swedish food and stories to them. This makes Kevin a few foreigners immediately know a lot about Swedish food culture.

"Dear Mr. rattis, thank you for your hospitality. I think it's a great honor to meet a friend like you in Sweden."

"No, no, you are a different young man. Every time I communicate with you, I always benefit a lot. So, it's my pleasure to have you here. See, the Swedish readers welcome you so much, which is also the best proof. " Latis said.

"Well, then I can only say thank God. Oh, Mr. rattis, goodbye. I'll see you tomorrow

"Bye, see you tomorrow."

With that, Kevin and Louis went back to the guitar hotel to have a rest, waiting for the activity of Stockholm University tomorrow.

As for Kevin's visit to Sweden for a reader's meeting, after getting Kevin's consent, the Swedish translation press published the news in Sweden for the first time. After today's meeting, they chose to forward the update again.

Students of Stockholm University, are you ready? Kevin will meet you at your school tomorrow, and there will be a wonderful speech. What about? Looking forward to it? Remember to buy a Book of all living beings. Oh, Kevin will sign it for you.

Swedish readers are very excited when they see this news. Especially the students of Stockholm University, because they are the first group of people who can get close to Kevin, so at this time they all leave a message below to express their feelings.

"I'm so excited that I finally have a chance to meet the youngest Poet Laureate in the legend. It is said that he is a handsome young man. It's all wonderful. Kevin, welcome to Stockholm University. "

"Kevin, Kevin, you're here at last. You know, I love your poetry so much. It was you who made me reexamine the beauty of poetry. I'll be waiting for you at Stockholm University tomorrow

"I'm so happy to see that. Since I bought the collection of all living beings, I have been deeply in love with this collection of poems, and the poems in it also intoxicate me. I think it's one of the most perfect poems I've ever seen

"Kevin, I'm ready for everything. I think tomorrow will be a beautiful day, because I finally met the poet who can write the most poems. Stockholm University is waiting for you