Kevin and Lewis are going to Stockholm, Sweden, because the address of Swedish translation press is there. They need to contact each other first.

Stockholm is the capital of Sweden. It is located on the east coast of Sweden, close to the Baltic Sea and the entrance of Lake meraren. It has beautiful scenery and is a famous tourist attraction. The urban area is distributed on 14 islands and a peninsula, and more than 70 bridges connect these islands, so it enjoys the reputation of "Venice of the north".

Therefore, Kevin and Lewis and others plan to enjoy the scenery of this famous tourist city in addition to the signing activities.

Kevin doesn't know much about Sweden in any world, but as a literary lover, he has seen many works of Swedish literary giants, such as the works of poet and lyricist Karl Michael Behrman, novelist and dramatist Auguste Strindberg, novelist yarma sederberg and so on.

Of course, when it comes to Swedish writers, the most famous one is the Nobel Prize winner, evant Johnson. Kevin's first contact with Swedish literature began with the story of ulov written by evant Johnson.

Latis of the Swedish translation press is the person in charge who is fully responsible for receiving Kevin and others. He was also the one who went to the UK to negotiate the signing of the Swedish copyright of all living beings. Therefore, it is most appropriate for him to be in charge of everything now.

After receiving the phone call from Louis, latis has already made all the preparations. So, when Kevin and others get off at Stockholm International Airport, a phone call less than 5 minutes, laetis and his colleagues appeared together.

"Welcome to Stockholm. Nice to see you again." After seeing Kevin and Louis and others, latis smiles and greets them. Then they shook hands with each other one by one.

"Dear Mr. rattis, it's a pleasure to see you again. Oh, Stockholm is a beautiful city. I have just stepped into its land and can feel its passion and charm. " Kevin spoke first.

"Yes, Mr. rattis, we have heard about the beauty of Stockholm, so we are very happy to be here." Louis went on.

"Ha ha, well, let me take you around Stockholm slowly." Laetis said with a smile.

The reason why laetis said this is not that he is free to take Kevin and others around Stockholm. But from the Stockholm International Airport to the Swedish translation press, they almost have to go through the whole city of Stockholm. So, along the way, they can have a simple look at the scenery of Stockholm.

"Great. Let's go. We're looking forward to it." Kevin said with a smile.

So, Kevin and Louis and others, led by laetis, walked into the business car prepared by each other. This is a seven seater business car, so with the people laetis brought, they can just sit down.

In order to satisfy Kevin and other people's curiosity about Stockholm, the driver also slowed down along the way.

As the speed slows down, Kevin and others begin to appreciate Stockholm's elegant, antique style and the prosperity of a modern city. Especially when the car passes through the old city, Kevin sees that there are magnificent palaces, magnificent churches and towering spires, while the narrow streets show the style of medieval streets.

In the new urban area, there are many tall buildings, neat streets, green trees and sparkling waves. Cars, ships, airplanes, Osprey and seagulls on the ground, on the sea and in the air add infinite vitality to the city, while the scattered satellite cities in the distance give people a sense of smoke and dream.

"Well, everybody, are you satisfied with the scenery of Stockholm?" At this time, latis asked happily.

"It's beautiful. It's one of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen. To be honest, I'm falling in love with it. Ha ha Louis said with a smile.

"Yes, Stockholm is a rich and beautiful city, and I'm so happy to be here. Thank you, Mr. rattis, for giving us a different view on this trip. " Kevin said happily.

"Well, I think Stockholm will be happy to accept your comments, and it will always warmly welcome you. Oh, wait a minute. After walking through the hall of the municipal government in front of us, we will arrive at the address of our Translation Publishing House 200 meters away. " Laetis said with a smile on his face.

Stockholm's municipal government is located at the east end of King's Island in the center of the city. Its symbol is the three golden crowns on the top of a 105 meter high tower. As the car goes on, Kevin not only appreciates the grandeur of the three crowns, but also sees "Huaxia Palace" and "Beihai thatched cottage" near the palace.

Beihai thatched cottage is a Chinese style garden, which was built by Kang Youwei, the leader of China's reformists, when he was exiled abroad after the failure of the reform movement of 1898. So after Kevin glanced at the Beihai thatched cottage garden from a distance, a kind of thought in his mind came to mind.

"Mr. rattis, the garden of Beihai thatched cottage is really beautiful. All of it is written by Chinese people." Kevin said this time.

This sentence of Kevin surprised latis. He thought to himself: Kevin has never been to Stockholm in the future. How can he know that Beihai thatched cottage is from China?

So, latis said with admiration: "Mr. Kevin is really powerful. You can see at a glance that beihaitang is from China. Yes, it is said that it was built by Kang Youwei, the leader of the Chinese reformists, when he came here in exile after the failure of the reform movement of 1898. "

"Kevin, I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable. You know that." Louis listened to what latis said and gave Kevin a thumbs up.

"Ha ha, when I read foreign literature, I know something about it occasionally. But if I have time, I really want to go there. " Kevin said deeply.

This is from the Chinese garden, so about it all, Kevin also want to feel close. After all, in his mind, in addition to the memory of the great British writers on earth, he also has some kind of indescribable nostalgia.

"Sure. I'll show you around after the signing ceremony." Latis patted his chest and promised.

"Then I'll go too. You must take me with you." Louis said in a childlike voice at this time.

"Well, let's go together then."

With that, the people in the car laughed in unison.