Alves has clearly expressed their interest in Harry Potter. Therefore, at this time, he is no longer obscure.

So Alves went on to say, "Mr. Kevin, Mr. Crawford, the purpose of our coming here is to talk to you about the copyright of Harry Potter. Yes, I came with sincerity. We think Harry Potter is very suitable for our film company. "

"First of all, I'd like to thank you very much for your attention to Harry Potter. But Harry Potter has three stories. Are you going to sign all the movie rights of the three stories? " Kevin asked.

"Of course not. After all, no one would make three films at once. So we're going to sign up for the first story, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone. That's what our general manager means Alves said.

"Yes! Mr. Kevin, we also like your story very much, and we are deeply attracted by the plot described in your article. Therefore, we have reason to believe that when it is adapted into a film, it will definitely be a blockbuster. " Another colleague of Alves chimed in.

"Thank you, I hope so. I don't know how you want to sign the film and television copyright of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone? " Kevin asked directly.

Alves listened, thought for a moment, and then said, "before we come here, we also thought that" Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone "is an excellent work, so we also matched him with a price suitable for it. That's 1.8 million pounds. "

"1.8 million pounds?" Crawford's face was full of surprise. Yes, because he never thought that a novel could be sold at such a high price for film and television copyright.

But at this time Kevin is obviously very calm, and for this price, he will not accept. Because the film and television rights of Wuthering Heights and Robinson Crusoe both sold for 2 million pounds. Now "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone" how can not be less than this number ah.

Other not to mention, just say "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone" when the work on earth, it was opened into a film, the box office has always been high. So, Kevin also has a hunch of its effect in this parallel world. How can a mere 1.8 million be worthy of it?

So Kevin immediately refused, "no, Mr. Alves, for your offer. Maybe I can't accept it. "

"What Mr. Kevin means is that you won't sign up for the movie rights of Harry Potter to Jiahe film company for 1.8 million pounds?"

"Yes, the Harry Potter story is my favorite story, so I have to match a reasonable price for this one“ Kevin said.

Crawford couldn't understand. The price of 1.8 million pounds is already very high. What else does the boss want? You should know that many famous writers may not have this price. But Kevin is always his boss. Since he says he can't accept the price, it's not convenient for him to say something.

Alves loves the story of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone, so he won't go back or give up. After thinking for a moment, he said, "in that case, we are willing to offer up to 2 million pounds. Mr. Kevin, we come here with sincerity, so you can sign us the film and television copyright of the story "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone."

Obviously, the price of 200 pounds can only be equal to Wuthering Heights and Robinson Crusoe. Now Kevin, who owns the company and his own magazine, still finds it unacceptable. After all, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone" as the first work of Harry Potter series, its excellence is beyond doubt. And on earth, the box office of this work is also very hot.

Crawford thought his boss would be happy to accept the price when he heard that it had suddenly risen to 2 million. But Kevin still shook his head at this time: "no, dear Mr. Alves, I believe you have known my works before you came here. So, I think you should also know the price of the film and television copyright of my previous works. "

Yes, Alves and others did check the film and television copyright status of Kevin's previous works before they came here. They also know that the film and television copyright of Kevin's recent two novels sold for 2 million pounds. That's why they started with a direct offer of 1.8 million.

Alves has long thought that if Kevin can't accept the first offer of 1.8 million pounds, he will have to offer it to 2 million pounds. After all, his first two works are sold for 2 million pounds. If they are equal, maybe Kevin will consider signing for himself. But to Alves and others' surprise, Kevin did not accept the price of 2 million pounds.

Alves has got the above leadership's intention, that is to sign the film and television copyright of Kevin's work anyway. After all, everyone knows what Kevin's work means. They won't give up so easily.

So, Alves said, "Mr. Kevin, what kind of conditions do you need to sign the film and television copyright of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone to us? For our sincerity, maybe you should think about it. How are you

"Of course, I can feel your sincerity. And thank you for your attention to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone. It's just that I said that they are all my favorite stories, so in order to enjoy them, I think the film and television copyright of any of their works must be 2.5 million pounds before they can be signed out. " Kevin spoke directly about what he wanted.

"What? 2.5 million? " Hearing such a number, two colleagues of Alves were surprised with one voice.

Yes, this number is an unlikely price for ordinary writers or famous writers. So, when they heard what Kevin said, they immediately felt that the other side was talking a little.

Alves is a person who has seen big scenes, so he will not be particularly surprised and disappointed at this price at this time. In his opinion, everything can be negotiated.

So Alves went on: "Mr. Kevin, 2.5 million pounds is a bit too high. Can you make a concession for the sake of our sincerity? "

Just because he has investigated some information about Kevin, Alves also knows that the film adapted from Kevin's novel has created a miracle at the box office in Britain. Now "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone" is so excellent, it has the hope to copy this "miracle". So, as long as Kevin can make concessions, maybe he will choose to sign the contract without hesitation.