Pierce looked at the time and found that there were still ten minutes to go before the end of the interview. So he tried to ask more questions in the rest of the time.

So pierce went on to ask, "would you listen to the song that was made from your poem?"

"Of course, I go to every capital. And they all send me their new albums. " Kevin replied.

"Among so many songs, which one are you more satisfied with?"

"They adapted these poems very well, and I like each one better. But if you insist on saying something more satisfactory, I think it's Miss Bella's. Especially when you're old, I was still listening last night Kevin said with a smile.

Bella also knows about Kevin's acceptance of the people interview program from her agent. So at the beginning of the program, she had been watching the interview program in front of the computer. Now, hearing Kevin say that her favorite song is her composition, the 19-year-old girl's heart suddenly feels warm.

"Thank you for loving my song!" Bella said in her heart.

"When you're old is great, and I love it. It seems that we finally have the same hobby, that is, we all like the song "when you are old." Pierce has another humorous word.

"Well, it's an honor to like the same song as you." Kevin said with a smile.

"I believe you'd like to hear what Kevin's singing will be like at this time? Do you want to know? " Pierce suddenly asked the audience.

"Yes The audience said with one voice.

"Kevin, do you think you can satisfy the audience and TV friends? Yes, it's singing "when you're old.". You know, it's a poem you wrote, and we really want to know what it's like to sing it out of your mouth. " Pierce said happily.

Pierce's temporary request also excited the audience in front of the TV. After all, they all know that Kevin is good at writing articles, and they haven't heard what it's like to hear him sing. In particular, this song is from his poetry. Maybe singing it from his mouth will have a completely different effect.

"I'm so happy. Kevin is going to sing. Hi! Honey, come out. Kevin is going to sing

"Kevin, sing one! I'm curious, too. Can you sing as well as the poems you write? "

"My God, pierce, that's a great request. When Bella made "when you're old" into a song, I thought about hearing Kevin sing it. Now at last there is a chance. "

"Ha ha, Kevin is ready to sing. Hi, guys. Are you ready? Come here and listen to Kevin

"Kevin, sing it quickly. I think the song" when you're old "must be wonderful when it comes out of your mouth. I'm looking forward to it

At this time, many people in front of the TV began to make friends. They all tried to listen to the feeling of Kevin singing "when you are old".

Bella is also very excited at this time, thinking: why didn't I expect him to sing this song at the beginning! Hum, when I go to the next concert, I must invite him to the stage and sing this song together.

Seeing the audience so enthusiastic, Kevin naturally refused. So all he could say was, "well, since the audience wants to hear it. Then I'll sing it for shame. But in advance, I sing very badly. I hope that when my songs reach your ears, they don't turn into noise. "

"That's great. Let's give Kevin a big round of applause to bring us this song when you're old." Pierce said happily.

After pierce finished, he motioned to the backstage staff to play the pure music of when you are old. After all, singing this song with melody will have the best effect.

"When you're old" has been heard by Kevin many times since Bella sent the album to him. So he is very familiar with this song. When the backstage melody started, he began to sing:

When you're old, sideburns, sleepy,

When I doze by the stove, I take down this book,

Read slowly, dream of your eyes

He has a soft look and deep reflection in his eyes;

How many people love your charming time,

Love your beauty from false or true feelings,

But only one person loves the sincerity of your soul,

Love the bitter frost on your fading face;

Bend down, by the red fireplace,

How does love escape,

Walking on the top of the mountains overhead,

Hide his face among the stars.

After singing, the audience immediately burst into warm applause, and the audience on the TV were all crying out to listen to it again.

"It's incredible that Kevin sings so well and affectionately. Ha ha, according to this singing skill, I think we can have another singer's identity. "

"Maybe that's why kevin wrote poetry. I always feel that it's wonderful to sing from him. I enjoyed the way he just sang. He is a singing poet

"Obviously Kevin is not a professional singer, so he is not mature in dealing with some music skills. But he just sang really well, I was very moved. I feel like Kevin is really versatile. He is so good at writing and singing

At this time, they have to admire Kevin's singing skills. As a matter of fact, Kevin also sings very well. After all, besides literature, his other hobby is music. So whether it's Kevin on earth or Kevin in this parallel world, there are some music cells flowing in them.

Bella, as a singer, felt great after listening to Kevin's singing in front of the computer. He didn't expect that this talented man could write excellent articles and sing as well. He was simply happy about it.

"It seems that I really want to sing a song with you next time, otherwise such a good voice would be wasted." Bella said to herself.

"My God, Kevin, I didn't expect you to sing so well. Ha ha, it seems that you can try to develop in the direction of music. " Pierce said in surprise.

"No, no, I don't feel my throat is suitable for singing. I just sang very badly. So, I hope you will understand me a lot. " Kevin said.

"Kevin just sang very well, don't you think so?" Pierce said to the audience at this time.

So, the audience clapped again, indicating that Kevin had just really sung well.