"Kevin, why is your writing so late? It makes us feel like it's late love? Can you give me a general idea? " Pierce continued.

"I have answered a lot of people about this topic for a long time. Yes, people usually think that he is a genius. He has to start writing since childhood and publish articles in major newspapers. But I don't think so. Writers are a group full of personality. Everyone will have their own way of writing, and everyone's writing journey should not be the same. " Kevin replied.

"You mean that your way of writing is to store your inspiration first, and then burst out together this year?" Pierce asked humorously..

"No, no! Inspiration is not the same as money, it can not be too much storage. Because after today, maybe tomorrow will be gone, you may not remember. I mean writing is in my mind long ago, and when I write it becomes less important. Because I always have a heart to write. " Kevin came up with the theory again.

"It's a great answer, a heart of writing. Maybe that's why you write different articles from others. We have learned that you slowly published your first novel from the London literature competition. What was your feeling at that time? "

"When I published Jane Eyre, I was very happy. After all, it was the first work published in my life, and it was also a novel I like very much. That is, from that moment on, I felt loved and supported for the first time. That's wonderful. Again, thank you very much for your support and love. " Kevin replied.

"Your writing has always been better than others, and even many people call you God's pet. What do you think of that? " Pierce went on.

Kevin has been asked this question several times. Therefore, he knew how to answer for a long time. So Kevin said, "no, dear Mr. Pierce, I'm no better at writing than anyone else. Because most of the manuscripts written by many writers are rejected or rejected. They haven't tried to be thrown into the garbage bin as rubbish

"What? You said your work was thrown into the trash can as rubbish? " Pierce was surprised at the news.

“yes! That's Jane Eyre, but that's all in the past. Once a wise man told me: do what you like and don't care too much about other people's opinions. So, I'm not discouraged. Fortunately, Enni, the editor in chief of London Literature Press, took a fancy to Jane Eyre and it was published

Zela editor of Dehai publishing house just turned on the TV and saw Kevin's answer. She was very angry and knew that what Kevin said was herself. So she angrily turned off the TV.

"Well! Don't be too proud. " Zela snorted and slammed the remote on the ground.

Yes, she is also very disappointed. After all, she thought that she could ridicule and slander Kevin by stealing the copyright of Tony Allen's new work from Sihua Culture Co., Ltd. But now? Kevin's three books not only sell well, but also tend to surpass Tony Allen's new works.

This sudden result left zerabel puzzled. It is clear that victory is our own, but now it seems to be different.

On this side, Kevin's talk show continues. Pierce was very surprised to hear such an answer. He has also seen Kevin's Jane Eyre. No matter from what angle to appreciate it, it is so excellent. How can there be such an illiterate editor in the world?

"Well, it seems that your way is not smooth. Perhaps, the editor who treats your work as rubbish must regret it at this time. After all, she missed a good novel. " Pierce said.

"Ha ha, that's all in the past. It doesn't matter. Thank God for giving me what I am now. " Kevin replied with a smile.

In an instant, there was a warm applause under the stage.

"We've learned that you've always tried to write different types of works, from love stories to adventure, poetry, detective stories and magic today. Can you tell me what you can't write? " Pierce continued.

Kevin thought for a moment, then replied, "I don't think so! I don't think there's anything I can't write about. "

"Wow! Oh, My God! What a versatile writer I admire. I'm curious about what makes you have so many writing skills. Because we found that whether you write affectionate love novels, exciting adventures, or romantic poems, you can give full play to them. And each has its own style, each has its own characteristics. "

Pierce has read many writers, and he has never seen a writer who can do it. Therefore, this question has been stored in his heart for a long time.

In fact, it's not just Pierce, many people are also very curious about it. After all, many writers write a type of work and maintain a writing style. But Kevin's is completely the opposite, he seems to be a God, can write any type of work, can also write many styles.

Before Kevin came over, he didn't expect that the other party would ask such a question. So he thought for a moment and then replied:“

I don't know when I developed these writing skills. At first, I just felt that it was very fun, so I tried to write. It's written, and I find it all so exciting. After all, you can arrange the characters in your works at will. You can describe them in the way you like. It's all so much fun. "

With that, Kevin could not help admiring his ability to talk nonsense. After all, this is a temporary answer. At this moment, he suddenly had a real sense of being a genius.

After all, he has never seen a writer write with a "playful" attitude. This has subverted his understanding of literature and writers.

So Pierce was surprised and said, "my God, it's incredible. It turns out that novels can still be written like this. "