This familiar figure is no other than Brian's assistant. When Brian's assistant sees Kevin, he walks towards him with a smile and intends to laugh at him face to face."Well, isn't this Mr. Kevin, the great writer? How did I meet you here? Aren't you promoting Harry Potter? " Brian's assistant said on purpose.Of course, Kevin knows that the reason is that he's only joking about the poor sales of his Harry Potter. Therefore, at this time, he also cooperated and said:"Yes, sir. Now the sales of these three stories of Harry Potter are terrible. I think I have to try my best to sell them"Well, you and I know one. I think I'll go and buy one for each. I'm just sorry, dear Mr. Kevin, you printed 300000 copies of the first print. It's estimated that the rest of them will be left to fate. Oh, I have something else to do. Bye. "With that, Brian's assistant left arrogantly.Brian's assistant's last words were obviously full of ridicule and contempt. But Kevin doesn't look in the eye, he is deliberately let the other party be smug. Then when the sales of Harry Potter get better, they can be deeply slapped in the face.Kevin did not affect his mood because of any words from Brian's assistant. Instead, he continued to take a walk in Holly Luther park. Since he founded Sihua Culture Co., Ltd. and Wenfeng magazine, he has rarely been so leisurely. Therefore, he must keep optimistic and enjoy the moment.Three days later, those who have bought the three stories of Harry Potter have put them into practice. With the recommendation of the second, third and fourth batch of readers, the sales of the three stories of Harry Potter are gradually getting better. The 300000 copies that were first printed have now sold 150000 copies.This achievement soon attracted the attention of writers. After all, when the three books were just published, the sales volume was very low? What makes them climb in just a few days.At this time, they began to look for answers everywhere. It was not until some readers saw the wonderful and excellent Harry Potter books recommended by Terry that they understood a truth: maybe they are really three excellent magic novels.As a result, many literary critics also curiously went to the bookstore to buy a Harry Potter. Of course, they buy one at will, because in their opinion, if any one of them is not enough to arouse their interest, then the three Harry Potter stories are not worth reading.But I'm sorry, when they read the Harry Potter story, they had to go to the bookstore and buy the remaining two books as soon as other readers did. After all, if you can't buy the remaining two books because of time delay, what a big miss!"This is the best magic novel I've ever seen. The story is so novel and attractive." This is their exclamation after reading the Harry Potter story.As a result, those objective literary critics have to take part in recommending and promoting the three stories of Harry Potter. They don't know why they do it, as if these three books have their own charm, which has been prompting them to publicize and promote.If the recommendation of many readers can not explain the excellence of these three magic works, then the recommendation of many literary critics can always explain something, right? Therefore, after seeing the recommendations of writers, more and more people have joined in the ranks of purchasing the three stories of Harry Potter"Are these three magic novels really so wonderful? I don't believe it. Britain can still see excellent magic novels. ""Kevin didn't see the poor sales in the early stage, and then paid for the water army to hype, did he? If that's the case, I swear I'll never see Kevin again. ""I see that many people are recommending these three magic works. It is said that Kevin published them at the same time. OK, I'll go to the bookstore and buy it this afternoon. I'd like to see if Kevin's magic novels are just as wonderful. ""I've heard the recommendation from my classmates and teachers in school these days. They all said that Kevin's three magic novels are good. I'm crazy. I have to buy one and come back. I don't believe it. Do they really have such charm? ""Dear God, I can't believe I'm going to see a good magic novel. After all, any magic novel I've read before, they're terrible. But recently, the news about Harry Potter has just spread. I have to go and buy it to see. "Curiosity again, or curiosity. Curiosity led many people into bookstores and bought Harry Potter. Curiosity also makes them become "tools" of Harry Potter's promotion.As a result, the "Harry Potter" buying frenzy began again and again. At this time, many bookstores heard the familiar voice - "Hi! Hello, please give me a copy of Kevin's work