The killer is Jefferson? HouBo was completely beyond all expectations and conjectures, so after knowing the answer, the detective fans began to try to sort out the route of the whole case and Kevin's setting skills

First of all, there are five chapters between the murder and the arrest of the criminal. From the perspective of the complexity and brilliance of the narrative, this part is undoubtedly the most worthy of taste and analysis. Kevin has changed many narrators to make the plot more tense.

When the postman sent the letter about the homicide, Holmes read it and asked Watson to read it to him again. The letter was written by police officer Gregson and read by Watson. Watson became a hero at this time. Then, after looking back on history, Conan Doyle added two chapters. The plot ended here, and everything was completely subversive, But it's exciting. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the study of blood characters is so popular all over the world.

Of course, Kevin can't publish all this now, otherwise the sales volume of Wenfeng magazine will definitely be affected. What he wants is for readers to be curious about the next plot. Only curiosity can make them crazy about their novels and Wenfeng magazine.

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