Jimmy has decided that he will not give up such an excellent book of poems because of the two assistants' reminding.

Jim said to his two assistants, "Susan, ina, this is a great collection of poems. I think it's worth the price. Moreover, I have full confidence in its market in the United States. "

Yes, in addition to respecting the instructions of the voice in his heart, Jimmy has more confidence in the excellent market of this poetry collection. He had never seen a collection of poems that could be written in such a high level and easily entered people's hearts.

Moreover, Gerald has already said 2.2 million pounds, which is the lowest limit they can accept in their heart. He believes that it will be futile even if he haggles over the price. After all, as the youngest Poet Laureate in history, he will not worry that the copyright will not be sold out.

The price of 2.2 million pounds is only 200000 pounds more than the 2 million pounds given by the Swedish translation press, which is not much more expensive. But both Gerald and Kevin accepted it. After all, it's a good price for poetry.

So they were very happy to hear that Jimmy was willing to pay 2.2 million pounds for American copyright.

"Well, since Mr. Jimi is willing to accept the price we offer, we are also willing to sign a copyright contract with you. Congratulations, Mr. Jimmy. You're going to bring an excellent book of poetry to the American book market. " Said Gerald, smiling.

"Thank you. I hope it will make American people like it." Jimmy said with a smile.

Today's purpose is just to come and discuss the conditions of copyright, so the signing of the contract can not be carried out immediately. However, after the two sides have reached an agreement. It's much easier for them to come back with a contract.

Before coming here, Jimmy and his two assistants were ready, so they just had to go back and print out the contract according to the agreed terms.

Kevin didn't worry about it either, so he arranged a hotel for them to stay. As a result of signing a contract, so Gerald and Louis and others in these two days are also living in Edinburgh.

Of course, that's what Kevin means. After all, when they were in London, they took care of themselves for a long time. Now it's time for him to become the "master", so he naturally wants to repay each other.

About two days later, after both parties signed the contract, "the collection of living beings" officially sold the American copyright. This makes everyone very happy. After all, this is an excellent work, it will bring people spiritual enjoyment.

After seeing off Jimmy, Louis and others, Kevin went back to work in his company. However, he is still very happy that the collection of sentient beings has sold its American copyright. So he plans to share his joy in twitter.

Kevin went on Twitter page and wrote: Thank you for people's love for the collection of living beings. Today, he signed up the US Copyright of it. I hope it will be liked by American friends. Thank you for your support. Thank you all the way.

A few hours after Kevin tweeted this, the person he saw was envious. After all, they have been following Kevin all the time, and they are clear about the fact that the Swedish copyright of all living beings was sold before. And now time has not passed, how long, its American copyright has been sold out, this speed is too fast!!

"Whoa, whoa! Kevin is really enviable. How long has he sold Swedish copyright? Now he has sold American copyright again. Indeed, he is the youngest Poet Laureate in England. I admire such a young and promising writer

"I'm glad to hear that. After all, I always like Kevin's articles. The reason why his poetry collection is popular in so many countries is that he writes well. Come on, Kevin, I'll support you as always. "

"My God, Kevin, is this going to sell all living beings to the world? It's not long since I heard that I signed the Swedish copyright agreement. Now I have signed the American copyright agreement. Ha ha, but it's really a good thing for British poetry. After all, it makes people in other countries understand that our poetry is so excellent. "

"Kevin's achievement is expected to make writers of the same age envious and envious. You know, these achievements are beyond their imagination now. It turns out that Kevin is really the one favored by God. His writing is full of charm. No matter which country it is, it will not resist. "

People who care about Kevin are very happy when they see this tweet. For example, Jennie Norfolk and Bella, they immediately like Kevin's tweets and forward them.

As Kevin's university teacher, collison never ignored any of his tweets. When he saw that Kevin said that the collection of living beings had signed the US copyright, he immediately forwarded it and said:

Congratulations to Kevin. It's a great collection of poems. It makes millions of people crazy about it. At the same time, Kevin is so lucky. God will continue to bless him.

Kevin is still busy copying Harry Potter, so after he tweeted, he tweeted to concentrate on the code.

In his previous life, Kevin began to read Harry Potter when he was very young. It can be said that Harry Potter and Sherlock Holmes were directly accompanied by his happy childhood.

So, when Kevin is desperately copying "Sherlock Holmes" and "Harry Potter", his mind is full of memories.

Especially the story of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone, which was recently written in Harry Potter, he vaguely remembers that in his childhood, because he was infatuated with this story, he and his fellow villagers went around looking for stones to play with. And at that time, they all believed that what they were holding was the magic stone in the story.

"Forget it, it's all in the past. How to live in the present is the most important thing. "

Kevin sighed and continued to write Harry Potter.

Crawford knew that Kevin was busy writing recently, so he didn't bother him if it wasn't urgent. During this period of time, he spent more time on the publication of the second issue of Wenfeng than on the manuscripts submitted by other writers.

Due to the large sales volume of the first issue, Wenfeng suddenly increased to 150000 copies in the second issue. This sales figure is based on the number of readers ordered in advance and the urgent needs of the market.

Now there are many readers looking forward to the second issue of Wenfeng. Crawford has reason to believe that the sales volume of 150000 copies is not difficult to sell.