When Crawford saw what Kevin said, he said what he thought.

"Kevin, Wenfeng is a brand new magazine at present, although it is still well received. But for the first order of 100000, I think it's a bit too much. It's a very big number, you know

Yes, a magazine can sell 100000 copies in one issue, not to mention a brand new magazine.

But Kevin is full of confidence in Sherlock Holmes. He believes that when readers see the serial content of the book, they will be attracted without hesitation, and then they will recommend it to their friends. That'll be 100000 copies by then. And he believes in his readers.

"Don't worry, Crawford. I'm full of confidence in style. I think its initial sales are definitely more than 100000. Oh, I'll announce the magazine order in a moment, so you can arrange for them to be ready at any time. "

Kevin is the boss, since the boss says so. Crawford naturally has no objection. After recording what Kevin said, he went out to do it.

After Crawford left, Kevin immediately announced the subscription information of Wenfeng magazine.

The exciting moment finally arrived《 Wenfeng magazine will be on sale in the near future, so those who want to order, please hurry up - Kevin's Twitter.

Kevin also inserted a picture under the text, with all the ordering information of Wenfeng magazine on the picture. So, after readers see this tweet, they can basically see the contact information of the order.

"I'm so happy to finally wait for this day. Anyway, I will definitely order one to support you. Dear Kevin, come on. You will always be the most handsome writer in my mind. "

"Kevin's words seem to be magical, and I don't think I can refuse the magazine he started, because there are his serial articles. I don't think anything he wrote will disappoint me. So I will definitely order this magazine. "

"I've loved what kevin wrote since Jane Eyre. Therefore, I am full of expectations for the book Wenfeng, which he founded. As long as there are articles written by Kevin, I'll keep subscribing to them. "

"I'm so happy to finally wait until the day when this magazine will be published. Since Robinson Crusoe, I have always been curious about Kevin's new books. I think he will always write those excellent works. After all, he never seems to lack inspiration

"My God, Kevin is so fast. He started companies and magazines as fast as he could write articles. I admire him a lot. He's the greatest writer I've ever seen, and he's my idol. "

Many people who saw Kevin's tweet said they would order a copy of Wenfeng magazine. After they read the tweet, many people immediately called according to the contact information left behind.

For a time, the staff in charge of Wenfeng magazine began to be busy. However, it makes them very happy. After all, I've been bored for so many days, and now I can finally have something to do.

But things are far from as easy as they think. After all, Kevin printed 100000 copies as soon as he wrote the bill. That's not a small number. How can simple busyness be sold.

When curry and Santos saw this tweet from Kevin, they forwarded it and recommended the magazine to their fans. After all, they all have articles published in it, so there are quite strong excuses for recommendation.

Curry and Santos are both famous writers in the British literary world. With their recommendation and people's forwarding, the news that Wenfeng will be published soon began to spread wildly.

It is also because of their crazy biography that many people are full of curiosity about this magazine. No matter which world it is, curiosity is always the most powerful weapon. Besides killing cats, it can also torture people. Therefore, many people intend to order a copy of Wenfeng because of their curiosity.

So, in a curious mind, they began to make a crazy call to Sihua Culture Co., Ltd.

"Hello, is this Wenfeng magazine? I'd like to order Wenfeng for one year. Yes, it's a whole year. You didn't hear me wrong

"I need to order a copy of Wenfeng magazine. Can you register it for me? Thank you

"Hello, I need to order 5 copies of Wenfeng. Oh, I ordered it with my classmates. So, please record the information for me. Thank you

"I like Kevin's articles so much. Order a copy of Wen Feng for me. As long as Kevin posts in it, I'll keep subscribing. "

At this time, Crawford, who is in charge of Wenfeng magazine, seems to gradually understand what Kevin told him. He ran to Kevin's office happily, then forgot to knock on the door and went in.

"Kevin, it's amazing. You know what? Since you tweeted, more and more people have called to subscribe to Wenfeng in advance. This morning, our phone was blown up. If it goes on like this, we'll have to increase our manpower. " Crawford said excitedly.

But when he finished, he remembered that he seemed a little impolite. So he was embarrassed and said, "sorry, boss, I forgot to knock when I came in."

Naturally, Kevin won't bother Crawford about such small things. He gave a little smile and then said, "Crawford, it's just a small thing. The good news you've brought me has made me completely forget it. Now my mind is full of the excitement of the good news you brought. "

"Yes, boss, it's incredible. No wonder the outside world has always said that you are a miracle maker. I have to believe it now. "

Yes, when Crawford came for an interview, he doubted Kevin. Kevin is so young that even if young people are talented, they are not suitable to be a boss. After all, their psychological aspects are not fully mature.

But after a few days of contact, Crawford felt that Kevin was completely different from other young stars. He didn't have that kind of young frivolity and arrogance. On the contrary, he has unlimited self-confidence and modest studious.

After this incident, Crawford's admiration for Kevin became more and more. He had never seen a magazine ordering so much without publishing any content. And it's all just because Kevin posted a tweet. If you add a lot of money to promote, isn't it even more incredible?