Kevin knows that this article must have something to do with Brian's people. After all, only a few of them know about it. But he didn't want to pay too much attention to it. Countless things have made him understand that it is very important to make himself more excellent.

So, after hanging up with Bella, kevin wrote in his own Twitter: I know that there are always some voices of doubt with me on my way of growing up, but I'm glad that you support me all the way. I am a writer, I am not a professional writer. I want to write words for someone or name their album. That's my freedom. Here, I repeat, I haven't written lyrics to anyone so far. Thank you for your support.

Yes, Kevin has never written lyrics to anyone so far. Even the songs Bella used to compose are all from his poems. In other words, he first wrote poems, and then Bella, as a singer, felt that these poems were suitable for composing music.

When Brian was looking for him, he also told each other that if he thought which one of his poems was suitable for making music, he was willing to cooperate. But Brian didn't do it. So it's no wonder Kevin.

As soon as Kevin's tweet was sent out, it was immediately supported by fans and readers. They started to tweet a lot about Kevin.

"Yes, Kevin is right. When did he write lyrics to a singer or star? Never. Bella's "when you're old" and now "I've seen you cry" are all his poems

"I always support Kevin. Kevin is a writer and poet with personality and calm. He is just a writer. Has he ever written lyrics to a singer? Those who know him know that they are all poems written by him. "

"There are many excellent poems in Kevin's all living beings. If the so-called male star feels at a loss, you can look for some suitable poems to compose a tune like Bella."

"Come on, Kevin. I've always loved your poetry. Your poetry is full of charm. "

So, with Kevin's explanation of the effect of this article, we can basically tell right from wrong.

Kevin was not much affected by the incident. He continued to listen to his songs and write his collection of Sherlock Holmes.

Bella's side, recently also received a lot of concert invitation, and every concert is basically full of fans. This makes Bella and her company very happy. After all, Bella has become a real cash cow. She not only plays well, but also sings well.

The hit song "I've seen you cry" has recently begun to sweep the hearts of young people in Britain. Therefore, if you observe carefully, you will find that many young people are humming this song in their mouths. They are singing softly:

I've seen you cry - a bright tear

With your blue eyes;

At that time, I thought to myself, isn't this the right way

A violet with dew;

I've seen you laugh - Sapphire flame

No more flashes in front of you,

Oh, how can the twinkle of a gem match

The flexible light of your glance.

It's like dark clouds coming from the sun in the distance

Get strong and soft color,

Is the shadow of the evening

It cannot be driven away from the sky;

Your smile in my gloomy mind

Also infused with pure joy;

Your face left a flash of light,

Like the sun in my heart.

Bella's new album is a success once again, which also shows the charm of Kevin's poetry. As a result, many singers began to imitate Bella, trying to find their own lyrics in Kevin's poetry or other poets' poems.

During this period, Kevin has also received calls from many singers or entertainment companies. They all mean that they want to choose a few poems as their own songs in all living beings.

"Hello, dear Mr. Kevin, may I have a word with you? Yes, I think some of your poems are very suitable for my new album. If you like, I think no matter how much it costs, I'll buy its music rights. "

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Mr. Kevin. I've seen your collection of sentient beings. It's very good. There are several poems in it, which I think are suitable for composing. So, you see if we can come out and talk. Yes, I'm in Edinburgh, too. We're in the same city. "

"Dear Kevin, it's wonderful to hear your voice. You are the greatest poet of our time. Your collection of sentient beings is very good. I like it very much. At the same time, I'm glad to see such a great work in this era. As a singer, I think I have to do what I can for a good work. Would you like to sell me the music rights of some poems? I think they are all very suitable for making music

"Hello, Mr. Kevin. Are you free? Yes, about your poetry. I like them very much. They are so beautiful. I think when they become music, they must be beautiful and popular

The purpose of these people to call Kevin is also very obvious, that is to learn from Bella and use Kevin's poems as the lyrics of their new songs. So, during this time, besides writing "Sherlock Holmes", Kevin also chatted with these singers and many entertainment companies almost every day.

In less than a week, many of the poems in Kevin's all living beings were selected by many singers and arranged. This phenomenon also makes Kevin suddenly make a lot of money. Fortunately, in this parallel world of Britain, there is no such thing as text with music copyright, so all the income belongs to Kevin alone.

Kevin's pioneering work has also benefited other poets and writers, because no singer has ever thought of using the poet's poetry to compose music before, but after Kevin's incident, they have all changed. In the past few days, in addition to Kevin's poems, many other outstanding poets' representative works have been bought by many singers.

David Lee and Randolph AUM, the president of the British Poetry Association, were amazed at this phenomenon. After all, they have been concerned about English poetry for many years. They have never seen poetry attract so much attention.

At this time, David Lee finally determined how correct that sentence was - Kevin's arrival will certainly raise the level of English literature.