The Royal poetry publishing house will not only satisfy the signature market of these 1000 volumes, but will print 200000 copies for the fourth time. So, in order to sell the 200000 copies in a short time, they also began to release the information.

Although Kevin now has the status of poet laureate, many people are still very surprised at the number of 200000 copies of the fourth printing of all living beings. Poetry and fiction are totally different markets, at least for now.

But it turns out that their worries are totally superfluous. When the collection of sentient beings moved to the market again, it soon sold a lot. And many people said they would buy one. After all, Kevin can become the highest level poet laureate with such a collection of poems, so the charm of this work itself must be extraordinary.

After signing the 1000 copies, Kevin stayed in London for three days, then packed up and went back to Edinburgh. Randolph AUM attached great importance to this literary genius, so he came to the prince hotel to take him to the airport.

"Dear Mr. Randolph AUM, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to see me off. I feel extremely honored for that." Kevin said gratefully.

"Ha ha, Kevin, don't be too polite. This is what I should do. Oh, it's almost time. Hurry in. Remember to write more excellent poems. That's my favorite Randolph AUM said happily.

"Well! I think I will. Bye

After waving to Randolph AUM and others, Kevin goes into the airport and gets on the plane to Edinburgh.

The poet laureate is a very glorious thing, so Kevin is back in glory this time. Perhaps, he would not know that in Edinburgh Airport at this time, headmaster harden and Edinburgh mayor Cornwall were waiting for his return.

Cornwall seldom cares about the literary world, but the laureate poet is not the same. It is the highest level of English poetry. In other words, the future of this person is bound to be infinite. Therefore, in order to show his respect for the future literary magnate, Cornwall personally came to welcome his return.

As a mayor, Cornwall came to meet Kevin in person. Naturally, he won't keep a low profile. At this time, Edinburgh Airport in the top has been hung with a red banner, which has bright large words: Welcome poet laureate Kevin home.

Kevin got out of the airport and was surprised to see such a picture. However, he is very happy and enjoys the feeling. After all, he has been writing on the earth for a long time, and now he is very happy to get so many people's attention.

Kevin seldom reads Edinburgh news, so he doesn't have a deep impression on kovar. The first person he recognized was headmaster harden.

"Hi! Dear headmaster harden, thank you for picking me up again. Oh, and the banner you put up at the airport. I'm very moved. " With that, Kevin gave headmaster harden an English gift of gratitude.

When headmaster harden heard that, it was the mayor's credit. How dare he ask for credit. He immediately shook his head and said, "no, Kevin, I didn't make this. I just did my job to pick you up. Oh, this is the mayor of Edinburgh, Mr. Cornwall. Maybe you should give him a big thank you. He did all this. "

At this time, Kevin realized that he was impolite, so he immediately reached out and shook a hand with Cowell.

"Dear mayor of Cornwall, please forgive me for my very sorry behavior. At the same time, it's a great honor for me to express my sincere thanks for your welcome. "

Kevin really didn't expect that the mayor of Edinburgh would personally come to the airport to receive his return, so he had a sense of surprise at this time.

"Welcome back, dear Kevin. Don't mention it. You are the pride of our young people in Edinburgh. I think I have to do something for such a talent. So it's just one of the things I can do Mayor Cornwall said with a smile.

"What you can do is moving enough for me. Dear mayor of Cornwall, you are a good mayor. I'm very happy that Edinburgh has a mayor like you. "

"Ha ha, he's a real talker. He's really a poet laureate. Oh, let's go. We'll take you home first. Tonight's dinner will be mine. " Kovar said sincerely.

It's also a good thing to have a relationship with the mayor of Edinburgh. After all, Kevin is planning to start a culture company in Edinburgh this time. At that time, if there are any procedural problems involved, Kovar can share some for himself. So, as for coval's invitation, Kevin accepted it.

It's just that Kevin is going to take his parents with him. After all, after he became famous for his book writing, he never showed up with them when there were banquets or awards. Of course, in many cases, they are in London. It's not very convenient for them to go with them. But now it's Edinburgh and everything is much more convenient.

Cornwall had planned to invite Kevin's family, and the purpose was to thank Kevin's parents for cultivating a poet laureate. Therefore, for Kevin's request, Kovar naturally will not refuse.

Literature belongs to the Ministry of culture, so in the evening, cowall called the Minister of the Scottish cultural management center, dramunch, to come with him.

Dramunch was very happy to hear that he was having dinner with Kevin. Let's not talk about the call from Cornwall. Just yesterday, he had planned to visit Kevin himself when he returned to Edinburgh. After all, as the Minister of the Scottish cultural management center, I should have expressed my concern for such a cultural person as Kevin.

So, after receiving a call from mayor Kovar, de ramonzi rushed over without saying a word.

"Hi, Kevin. Hi. Nice to meet you. You are the pride of Edinburgh. As the Minister of the cultural management center, I am very happy that Edinburgh can produce a poet laureate. At the same time, thank you for bringing us this honor. "

After meeting Kevin, Drummond expressed his thoughts enthusiastically.

Yes, after Kevin won the title of poet laureate, he broke the history of Edinburgh. Because no writer or poet in Edinburgh's history has ever been so honored. That's why they treat Kevin so ceremoniously.