Today, it's just that the members of the panel of judges exchange their recommendation opinions with each other. It's not the final result yet. So, after the meeting, the judges went back to each other.

As president Randolph AUM strongly recommended the collection of all living beings, these people bought a copy by the way after they went back to see what happened.

But it was just so casual. In less than ten minutes, their faces were surprised.

"My God, I can't believe it's a poem written by a young man in his twenties. It's too deep."

"I just saw the first one, and it was amazing. I didn't expect that modern young people could write such perfect poems. My God, I can't help it. I've been fascinated by his poetry. I'm going to keep looking. "

"Today, Randolph AUM said that this collection of poems written by Kevin is wonderful. I don't believe it. Now I have to believe it. This is a near perfect collection of poems. Although I only read a few poems in front of me, every capital is so outstanding, it's just wonderful. "

"Not bad, not bad. I haven't read poems written by young people for many years. Kevin's collection of living beings directly brings modern English poetry to a higher level. "

After reading some of the poems in the collection of all living beings, these people have to express similar exclamations as above. At this time, they finally understood why Randolph AUM would strongly recommend Kevin to be the poet laureate this time.

Two days later, it was the poet laureate's reconfirmation meeting, and the final result was very crucial. Because the vote of any one of the judges played a key role.

"As I said before, though young and not royal, Kevin's poetic talent can really be called the work of a modern English poet. I think he will take English poetry to another level. So my answer today is Kevin Randolph AUM said at the meeting.

This time, no one will be surprised by Randolph AUM's words, because everyone who has seen all living beings knows that Kevin's talent is worthy of the title of modern poet laureate.

As a result, many people are also on the side of Randolph AUM at this time.

"I also agree with President AUM that Kevin is really good at writing poetry. I've been watching it for two days. Maybe he can make English poetry go around the world. "

"I think Randolph AUM is right. Kevin's poetic talent is really different. I've never seen any poem in a poetry collection that can be excellent to near perfection. So, like Randolph AUM, I support Kevin

"I've changed my mind about the last two days. This time, like Randolph AUM, I voted for Kevin. I think Kevin can get the title of poet laureate

Of course, although the judges acknowledged Kevin's poetic talent, not everyone voted for him. After all, the influence and contribution of other poets to English poetry are also great. And their poetry status and identity are beyond Kevin's comparison, so they also naturally won the votes of some judges.

But the final result of this selection is that Kevin won the title of poet laureate by one vote over York Rutland. This result is no doubt unexpected to many people. Therefore, the official website of the British Poetry Association is not published immediately, which is one of their rules

After the list of Laureates is confirmed, they usually choose to publish it two days later. The aim is to give the judges extra time to think. Even if something goes wrong, they can adjust it in time.

In these two days, no judge can disclose the list. If anyone violates the rules, they will not be qualified to be judges next time.

So at this time, in addition to the judges who participated in the final judgment know who the poet laureate is, other people do not know. Because of this, he thought that the poet laureate would be won by his father. At this time, he had already ordered the hotel for the celebration banquet in the local hotel.

Because his father lived in Edinburgh temporarily, J was in Edinburgh all this time. On this day, he just came back from the hotel and arranged everything. Then he met Kevin on the street of Prince Street.

He met Kevin the last time he was in London. So this time I recognized each other at a glance.

"Well, isn't this Mr. Kevin, the great writer! Oh, good afternoon, Mr. Kevin There is a slight contempt between J's words.

"Hello, nice to meet you." Kevin said politely.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I have to prepare for my father's Poet Laureate banquet, so goodbye."

J's words are deliberately said to Kevin, the purpose is to tell each other, this time the title of poet laureate, his father must be captured.

But j won't know, Kevin didn't feel uncomfortable because of his words. The face of this literary youth is still full of confidence.

Two days later, at nine o'clock, it was time for the British Poetry Association's official twitter to announce the biggest news of the year. Yes, according to the deliberation, today's 9 o'clock is the day to announce the winner of the title of poet laureate on time.

"After the unanimous decision of the jury, the laureate is Kevin. Congratulations to Kevin, who is the first poet laureate in our history. Because before that, we have not had a poet in his twenties who has won such an award. " The official tweet of the British Poetry Association wrote.

As soon as this tweet was launched, it immediately surprised many people. They couldn't believe their eyes. Many people went to the bathroom, tried to clean their eyes with the water from the tap, and then ran back to the computer to have a look.

But sorry, no matter how many times they wash their eyes, the content of the official tweet from the British Poetry Association at nine o'clock is still unchanged - Kevin is the poet laureate this time. He created a miracle.

J was the most surprised and didn't believe the result. He read the content of this twitter several times and called the relevant personnel to confirm. But the final result is still that his father did not get the honor of poet laureate.

So, at this time, J had to be busy with the cancellation of the banquet hotel.