After a brief chat with Jennie Norfolk's family, Kevin follows Jennie Norfolk to a VIP table.

All the people at this table are Jane Norfolk's classmates. It's a helpless move to arrange for Kevin to sit with them. After all, besides her classmates, Jane Norfolk doesn't know many friends.

"Hi! Come on, boys and girls. I'd like to introduce my friend, Kevin, a gifted writer Jennie Norfolk happily introduced herself to her classmates.

"Wow! Jenny, when did you meet this talented writer. I've heard that he can write a wonderful article on the spot. "

"Yes! Jennie, I didn't listen to you before. I also like the poems written by Kevin, especially when you are old. It's so romantic. If I had known you knew him, I would have asked you to bring me an autographed work. "

"Come on, gifted writer, sit next to me. I love your poetry so much“

After hearing the introduction of Jane Norfolk, the students all said with envy.

Kevin looks at Jennie Norfolk's classmates. They are all wearing fashionable and precious clothes. At a glance, they know that their identities are not simple. No wonder there are ordinary people who can become classmates with people from such families?

"Look at you all excited. Don't scare my guests."

"Hi! Hello, everyone. I'm glad to be at the same table with you. I think this is my most beautiful accident today. " Kevin said to everyone with a smile.

"Sure enough, he is a great writer, and his words are so different. Come on, everybody, take a picture for me. I'm going to show off in front of my friends tomorrow - I'm taking a picture with a talented writer. "

As soon as the group photo was started, many people expressed their desire to take a group photo with Kevin. After all, in this parallel world, famous writers and famous singers are loved and admired by people.

For a moment, Kevin has become the most popular person in Jane Norfolk's class. This makes Jane Norfolk very happy, in fact, as she said - this is her happiest birthday party.

As a duke's daughter's business banquet, naturally it will not be so simple. So, Jane Norfolk's father invited a famous British host to host the birthday party for her baby daughter.

When the time was almost up, the host walked into the banquet hall with a smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's a wonderful day, because she is the eighteenth birthday of our lovely little princess, Miss Jane Norfolk. I think God will continue to bless this kind and innocent little princess. Let's wish her a happy birthday. "

"Happy birthday." The people under the stage said with one voice.

At this time, Jennie Norfolk also walked into the banquet hall with a smile, then took the microphone and said to everyone, "thank you for your blessing, thank you for your father's birthday party. I'm really happy, so thank you, thank God

When Jane Norfolk finished, there was a big round of applause. In the light, the 18-year-old girl is also very charming.

After the host said a few words, the birthday party was officially started. As one of the most prestigious nobles in England, the Duke of Norfolk also brought out many top-grade wines to entertain guests, and even the chefs were invited at great expense.

Kevin doesn't know any of them, so if no one comes to toast him, he will watch the performance quietly in his seat. After all, the banquet also arranged a lot of performances in the hall, which can be said to be very rich.

It wasn't until 1 p.m. that Kevin and Jane Norfolk proposed to go back.

"Kevin, thank you for coming to my 18th birthday party tonight. I'm really happy." Said Jane Norfolk, looking at Kevin affectionately before she got on the bus.

"Come on, Miss Jane Norfolk, we're friends. As a friend, I think I have to witness your wonderful 18-year-old moment. Oh, you are so beautiful tonight. You are as intoxicated as the night at this time. "

Kevin's praise warmed Jennie Norfolk's heart and her face was full of happy smile.

As there were still guests in the hall, she had a simple chat with Kevin and then waved goodbye to each other.

When Kevin got home, he took a hot bath. It was more than 2 a.m. and he had to go to school tomorrow, so he dried his hair, lay down and went to sleep.

In the next few days, Kevin has been writing poetry anthology. He promised David Lee that he would write this poetry anthology in about half a month, so he didn't want to delay too much time. Except after class, when he came home, he used the literary memory in his mind to copy down the works of the great poets.

In about half a month, this work has been basically completed, with a total of 200 poems, each of which has been praised for a long time in the previous life of the earth. Kevin wrote and stayed up for half a month in order to complete the book. Now that the work is finally finished, he can rest assured to have a sleep.

The content of the book of songs is there, but Kevin is now faced with another problem, that is, the name of the book of songs.

"What name should I give to this anthology?"

These works are the works of great British poets of previous generations, and then form a book. Therefore, the name of the book of poems also makes Kevin difficult. After all, the content of these poems is a bit miscellaneous, and they are not all towards the same idea.

Kevin thought about it and finally decided to name it all living beings. His understanding is: since it is a representative work of all people, it is simply called the collection of all living beings. Moreover, all living beings are somewhat literary and artistic, expressing their own thinking about everything in the world.

After thinking about the name of the collection, Kevin immediately sent it to David Lee.

Since he came back from Edinburgh that day, David Lee has been looking forward to the early appearance of Kevin's collection of poems. In that case, he will be able to fulfill a wish in his lifetime.

During this period of time, David Lee's thought is extremely contradictory, because he expects Kevin's work to be completed as soon as possible, but at the same time he worries about Kevin's confusion due to his eagerness for success, so the depth of his work must be short.

Therefore, during this period of time, David Lee, who is always concerned about the British poetry world, is a suffering process.