Bogut openly laughed at Kevin when he was in the culture salon organized by time magazine last time. He didn't even read the classic works. He was not qualified to write a column in time magazine. Now Kevin has won the title of gold medal writer, the highest honor award of this newspaper, which is undoubtedly a deep blow to his face. So, after seeing Kevin this time, there was a little shame in his heart.

In addition to some literary figures, many media also came to the venue to report the event. When they saw Kevin's figure, they went to interview Kevin before the awards ceremony officially started.

"Hi, Mr. Kevin, we're from the London weekend. Can we ask you a few questions before the awards ceremony?" A young reporter with black hair looked at Kevin and said.

"Of course, it's a wonderful night. I think I'll be happy to answer your questions. " Kevin said after a familiar smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Kevin. I'd like to ask Mr. Kevin, how do you feel about winning the title of gold medal writer, or what do you want to say to your readers?" After hearing that Kevin agreed to accept her interview, the beautiful reporter showed a very happy smile on her face.

"Mr. wall called me to tell me the award. When I heard it, I was so surprised that I said to myself," my God, how can such a lucky thing happen to me. It's wonderful. I think I'd like to thank the readers for their support, which made me a gold medal writer. Thank you Kevin replied.

"We learned that before you won the title of gold medal writer, there was a little change in your vote, and it was precisely because of this change that Bala also said that you brushed the vote. Can you share a specific situation with us? "

"Yes, I didn't have the highest number of votes before, but when Jennings' secretary of education selected my" on Jealousy "into the British secondary school textbook, many people began to go to the website to vote for me. That's what caused my vote to soar. What I want to say about the ticket swipe is that God will not let those sincere people bear the injustice, he will surely give everyone the eyes of wisdom. " Kevin replied.

"So before you published on jealousy, would you have thought about such an effect?" The beauty reporter continued to ask this question.

Of course, Kevin has thought that the reason why he chose to publish "on Jealousy" at this stage was to get more support.

So, Kevin said, "on jealousy is a good article I think it's written, so I think it will make readers like it. I also believe in the charm of literature."

"Well, thank you, Mr. Kevin, for your brief interview. We also wish you to write more popular articles in the future. Thank you

As the awards ceremony is about to start soon, the beautiful journalists of London weekend have to stop their interview with Kevin.

As the silver medal winner, Bogut thought that the media would interview him by the way, but he didn't expect that there was no one at this time, so he felt lost.

At seven o'clock, the host had already stepped onto the center of the award ceremony, and then said in a loud voice, "well, dear ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to this time's award ceremony. I think the night light tonight is good and the mood of the winners is also good. All in all, it was a wonderful night. "

As soon as the words were finished, there was a warm applause. After the applause, the supporter continued:

"As we all know, Time magazine has been exploring the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature for many years, reflecting humanistic care. In terms of content and form, the journal keeps pace with the times, pursues high grade and quality, and strives for high-quality products. With the richness and diversity of its form and content, it has won the love and support of readers of all ages and different classes. "

It took about ten minutes for the host to introduce time magazine, which is also the meaning of the organizers. Their purpose is to take this opportunity to let more people understand the newspaper and then promote it.

After introducing everything about time, the next thing is about the gold medal writers. The host said, "I believe everyone knows the purpose of this evening. Yes, it's about giving awards to award-winning writers. So, next, let's welcome Ken Nile, the editor in chief of time magazine, with warm applause, to present his writer with a bronze medal

The order of awarding awards is from bronze medal writers to silver medal writers, and finally to gold medal writers. Therefore, in the following time, bronze and silver writers went to the center of the conference to get their certificates, and the prizes were given backstage.

After all the bronze and silver medal writers have won the awards one by one and stepped down, it is time to go up to the gold medal writers. As the finale of tonight's grand prize, the host naturally has to say a few words to exaggerate the atmosphere.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the exciting moment at last. This time the winner of the gold medal writer, I believe we all know. Yes, he is Kevin, the genius of English literature. Now let's welcome this talented young man to the stage with warm applause. "

As soon as the words came down, the most enthusiastic applause of the evening rang out, as if the protagonist of the evening was Kevin besides God.

Kevin in bursts of applause, not slow to go to the center of the stage. When he was in Edinburgh, he didn't show any uneasiness because of nervousness in a concert as big as Bella. Now, he is naturally relaxed and free.

"Oh, what a young and handsome boy, Mr. Kevin. Before you accept the prize, I think you have to say something to the people who support you? Maybe they're looking forward to your words tonight. "

After seeing Kevin go to the award ceremony, the host said.

Kevin took the microphone from the staff and said sincerely, "it's a wonderful night. I'm very excited. Yes, I think I have to thank my readers and those who support me, because without their support, maybe this gold medal writer doesn't belong to me. So, thank you for showing me the charm of literature. "

As soon as Kevin's words were finished, the applause he had just indulged in rang out again.