After Bala's article was published, it immediately attracted a lot of onlookers. After all, Kevin's article has just been included in the British secondary school textbook, but now someone has published an article saying that he swiped the ticket. It's really incredible.

"No? Kevin swipes for the title of a gold medal writer in the press? I can't believe it. But there seems to be some truth in what the article says. "

"According to the article, Kevin's number of votes is a bit abnormal. After all, his vote count has always been "my God, Kevin can't really brush the ticket, right? I read this article and it makes sense. Why did Kevin's number of votes rise suddenly at the end of the voting day? Don't you think it's a little strange? "

These people are more puzzled than surprised, but what Bala said in the article has a certain truth. Who is Kevin's vote in these two days suddenly soared up? Who told him to create a miracle that ordinary people can't?

Not long after he went to work, he slowly turned on his computer after drinking a glass of water. Because today is the day when the voting of gold medal writers is over, Kevin has won the highest number of votes. So, at the moment, his mood is a little extra cool.

But when he saw the computer and browsed some news, he found the article "gifted writer, please stop your ticket swiping behavior" written by bala It's a good article.

When wall saw the title, he immediately click in and read it. When he saw Bala's article saying that Kevin's high number of votes in the past two days was due to the exchange of votes, he was so angry that the whole person wanted to jump.

Wall is such a man of personality, he will jump up and shout when he is excited, and he will also jump up and shout when he is angry.

"I'm such a jerk. I'm obviously brushing my own tickets, but I say others are. I don't think God will let such a person succeed. "

Wall decided to find out the evidence of Barra's behavior. He didn't believe that Barra's vote would be so good without it.

As soon as the article about the free website came out, Kevin was pushed into the storm of public opinion again. Some British media also reprinted this article. For example, British fashion literature pioneer published an article called "literary genius = ticket swipe" on the basis of this article.

Most of the articles agree with Bala, which makes many people surprised. But these two articles also attracted the dissatisfaction of Kevin readers. They always like and support Kevin. They all believe that Kevin gets those votes by his real ability.

Therefore, they began to attack the article of the free website one after another

"Kevin? Funny? Does Kevin need to brush tickets? You know, he has been recognized as a literary genius, even if he doesn't get the gold medal writer title of time magazine? We still like him and support him. And in our minds, Kevin has long been a gold medal writer. "

"As Kevin's article said, there will always be 'jealous demons' in the world. I think Bala is jealous that Kevin's vote is higher than him, and then he will frame up the other party to swipe the ticket. I went to vote for Kevin when I learned that his article was selected into the British textbook. I think most people are the same as me. "

"I don't think God would believe such a childish joke about Kevin's ticket swipe. Why did he brush his ticket for the title of a gold medal writer in the newspaper? Besides, Kevin has proved himself many times. No one doubts his ability. So, I think this article is full of nonsense. "

"Since watching Jane Eyre, I've always liked Kevin. I never believed that he was a ticket swipe. Yes, Kevin's number of votes in these two days is a little high. That's because his article on jealousy was recently selected as a teaching book in British high schools, and then everyone who knew about it went to vote for him. So his votes are more concentrated. "

Jennie Norfolk saw Barra's "genius writer, please stop your ticket swiping." The 18 year old girl was also very angry after her article, and then said: what a joke, Kevin is definitely not such a person.

So, Jane Norfolk also defended and testified to Kevin in her tweet: those who always want to slander Kevin, wake up. A sincere person is never afraid of any slander.

In addition to tweeting in support of Kevin, Jane Norfolk also called Kevin and gave him encouragement and trust. It moved and pleased Kevin. After all, it is always a pleasure for any male writer to have the loyal support and confidence of an 18-year-old girl.

"Dear Miss Jennie Norfolk, thank you for passing on your trust to me. I think your goodness will be blessed by God, and you will live in a wonderful world every day. "

"Thank you, Kevin. I think I will always support and like your article. Come on. Use your strength to prove yourself and tell them that if you don't brush your ticket, you are a gold medal writer. "

"Thank you. I think I will."

After hanging up with Jane Norfolk, Kevin went to the free website to read this article written by Barra. Sure enough, as Jennie Norfolk said, Barra falsely accused herself of swiping tickets in order to get the title of a gold medal writer.

From memory, of course, Kevin knows how much negative influence this dishonest act of swiping tickets has in this parallel world of Britain, especially in the literary world. That's devastating. Maybe we can cut off the way of writers.

"For the title of gold medal writer, it's really cruel. Maybe the good God won't let you succeed. " Kevin said to himself.

Kevin believes in his readers and in the vision of the jury. So he was not very worried about his innocence. What's more, since the plagiarism incident, the voice of doubting oneself has always existed, but what? It's not you who win in the end!