"But, wall, things may not be as good as you think."

Raven doff said this time.

"Dear Mr. Raven dove, what do you mean?" Asked wall, puzzled.

"In fact, Bala was recommended this time. You know, he is the grandson of our chairman, so maybe in the final stage, the selection panel will consider this level. Besides, Bala's real identity is still a comedian. He also has a lot of fans. So it's really hard to say if Kevin can beat him. " Said Raven doff.

"Bala is quite famous, but he only publishes two articles in our newspapers a year. It doesn't make any contribution to the company's efficiency. " Asked wall, puzzled.

Bala is a young comedian in Britain. Unlike other comedians, Bala occasionally writes a few articles in addition to acting in comedies. Because of his relationship with the chairman of time, most of his articles are published here.

Originally, Bala was invited to the London Culture Salon this year. But because he had to go to Aberdeen to perform, he missed meeting Kevin.

But he didn't miss the gold medal writer selection this time, because the editor who is specially responsible for reviewing his articles selected his list.

"Yes, Barra's contribution to time is a little less, but because of his popularity as a comedian and the chairman of the board. So it's normal to be selected. It's just like Kevin didn't write for a long time in time magazine. Isn't he recommended by you? Therefore, they can only compete through their own efforts. " Said Raven doff.

"Well, I think the reader's eyes are bright. They will know who to vote for. "

Barra has been recommended by other editors, and wall can't say more. His only hope now is that readers will vote for Kevin. After all, the popularity and praise Kevin brought to time is obvious to all.

"Well, that's why I came to you. It's all right now. You can do something. Oh, God bless you

"Thank you, dear Mr. Raven doff. Bye."

When wall came out, another of his colleagues came over and asked, "Hi, Mr. Raven doff, what can I do for you?"

"It's for the gold medal writers. He said Bala was also recommended Wall replied.

"What? Is that Bala who only publishes a few articles in our newspapers every year? He's also qualified to be a gold medal writer? "

"Shh! This is the result recommended by other editors, and we should respect everyone's opinions. "

"But wal Bara has the popularity of a comedian and is a relative of the chairman, so it's very likely that he will get the title of the gold medal writer."

"Don't worry, I believe in Kevin. I think Kevin is the kind of person who creates miracles, such as his Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, or the latest Robinson Crusoe. Does he not get God's special favor every time Wall said confidently.

"Well, I can only hope that God will protect him."

So, after all the editors selected the writers, the people of time magazine put their list and information on the official website. In order to let more readers know, they also made some propaganda in Twitter: it's time to select time's gold medal writers. Are you ready to vote for the writers you like?

As soon as this tweet came out, it immediately attracted a lot of people's attention. After all, they all want to vote for their favorite writers.

"I think it has to be Bogut. He's a good writer. And it's been published in time for so many years. It was also the only writer who had a column in time

"Last night, I saw the news of his selection in Barra's Twitter. I think my vote will definitely go to him. Barra is not only the youngest and most promising comedian in England, but also the most talented writer in my mind

"I think it's Kevin. Since Kevin serialized" Ode to the Nightingale "in time magazine, I have subscribed to this newspaper. He's a great writer. He's the one who's most qualified to win the gold medal. "

"Kevin is really a very talented writer. I like every work he writes. So, I think Kevin should be in. I'll give him one. "

These people see "time weekly" after tweeting, simple message a few then immediately toward the official website. When they go to the official website, they are really happy to see that their favorite writers have been selected.

At this time, wall felt it was necessary to call Kevin, because he had already seen Bala and Bogut and others pushing the ticket. So, in order to be able to suppress them, Kevin has to canvass for himself.

"Dear Mr. wall, do you mean to ask me to talk about it in Terry?"

"Yes, as I told you before, your fans will help you. After all, except Bala, other people are not as popular as you. " Said wall.

"All right. I think I'll try my best for your value. "

"Don't worry, you are a miracle maker. Who is qualified to win if such a person doesn't win the gold medal?"

After Kevin and wall hung up, they tweeted to Terry as they said. After all, he was interested in the title of the so-called gold medal writer. It has nothing to do with money, but a name and a meaning.

So, Kevin tweeted: "I'm honored to be selected as the time's gold medal writer candidate. I hope my friends can go to the official website to vote more. It's a support for me.".

Kevin's tweet is undoubtedly exciting for his readers. Because a gold medal writer is a high honor for a newspaper or magazine. They are happy that Kevin can be selected.

"Dear Kevin, come on, I'll register a member later and vote for you. I think I will always support you. Yes, it has always been - God be my witness. "

"It's true that I paid attention to time because kevin wrote articles. Therefore, Kevin has made great contributions to time. Kevin, I support you. "

"That's great. You are the gold medal writer. When you are old is so beautiful and romantic. It is also because of this poem that many people know the existence of time magazine. "

"Wait, I'll go back to my computer tonight and vote for you on time's official website. You will always be the most talented writer in my mind. "

It wasn't long before Kevin's tweet was launched that he got a lot of support from people. These people said they would vote for Kevin.