Not long after Kevin sat down, Mr. paddock arrived. Padik has long been a household name in England, especially in literature, so Kevin has read his face in books.

When padik appeared, Kevin recognized him at a glance. As a junior, he naturally stood up and shook hands with each other warmly, then said: "Dear Mr. padik, welcome to the beautiful city of Edinburgh. I'm very happy to meet you. "

"Nice to meet you" and "nice to meet you" are very popular polite words in the UK, just like Chinese people asking "how are you?"“ Have you eaten yet.

"Dear Kevin, nice to meet you, too. To be honest, you are younger than I thought. You're amazing Padik said, giving Kevin a thumbs up.

Yes, since watching Kevin's Robinson Crusoe, Paddick, as a writer, knows that age and experience have a certain influence on writing style. From the mature writing style of Robinson Crusoe, paddock really can't believe that Kevin is still a student, but this is the truth.

"Thank you. Oh, please sit down

Kevin motioned to paddock to sit down and then asked the waiter to bring the menu.

"Hello, what can I do for you The young waiter came over with a smile on his face.

Kevin also asked Jennie Norfolk before he came over about the special dishes of Bobby's bar. Jennie Norfolk told her that haggis was the most interesting part of the store

Haggis is a famous local dish in Edinburgh, but its shape is a little strange. The black one is haggis, which is composed of mutton, minced mutton, oats and various spices. Maybe when it comes to mutton, many people will frown first to be afraid of the smell of mutton?

But don't worry, a fork haggis, a little seasoning, a mouthful into, very fragrant! There's no smell of smell that I expected! With mashed potatoes and radish, sprinkled with pepper, three kinds of seasoning with eating, it is absolutely appetizing!

Kevin ate it once when he was very young, and he still remembers the smell. So when the waiter brought the menu, he immediately ordered one.

In addition to haggis, Kevin ordered a Scottish salmon fillet and two sausage dishes.

These three dishes are all traditional Edinburgh dishes. Kevin ordered them because he wanted padik, an outsider, to taste the local characteristics of Edinburgh. This is also his hospitality.

When all the dishes come up, they chat slowly while tasting. This is a popular way for many English gentlemen to pass the time.

"Kevin, tell me, how do you think of such an island? You know what? I've been to many places in my life, but I've never been to an island like the one described in your book. That's exciting. Wild animals, savages, everything is in danger. "

At this time, paddock put down his knife and fork and asked Kevin carefully.

"Dear Mr. padik, this is my dream. I'm looking forward to heroes who have the courage to take risks, such as you. Then, in countless dreams, I have seen such a scene that a brave navigator is trapped on a deserted island, and then all the wild animals and savages appear one by one. " Kevin goes on talking nonsense.

"So many scenes in your book have appeared in dreams?" Padik asked curiously.

"It's not exactly. It's my imagination. You know, it's a writer's right to go wild. " Kevin said with a smile.

"My God, the story you wrote about this book is as interesting as the story you wrote."

Padik heard the same exclamation from the host of Edinburgh TV.

"Thank you. Maybe that's what God meant. But, dear Mr. padik, your book terror without understanding is also very wonderful. You are the writer I admire the most, explaining the spirit of adventure with actions. "

"No, I think the stories I wrote are far from your Robinson Crusoe. You use delicate and mature writing style to outline the wonderful excitement, and describe the horror and adventure incisively and vividly. I think that's what I need to learn. You're great. "

"Dear Mr. padik, your compliments will make me proud. The essence of literature comes from life, and all novels above life are meaningless. And don't you always write about your life? You have achieved the true meaning of literature. You are the greatest writer in England. "

"The essence of literature comes from life! Yes, I like that. Yes, I think so, too. I think novels are life, and novels higher than life will not have charm. "

Padik was very excited that he had found a literary confidant. At the same time, he had a sense of Kevin's future in his heart. There are too many differences between this young man and his peers. His views are too personal and his words are too charming.

"Seriously, when Robinson made a fortune in Brazil, he made a fortune. I thought you'd stop the story. But in the end you let it go. When Robinson was exiled to the island, I thought you were just writing about his strong life on the island, and then he went back to the mainstream society. But in the end, Friday appeared. It's all beyond my expectation. "

Padik continued to talk about what he thought when he saw Robinson Crusoe.

In fact, what Padik is thinking is precisely the essence of this book. The effect it wants is to pull people's curious psychological cycle gradually into it, and then can not go out completely. This is also the reason why this work has been classic for hundreds of years.

"You should know that for an adventurer, he will not be willing to settle down, he will not give up his ideal. So if Robinson gets rich in Brazil and ends up, it's obviously not suitable, and it doesn't deserve to be a hero. As for falling to an isolated island, if only one person lives there, this kind of life is a bit monotonous. So I designed Friday. "

Kevin explained patiently.

"Good, good. Only in this way can the story be wonderful. Your imagination is unprecedented. "

At this time, padik had more admiration for the young man in front of him. After all, what he considered was so comprehensive, and his mind was so meticulous.