Ernie looks at Kevin. It's not convenient for her to say anything in front of so many people. However, she can still see countless self-confidence in this young man's eyes. Perhaps, this confidence will create many unexpected miracles.

After getting Kevin's confirmation, the host went over and held the article that Kevin had just written.

"Thank you. Please read it for everyone to listen to. If you don't listen very clearly, you can read it in time

So the host moistened his voice and said, "OK, everyone, let's listen to the work Mr. Kevin has just spent more than ten minutes writing, OK?"

As soon as the words came out, the whole conference hall was quiet.

The host probably glanced at Kevin's article, then read it in a gentle voice: "why am I born?".

Three passions, simple and strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the pursuit of knowledge, and unbearable sympathy for human suffering. These feelings, like gusts of strong wind, carry me on my wandering road in the Middle East, flying over the sea of depression, to the edge of despair.

The reason why I pursue love is that, first of all, love is so enchanting that I often give up everything else in my life in order to experience the joy of love for a few hours; Secondly, love can relieve loneliness. The shivering consciousness of those who have experienced that terrible loneliness will cross the edge of the world and look straight into the bottomless abyss of cold death; Finally, in the union of love, I see the heaven that sages and poets envision in a mysterious miniature. That's what I'm looking for, and though it may be too good for human life, it's my ultimate discovery.

I pursue knowledge with the same passion. I long to understand the human mind, to know why the stars shine, and to appreciate Pythagorean wisdom about which numbers remain eternal over change.

Love and knowledge, as far as possible, lead me to heaven; But pity always brings me back to reality. The cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in hunger, oppressed and tortured people, helpless old people who cause heavy burdens to their children, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty and pain are mockery of human ideal life. I long to be able to reduce these misfortunes, but I can't help it. It's also my pain.

This is my life. I found that life is worth it; And if I could have another chance like this, I would gladly accept

This is the full text of why I was born. Although the number of words in the article is not many, it is a fine work. Because Bertrand Russell fully explained the importance of love, knowledge, compassion (kindness) in this life.

And the understanding of love, knowledge, compassion (kindness) is so mature and unique, which is why this article is widely read.

In fact, there is another sentence in the article "why am I born" which refers to the author's conjecture about which numbers are changing in Pythagoras. However, because it does not match Kevin's identity, he did not write it down.

After the host read this article, his mouth was wide open. There is no doubt that he also has a little literary knowledge. In his opinion, although the number of words in this article is very small, only a few hundred words, it is short and meaningful.

Why am I born? This is a difficult life topic, but no one can avoid it. Kevin's answer is: love, knowledge and compassion, which is a mature answer and a deep understanding of the secular world.

It's not only the moderator who praised Kevin's article, but also the media reporters. Those who listened more clearly clapped their hands warmly after the moderator read the whole article.

"Host, thank you for reading and listening. Although the number of words is not very large, literature does not care about the number of words. Therefore, I hope you will be satisfied with this article "why I was born"《 Why I was born "is my temporary writing, the purpose is to tell the world what I have been pursuing in my life. Thank you

As soon as Kevin finished, there was another round of applause. For this literary genius, and for this piece of work that can be called the beacon of life -- "why am I born?".

"Kevin, thank you for your improvisation. Although this article is very short, I like it very much. I didn't expect that your mind is so mature and your understanding of life is so profound. Everybody, I think with this, I think Kevin can write delicate and mature writing like Ode to the Nightingale, Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights《 The Celtic reporter said.

"Yes, Kevin, please forgive my misunderstanding. Although your article is only a few hundred words, it is enough to show your talent. I like the three emotions you mentioned, love, knowledge and pity. I think these three things are not only what you want to pursue, but also what we want to pursue. Thank you for writing your life so thoroughly. "《 The reporter of "literature and art" also stood up and said.

"Since watching the comparison between thrush and Ode to the Nightingale, I have no doubt that Kevin is a plagiarist. What I doubt is how Kevin can write those delicate and mature stories at his age. Now I have no reason to doubt that he wrote such a short article in more than ten minutes. In a word, Kevin is a literary genius《 The reporter of Livingston weekly also stood up and said.

The words of the reporter of Livingston weekly are also from many people's heart. After all, after comparing the manuscript of thrush with the ode to the Nightingale written by Kevin, many people know that they can't be plagiarized. They wonder how Kevin can write such mature and deep words at his age.

Now that Kevin has written this short and beautiful essay "why I was born" for more than ten minutes, they can only deeply admire Kevin's literary talent.

Seeing the scene, people began to believe that Kevin was not a plagiarist but a literary genius, and the faces of London Literature Press and Time magazine finally became comfortable. It seems that this conference is a success, because it at least makes people give affirmation to Kevin.

At this time, Ernie and wall also give Kevin a sincere thumbs up, indicating that he is so very good.