After Kevin got into Ernie's car, the breath of a mature woman was very obvious. And because of midnight, the smell is intoxicating.

The night in London is full of indulgence and desire just like the night in other prosperous cities. Look, the most lively one here is the disco bar. Every night, young people of different colors and different places gather together and swing together, as if it can shake off all the loneliness and pressure.

It's ten o'clock in the evening. It's an hour before most bars close, and the last round of ordering will soon ring. In British bars, there is no problem drinking until 11 p.m., and some bars will extend their business to midnight.

"Kevin, tell me, what do you like to eat?" Annie said as she drove.

"Whatever. I think I can swallow any food in front of a beautiful woman. Oh, if you don't mind, try some Spanish sausages. I like the smell of vanilla Kevin said wittily.

"That's all? Great writer, maybe you shouldn't save so much for me. Let me take you to a delicious Hawaiian pizza. " Said Ernie.

"Well, dear editor Annie, thank you for your hospitality."

The snack in England is different from that in China. There are very few special snacks here. Most of them are pizza, hot dogs and sausages. But the romantic and elegant Englishman can open a good bottle of wine for a sausage.

After Kevin and Ernie finished their supper, it was more than eleven o'clock. The people on the street have become much rarer. Wearing a cool suit, Enni, under the attack of the night wind, becomes more and more moving.

"Oh, no, we have to go first. I forgot one thing. I didn't order a hotel when I came here. " Kevin suddenly thought of his place.

Yes, before he came to London, he was always arranged by someone else. But tonight, because he came in a hurry. So I forgot about it.

"Don't worry, I've ordered a hotel for you. And it's the Sikes hotel you're familiar with. Well, I'm considerate enough. " Annie said, looking at Kevin seriously at this time.

"Thank you, gentle and beautiful you are naturally considerate. Oh, let's go. "

So, Ernie drove Kevin to the Sikes hotel. After coming back from the Sikes Hotel, Ernie's face has been in a red and congested state. Her mind has always been in that sensitive thought, she seems to think of her ex husband, but also like some young and talented writer.

She couldn't help it. She touched a sensitive part with her hand, and then it was late at night

Since the news of the press conference was released by London Literature Press, the media and people concerned about this matter have come to London in these two days. Hotels near the London Press are already full.

London literature press also invited time's Mr. wall and other people to participate in the press conference. Because the most important work involved in this plagiarism incident is Ode to the Nightingale, which was published by time magazine. They also have to make a statement about it.

When the day of the press conference came, many media began to walk into the conference hall one after another. The conference hall was temporarily arranged by London Literature Press. And in order to meet the needs of many multimedia people, they also specially opened another room. Therefore, the conference hall can accommodate a lot of people at this time.

London TV and some local TV stations have adjusted the cameras and so on early at this time. They want to record every detail of the press conference and then broadcast it.

Zela, Augustine and kosnovic are also watching the TV channel where they can see the press conference. They are all thinking: I'll see how you prove yourself today.

In Zela's opinion, the voice that Kevin is a plagiarist has become higher and higher now. Even if he is not really a plagiarist of other people's works, it's hard for people to tell. It's hard to say clearly.

Augustine felt very happy. He was scolding Kevin in his heart. He was a fool. If he had chosen to prove himself when the rumor first came out, maybe he would not have attracted so much attention today.

But they will never think that all this is under Kevin's control. When all the people who want him to die are elated, he still chooses to laugh without saying a word.

Kevin has been backstage of London Literature Publishing for a long time, but it's not time yet. He didn't choose to appear so fast. He just watched people talking about it quietly backstage.

The first to appear are the leaders of London Literature Press and Time magazine. As Kevin's "noble man", editor in chief Annie naturally bears the brunt.

"Hello, Annie, editor in chief. It is said that you first discovered and then published Kevin's Jane Eyre. Do you think he will be a plagiarist? With his young qualifications, can he write those profound and delicate words? "

"Yes, editor Annie, don't you think Kevin's writing is so different from his age? Have you ever suspected that he was plagiarized? "

As soon as editor in chief Annie sat down, some media threw her two questions in a row. In addition to asking Annie, they also asked Time's wall a lot of questions.

"Mr. wall, what do you think of the plagiarism of Northern Irish writers in your magazine" Ode to the Nightingale "on the Internet

"Mr. wall, I also heard that this song" Ode to the Nightingale "was first reviewed by you and finally published. Have you ever doubted why Kevin could write such mature and philosophical poems at such a young age? In other words, don't you suspect that he plagiarized? "

"Did time not consider plagiarism when reviewing manuscripts? The writing style of this ode to the nightingale is so mature and beautiful that it doesn't seem like a student can write it. Didn't you suspect Kevin plagiarize at the beginning? "


At the press conference, many media people also found a problem, that is, what about the legendary Kevin? Why hasn't he turned up yet? Doesn't it mean that he is going to answer your questions and prove himself today? But now he didn't see anyone. Was he afraid? Is he really a plagiarist and afraid to come out?