"Sell newspapers, sell newspapers, big news in the literary world. Kevin, a gifted writer, is a plagiarist."

All of a sudden, in the alleys of newspapers and periodicals came the most familiar cry in the morning in England. This is similar to the morning paper in the period of the Republic of China. But now China is few, and the parallel world of Britain is still preserved.

Annie has just finished her breakfast and is going to work in London Literature Press. After hearing the sound, she stopped and bought a newspaper.

This is the morning post of British literature. The aim of this paper is to find out the latest and comprehensive news in English literature. Because the parallel world of Britain attaches great importance to literature, so many people are full of strong interest in literature, which directly leads to the British literature Morning Post has a very good market.

"Good morning, one, please. Thank you, "said Annie gently.

So, after she got the newspaper, she quickly opened it and read it. Sure enough, the headline in the morning post of British literature was "Kevin the gifted writer is a plagiarist".

"What's going on? Does anyone want to stigmatize Kevin when they see that he's so hot recently? " Annie said in surprise when she saw the headline.

Kevin was first discovered by the editor in chief of Enni. She also watched Kevin's progress step by step, and then went on fire. So seeing such a topic, she would not believe it. So curiosity asked her to look down

Recently, the name of Kevin has shocked the whole British literary world, even the film and television industry or the music industry. Because his "Jane Eyre" was very popular, his "when you are old" was sung by Bella as a song. Wuthering Heights, which he wrote, has been reprinted several times in a few months.

Is Kevin really a literary genius sent by God? Once I and you are the same, also so deeply think. But when his poem "Ode to the Nightingale" was finished, I suddenly found something.

Yes, Kevin is so young and still a student. How could he have such a mature and delicate writing style? How could he have such a profound understanding of the real world? Then it can be perfectly injected into the poem.

This is a difficult thing, even Shakespeare's rebirth is estimated to be difficult to achieve. I don't think God can send out a literary genius so easily. God likes those who progress step by step.

Then, I looked around the Internet, trying to find out why Kevin could write such a perfect poem as a student.

But that's how I found the problem. Kevin's song "Ode to the Nightingale" is suspected of plagiarism. This poem is basically the same as that written by a writer in Northern Ireland, except that the other writer wrote a thrush and Kevin turned it into a nightingale.

If you don't believe it, you can check it out. This writer in Northern Ireland is called Charleston Noffe.

Yes, I don't believe the result. This poem, which is loved by countless people and praised by the famous poetry critic David Li himself, is suspected of plagiarism. After seeing this, I have to admit that it is a fact.

Then, everything can be explained clearly. Why can Kevin learn such a profound understanding of the real world as a student? Why is every sentence of Kevin's poem so beautiful and concise.

I think Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights should also be suspected of plagiarism. I'm trying to find the evidence. Because as a former supporter of Kevin, I have seen both works. Its description is too delicate to be grasped by a child.

Of course, I hope these two works I like are not suspected of plagiarism. But even if there is no plagiarism in these two works, "Ode to the Nightingale", it will always be Kevin's stain.

After reading the whole article, Annie couldn't believe the result, and she couldn't believe Kevin was plagiarizing. If Kevin was really famous for plagiarism, he was saying, "oh my God, is that true? Is Kevin's Ode to the Nightingale really a plagiarism? Thanks to my support. If that's the case, I'll be guilty. Because a wise man once said, "to support those who are wrong is a crime."

"I shouldn't believe it's true. I read the last chapter of the poem" Ode to the Nightingale "yesterday. Very good. But if it's plagiarism, then Kevin's behavior is a bit shameful. "

"I think this article is right, and the evidence is very strong. The evidence he cited does have a lot in common with Kevin's poems. Is Kevin really copying? "

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it's true. How can the man who wrote Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and when you're old be an abominable plagiarist

Kevin's readers simply can't accept this fact, because they like Kevin's articles so much, they are deeply immersed in the romantic mood of Kevin's writing. But if all this is plagiarized, their hearts will collapse.

As a literary editor, Zela naturally pays attention to a professional newspaper like the morning post of British literature. When she saw the news that Kevin plagiarized, she was in a good mood.

Kevin, who is despised by himself, finally has negative news, which is fatal to a writer. Because in this parallel world of Britain, people attach great importance to the protection of literary copyright. It can be said that if a writer is really proved to be plagiarized. Then he can hardly get along in the literary world in his whole life.

So Zela had to be happy to see the news, and her face began to ruddy, as if suddenly moistened by a fierce man.

"Kevin, I didn't expect your results to be the same as draxler."

Draxler, as Zella said, was also a writer, but it was seven years ago, when his essays were very popular in England. But it doesn't last long. When he said, "this is bullshit.". Kevin's "Jane Eyre" and "Wuthering Heights" have sold well. As for plagiarism for a poem? " Santos said.

Besides curry and Santos, Mr. collison didn't believe it. Although he knew that Kevin was hard to learn and had no ambition. But on the whole, he was kind and honest. He doesn't want to copy for the sake of fame and wealth.

So, collison called Kevin himself. Kevin is either reviewing the draft of youth or writing Robinson Crusoe after class these days. Because the plagiarism news comes too suddenly, he has not yet known about it. He was surprised to hear that collison said on the phone that someone had written an article to report plagiarism.