Kevin took out Augustine's "about ideals" and used another manuscript. The name of this article is "water fantasy".

The author sets himself as a whore, and then tells about the wonderful experience of drifting all the way to the sea. Kevin found such an article extremely interesting. This is what young people should read. Because it's full of wonderful encounters.

In addition to choosing this article called "water fantasy", Kevin also added his own comments. It is also called "editor's comment", which is common in other magazines and newspapers.

After all the articles are selected, this issue of youth can be officially printed《 Youth has a habit, that is, before the next issue, they will choose to publish the contents of the articles in the information column.

Edinburgh University also has a special bulletin board for youth. In addition to publishing some information about youth, the contents of articles in each issue are updated.

The news that Kevin has been the literary editor of youth as an exception has long been known to everyone at the University of Edinburgh. So when the information of this issue of youth is updated. Many students are interested in watching.

"Come on, let's see if Kevin will post it in youth. I love his poems so much. It would be wonderful if he could publish a few articles in it. "

"You forget that as the editor in chief, he can't publish his own articles in the journal."

"Oh, so is that. But fortunately, Kevin made a comment in it. I think in order to see this review, I would like to order a copy of this issue of youth. "

At this time, many people are still talking about Kevin, as if they have forgotten the frequent guest Augustine who published his works in youth.

Augustine and other people went to the "Youth" information column to watch a few eyes, every time after publishing an article, he was casually looking at a few eyes and then left. Because there is no rejection in his opinion.

But this time he opened his eyes and looked at it carefully for several times, but he couldn't find his name.

"Strange, didn't I submit an article called about ideals? Why is there no information about me? Did the person who wrote the message make a mistake? " Augustine was curious.

In desperation, Augustine called his editor kosnowich.

"Dear Mr. kosnowich, why didn't I see my article in the information column of youth? I remember clearly contributing an article? " Augustine asked politely when he got through.

Augustine has been published in youth for so many years, so it's reasonable to be familiar with kosnowich. What's more, kosnowich had been in touch with Augustine's father when he was editor of other publishing houses. That's why he took care of Augustine so much.

"Sorry, your article can't be published." Kosnowich said helplessly.

"What? Can't it be published I'm sorry, Mr. kosnovic. Please forgive my impolite tone. I mean, what's wrong with the article? " Augustine was surprised.

"The article is nothing, but some people don't like your work. So it can't be published. Can you guess who it is? Yes, it's your classmate Kevin. He thinks that your idea of about ideal is too old-fashioned, so

Augustine was so angry when he heard this news that his lungs almost exploded. He didn't expect that the people he used to laugh at and despise would really drop his articles now. If he hadn't been on the phone with kosnovic now, he would have dropped his cell phone directly on the ground.

"Dear Augustine, you don't have to be too disappointed. He and I bet that if the sales volume of this issue is not as good as before, he will take the initiative to resign from headmaster harden. This is known in the studio of youth. So let's wait and see the good play. " Kosnowich said triumphantly.

"But he can always do miracles. He seems to be God's favorite. Dear Mr. kosnowich, as you know, the sales of his books are the same Augustine was still unhappy.

"Don't worry, magazines are not the same as writing books. I admit that he is good at writing and writing. But it's not for editing. Not every writer is fit to be an editor. Well, I'll be busy first, and then you'll know he'll end up embarrassed. "

With that, kosnowich hung up.

Augustine with kosnowich's words, his heart also gradually opened a little. I hope things will be as he expected, otherwise, his contribution will be meaningless in the future.

"Some people say that Kevin is only suitable to be a writer, not an editor in chief. I want to see if the articles he has chosen are just as wonderful. Please give me a copy of youth. Thank you

"I don't want to see those boring articles before. I hope that after Kevin becomes editor in chief, youth will improve. Oh, give me one. "

"I'll have one, too. Oh, be quick. It seems that there are many people waiting behind

Yes, at this time, the "Youth" sales booth seems to be full of magic, which attracts many students from the University of Edinburgh to go towards it. Especially those girls, since kevin wrote the beautiful and romantic poem "when you are old", their hearts are full of worship and yearning for Kevin. Now that Kevin is the literary editor in chief of youth, they naturally have to support it.