"I'm sorry, can you say that again?"

Kevin naturally knows who Bryan is, but he is a little surprised at the news, so he chooses to ask again.

"Dear Mr. Kevin, I mean Mr. Bryan asked you to write some lyrics for him. Maybe we should meet and talk about it in detail, shouldn't we? " The other side said again.

"Mr. Bryan asked me to write lyrics for him. Why didn't he contact me, but you?" Kevin asked back.

Kevin is just a writer, and his ideal is to be a literary magnate. As for the songwriter and so on, he only sold the music copyright of when you are old to each other in the face of Bella.

And Brian is different. He is not related to him. On the premise that the other party doesn't call in person to invite, Kevin can make a decision according to his own mood.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bryan is busy filming recently, so we don't have any spare time. I think it's the same when we talk about it in detail. He's already delivered all the ideas to me. " The other side continued.

"But I'm sorry, sir. I've been a little busy lately, too. So I'm afraid I'll fail you. " Kevin also refused.

"Don't you think it over, Mr. Kevin? You know, Brian is a star of great popularity in Britain now. He will sing the lyrics you wrote. Then, naturally, the value of your ci writing is much higher. "

It's incredible that Kevin turned him down. After all, the average lyricist would not refuse the invitation of a famous star. The reason is very simple. The prices given by these big stars are not very low, and the popularity is high, which is conducive to the promotion of their fame.

But he won't know, Kevin doesn't rely on this to make his name. Besides, since Bella made "when you are old" popular, no one will doubt his ability of composing words.

"Thank you for your kindness. I think I'll think about it." Kevin politely refused.

"Well, you can call me any time you think about it. I think my phone will be open for you 24 hours a day. Goodbye, talented Kevin. "

Finish saying, to convenient mood not happy to hang up the phone. Over the years, he has been following Bryan, and he has rarely seen anyone turn down Mr. Bryan's invitation.

"What is it? It's a song written by Bella that has become popular? Now we're playing the big card. Mr. Bryan would not come out until we called in person to invite him. Hum! I don't believe it. You are the only one in the world who can write lyrics. "

Obviously, Brian's assistant was upset about Kevin's refusal.

Kevin doesn't care about it. After all, he doesn't have much interest in lyricists. If it is not a sincere invitation, or out of some friendship, he would not easily write poems and lyrics for whom.

Kevin put his cell phone back at the head of the bed and went to the bathroom to wash it. After all, I had a lot of wine last night, and my stomach was empty by this time. He is in urgent need of a nice cake to fill his stomach.

When Kevin finished washing, he thought of Bella and Alva. So he called Bella. Bella said on the phone that she was going down for morning tea and asked Kevin if she would like to join her. Kevin was short of company, so he agreed to go with him.

Alva after a night's rest, the spirit is much better than last night..

"Kevin, thank you for the hot towel last night." Alva said to Kevin.

"You're welcome. That's what I should do."

"I didn't expect you to have a gentle and considerate side as a great writer." Bella was joking at this time.

"Thank you. I think that's what every elegant man should do." Kevin replied wittily.

"Yes? Tell me, will you write about the party last night in your work tonight? "

"Maybe I'm not in the habit of keeping a diary. Oh, let's go. Good morning tea is waiting for us? They can't wait for us to drink it. "

After morning tea with Bella, it was almost eleven o'clock. It's an embarrassing time, because it's very close to lunch time, and they've just finished breakfast. Kaiwen thought that he would have a chance to have dinner with Bella, but Bella said that he would fly to Birmingham to sing in the afternoon, so Kevin's wonderful plan was broken.

"Dear Kevin, was it true that you said you would welcome me to your house?" When leaving, Bella looks at Kevin seriously and asks.

"Yes, and anytime." Kevin also answered her seriously.

"Well, after the Birmingham concert, I think I can make time to go to Edinburgh." Bella said.

"Great. You are welcome to that beautiful city. "

"It's going to be slick again. Oh, it's time. I'm going to the airport. Goodbye. "

Kevin watched Bella enter the airport and return to the Sikes hotel. Then, I'm going to pack up and go back to Edinburgh.

The purpose of Kevin's trip is just to attend the celebration banquet of Jane Eyre. Now that the banquet is over, it's time for him to go back.

Kevin bought a plane for the night, so when he got back to Edinburgh, it was already more than ten o'clock. But the elder didn't sleep. They went to the airport to pick up Kevin. After returning home, they made a temporary dinner for him.

Kevin was very moved. This also proves that, no matter in that world, parents' love is always deep and warm.

Kevin didn't fall asleep immediately after a shower. Because he remembered that his poems in the time column had not been sent to wall. He has to take advantage of the fact that he still remembers to send it to the other party first, otherwise he will forget it when he goes to school tomorrow.

"Ode to the Nightingale" has been serialized. Because of the curiosity of these readers, the sales volume of time magazine has maintained a good number, which makes them very happy. If it continues, Kevin will undoubtedly win the title of time's gold medal writer.

In this parallel world, it is undoubtedly the highest honor for a writer to be given the title of "gold medal writer" by magazines or newspapers. This means that the writer's contribution to the magazine or newspaper is enormous( Special thanks to "evergreen without regret" this friend, wish her (him) everything can go smoothly. Thank you.)